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CMSF Mojo Returned - Op TELIC Campaign/Missions

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Hi Folks,

Been away for a while - marriage and emigration and other stuff take up a lot of your time as I have now discovered.

Been working on an Op TELIC campaign for a bit - still a while off and not sure whether it will be a campaign or just a load of standalone missions.

Taster as follows:

Umm Qasr Google Earth Image versus CMSF Screenshot (Oblique) of same area:



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Like I said it will probably be a while yet - I still haven't finalised the detailed concept and have got about 4 or 5 maps to do. I'll post the maps on here in the proposed campaign order as I finish them. Unfortunately I haven't been doing the maps in campaign order which I realise was a big mistake because I can't put troops on the maps and put enemy AI plans in on the maps I have completed.

I am now working on one of the early maps which is about 75% there and will then start the 2nd early map and once those are done I think I'll have a better idea of what I'm doing - hopefully things will progress quicker once I've got those out of the way.

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Boche ... it is primarily a Brit campaign, the meat of it will be the assault and clearance of the Al Faw Peninsula and the capture of Basra.

Core units are not firmed up yet but it will be mostly 3 Commando Brigade elements supported by the Light Dragoons and some heavier stuff from 7 Armoured Brigade. Given that 15 MEU USMC was attached to 3 Commando, at this stage I'm planning some missions with then as well - the initial attack on Umm Qasr (the map attached in the first post) was done by them.

I haven't made any hard and fast decisions about the enemy - the actual enemy were bog-standard units so we're talking T-55 and BMP-1 and I don't plan to change that - it is all a question of whether I need some of the niche stuff bundled with the NATO module (ZU-23 and ZU-23 technicals). At this stage I'd rather limit it so that players only need the Brit and USMC modules.

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Ok - next map is up. To be honest it took me longer than I thought to complete it but I'm glad it is done now because I'm away with work for most of next week and therefore won't be able to work on this project until I get back.

The map is of the Al Faw Monitoring and Metering Station (MMS) which was one of the oil infrastructure objectives that the Coalition was tasked with capturing intact early on.

The mission was given to C Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines who were helicoptered in on the night of 20/21 Mar 03.

This mission is likely to be one of the first three missions in the campaign as I plan to sequence it chronologically.

The map itself has been rotated to make the mapmaking task easier and is scaled at 1:1 (unlike the Umm Qasr map which I rectified again to make work in the editor easier for me). Map size is 1296m x 1824m.

Here is the actual facility in Google Earth:


Here is my representation of it in CMSF:



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FWIW, this is the first scenario in the "Force on Force" Iraq War scenario book. I poked around on Google Maps months ago and tried to figure out just where the complex was...rather pleased I seem to have got it right.

That said, I am MOST impressed by the rendition you've done in CM:SF and will be following this project with great interest.

Best of Luck!




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LLF - I certainly can - where does the 'img' fit in the tag to make it display? Once I master this I can promise you heaps of screen shots.

Thanks for the compliments by the way - I must admit I was surprised at how long this map took me because when I looked at it on Google Earth my first thought was that it's just a box with some berms and roads - how wrong was I????

Anyway - back from the work trip so work will restart ...

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Easy. Just hit the "quote" button on my previous post and you'll see how to do it.

It's HTML: you precede the filename (ending .jpg, .gif, .png, whatever) with squarebracketimgsquarebracket and then end it with squarebracket/imgsquarebracket. Spaces between brackets and text not required.

Squarebrackets being [ and ]

The VC for this scenario should be quite interesting. I assume the Coalition has a number of "Preserve" building objectives which for the Iraqi side are "Destroy", involving emplaced IEDs or sumfink. So the commandos need to neutralize the triggermen before they demolish the valve control buildings and the valves themselves.

Not much in the way of prepared defensive positions in this complex, I'd imagine; maybe a blockhouse (bunker) at the entrance plus a barracks area where the majority of the Iraqi defenders would be located. I can't see them sitting in trenches around the complex, especially at night. But I haven't read the book.

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LLF and PaulMG - I'll try and work out the [img) thing.

LLF - to answer your question about VC - yes you're pretty much bang on the money with the 'preserve' thing. At this stage I'm not thinking too much about the detail of how the missions will work because I just want to sort the maps out first (always the biggest and hardest job).

Once all the maps are squared away I will then focus on the units and plans thing.

My aim with this campaign is to try as much as I can to replicate history but I know that will be pretty much impossible because the sources available are pretty sketchy. To give you an example, the map I started today covers the pipleline complexes (PPLM and PPLK) described in the book 'Target Basra' but having spent a lot of time trying to find exactly where they are (without success) I have had to make an educated guess. The next map to be posted will be the PPLM/PPLK map referred to above - like the last one it is a biggie (1.5k x 2k) and I reckon it will be ready in a couple of weeks.

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Just kibitzing here (killing time during a child's ballet rehearsal), but I'm idly mulling how to represent oil infrastructure using the limited building set in the game. One decent trick I found was to use the "stilts + no-railing" balcony type with the "breached" wall surface to create a skeleton that can variously represent a partly constructed building, a parking garage or, as shown in this shot, a large water tank tower.


I can't clearly see them in the imagery, but the site probably contains a maze of above-ground pipelines mounted on frames; probably next to roads. Third World facilities generally don't bother to bury these things except where a road needs to cross them which would be most cheaply accomplished with a gravel culvert. The single feeder pipes (feeding out to the tank farm) would seem best represented for tactical purposes by the low stone walls (laying down hundreds of oil drums end-to-end would be a nightmare.

For the larger pipeline arrays coming in from the oilfields (multiple larger diameter pipes seated in parallel on a frame), you might consider the long thin 1x2 square building with "shot out" sides as shown above. To lower the profile for LOS purposes, maybe sink the elevation of the squares they're in by a meter or two.


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FWIW, this is the first scenario in the "Force on Force" Iraq War scenario book. I poked around on Google Maps months ago and tried to figure out just where the complex was...rather pleased I seem to have got it right.

That said, I am MOST impressed by the rendition you've done in CM:SF and will be following this project with great interest.

Best of Luck!




Cyrano - no it isn't I'm afraid but thanks for the pointer - I've got the same book and hadn't considered looking at it for some bizarre reason. The good news for you is that I will add this to the list of missions with suitably beefed up Iraqis of course.

The Az Zubayr facility is here on Google Earth:

30 18 55 31N 47 43 35 37E

The Al Faw MMR facility that I modelled in CMSF is here on Google Earth:

29 58 06 96N 48 27 09 49E



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Ok guys as requested here's an oblique of the Al Faw MMS ... if it works of course. Not a particularly inspiring view but then it ain't a particularly inspiring piece of real estate.

You may be wondering why there are no storage tanks particularly visible - the simple reason for that is that there aren't actually many in the real complex. The circular things that you would expect to be storage tanks don't rise above ground level in most cases - or if they do then it isn't apparent on the Google Earth imagery (absence of shadows is the key indicator here)


Anyway enjoy!!

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