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The Scottish Corridor Thread

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Out of interest if I wanted to go back and replay mission 12, which I have the save game of - but it keeps crashing during the red button after the setup phase. Is there a way round this? I have no file prior to this.

Short answer: no. It is something to do with barbed wire being visible during the setup phase that breaks the loading behaviour. If you don't have an earlier save there is no workaround that I know of.

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Gawd Grainville was a massacre for me! I just couldn't outflank that little defensive belt no matter what I tried with the paltry battered platoons I had at my disposal. My first major defeat! Ouch!

Just finished that scenario and I know what you mean my men were getting minced!!! I was very surprised to pull off a total victory as it was a tough bugger to crack.

The key in the end was to flank left and ignore the sniper in the house and all the troops / half track in village to the right. Of course it tells you this in the briefing but you can get drawn into fire fights you can ignore.

Of course I failed to do this fully and lost 4 men taking out that 2 man sniper team and I got nailed by that damned IG gun but once I realised my mistake I just kept flank to left and lined all my remaining troops up against the bocage and engaged in concentrated fire power on the real target.

The Airstrike did take out one squad in fox holes and then used it's second bomb to take out exact same spot second time!!! A*rse!!

So with my ragtag force I managed to storm the buildings but not without some losses at the doorways!!!

Really surprised I even got the 100 points for low casualties as I thought I had lost way too many. I had to throw in Co Hq at the end.....

I think so far that was the worst scenario for making me feel I was close to losing. Quite nice to do a low intensity one (well hardly any arty and no tanks is what I mean by low intensity).

Now Looking to do set up for Crescendo and boy do I get some toys to play with!!! 3x17pdrs - sweet... (Just wondering what nightmare will be thrown at me if I get all those toys what on earth does the AI get!!!)

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Out of interest if I wanted to go back and replay mission 12, which I have the save game of - but it keeps crashing during the red button after the setup phase. Is there a way round this? I have no file prior to this.

If you really have no file before the save you talk of you are Scooby DooD!!

I could send you my file if you need one as I have kept all files.

Unless you have deleted it the game automatically takes a save where you can select Real Time / Turn based play (drop down choice I alluded to in my previous post). From this save you would be fine. I can send you that but I am not sure how it will effect the campaign results? I would guess you would get all my stats at the end as they must be carried between save files?

It would at least save you starting from the beginning again?

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You should have air support in 'Grainville Chateau' and 'Crescendo of Doom'. Because of the appalling weather, there was no air support on Day 1 and 2 of Epsom. Otherwise, I'd have used it more frequently. Effective or ineffective, I don't care, I LIKE air support ;) (There was air support in the original version of 'The Odon Bridges' mission as well but testing revealed that it really wasn't necessary.)

Yep got Airpower in the Château but I have done it out of sequence down to that draw!! It was sort of useful in the Château and who knows what it will do in Crescendo....

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Just finished that scenario and I know what you mean my men were getting minced!!! I was very surprised to pull off a total victory as it was a tough bugger to crack.

The key in the end was to flank left and ignore the sniper in the house and all the troops / half track in village to the right. Of course it tells you this in the briefing but you can get drawn into fire fights you can ignore.

Of course I failed to do this fully and lost 4 men taking out that 2 man sniper team and I got nailed by that damned IG gun but once I realised my mistake I just kept flank to left and lined all my remaining troops up against the bocage and engaged in concentrated fire power on the real target.

The Airstrike did take out one squad in fox holes and then used it's second bomb to take out exact same spot second time!!! A*rse!!

So with my ragtag force I managed to storm the buildings but not without some losses at the doorways!!!

Really surprised I even got the 100 points for low casualties as I thought I had lost way too many. I had to throw in Co Hq at the end.....

I think so far that was the worst scenario for making me feel I was close to losing. Quite nice to do a low intensity one (well hardly any arty and no tanks is what I mean by low intensity).

Now Looking to do set up for Crescendo and boy do I get some toys to play with!!! 3x17pdrs - sweet... (Just wondering what nightmare will be thrown at me if I get all those toys what on earth does the AI get!!!)

Crescendo is excellent, but god what a meat fest. I just got awarded a tactical victory god knows how I managed that. By the skin of my teeth.

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If you really have no file before the save you talk of you are Scooby DooD!!

I could send you my file if you need one as I have kept all files.

Unless you have deleted it the game automatically takes a save where you can select Real Time / Turn based play (drop down choice I alluded to in my previous post). From this save you would be fine. I can send you that but I am not sure how it will effect the campaign results? I would guess you would get all my stats at the end as they must be carried between save files?

It would at least save you starting from the beginning again?

Thanks for the offer appreciate it. But the files are quite large - and I'm not sure how that would work at my end once I fire it up. I think I'm going to have to replay from mission 1 :(

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Thanks for the offer appreciate it. But the files are quite large - and I'm not sure how that would work at my end once I fire it up. I think I'm going to have to replay from mission 1 :(

It would be no problem as I can invite you to my drop box and you can download it easy enough so no e-mail required.

The only downside is that you will get all my excellent results...


Simple to just try it and see and if no good nothing lost.... I will PM you my e-mail address

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You've played most, if not all, the campaign missions at Veteran level? From 'Road to Cheux' onwards? That's impressive indeed! I suspect that you'll find the 'Crescendo of Doom' mission quite challenging at veteran level. I look forward to hearing how you fare with them.

Panthers and more bloody Panthers... (MKIV's are for the weak...(I wish they were MKIV's!!!))

About 35 mins left and I have lost 4 Churchills. 1 my mistake in not thinking the AI would punish me. 2 were a fair cop and the fourth some weird LOS that surprised me and I could not get him out as crew panicked.

So far bailed 2 maybe 3 Panthers and destroyed 4 or 5 (one I just nailed and I am awaiting outcome in next turn. The German arty has so far not done too much other than kill a few men. I managed not to be in the places of bombardment at the beginning bar my FOO who had a lucky escape and was instrumental in pretty much delaying the German Infantry attack on my right flank. The German Inf attack on the left has been held off by three (now 1) Churchills.

I will try and make some time to post some screen shots of what I planned and how it worked out. I need to read up on air attacks to see how best to use them....

So far so good and I hope the remaining 35 minutes will see me hold the Germans off. Not a German on the objective yet!!! The Panthers are getting restless and I hope to bag a few more.... You have to love the 17pdrs!!!

The scale of the battle is great....


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Yikes I have to keep what I have from Crescendo for the next one!!!! You S*d Paper Tiger we should run you out of town....

But then who would do the Arnhem Campaign!!! I hope you are working hard!!!

hehe yeah I noticed that too! Bit of a bugger. Hence the restart. I have to say, I'm enjoying the replay much more than I thought I would. The AI is behaving differently ;)

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Right must stop for the night but tally so far is only 4 Panthers left prowling and the rest de clawed. I have 11 Churchills still in the fight but one has had it's engine blown by some nasty shreck wielding German. (the crew is on a sticky wicket and might come in for tea)

All AT guns still in play (one is down to two crew and they are pushing a 17PDR between them as they run away!!!). The 6Pdrs have been quiet and they are my final line of defence.

One Churchill (minus engine) has won a VC by destroying 4 Panthers and a 17Pdr crew will be getting the same. Lost track of how many he despatched but he is down to 2 HE rounds and being targeted by an angry Panther.

Some rockets are about to land and I think he has a bead on the 17pdr maybe they should cut lose and run....

20 mins to go and I am waiting for the airforce to come in and help out (or hinder me!!!)..

More on Tuesday.

Good fun....

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Just been able to finish this off and at 18 minutes the Germans threw in the towel and a total victory for the brave Scots... The airforce boys missed and did very little damage to two Panthers sat stationary next to one another. The Germans had 4 runners and 1 abandoned. They got no where near the objectives and the expected last minute dash by the remaining Panthers did not happen.

Now for the joy of a night battle. Not fought one of those with the new engine so should be interesting to see how it goes. At least you can get flank shots easier at night... (I hope...)

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I hope you are working hard!!!

I'm afraid that I'm taking a break for a little while. I got a bit burned out putting this (and Montebourg) together. I'm thinking that my next project will have to have fewer missions.

Now for the joy of a night battle. Not fought one of those with the new engine so should be interesting to see how it goes.

I've been trying to avoid them as much as possible. Without star-shells or other night illumination, they just don't feel real. However, this one really hit the spot for me when I was working on it. No Panthers this time around.

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Just been able to finish this off and at 18 minutes the Germans threw in the towel and a total victory for the brave Scots... The airforce boys missed and did very little damage to two Panthers sat stationary next to one another. The Germans had 4 runners and 1 abandoned. They got no where near the objectives and the expected last minute dash by the remaining Panthers did not happen.

Now for the joy of a night battle. Not fought one of those with the new engine so should be interesting to see how it goes. At least you can get flank shots easier at night... (I hope...)

Considering you were up against Panthers that is an incredible result. I scored the same in my first run but I was up against a decent number of MKIV's instead which just isn't the same. The Germans took one VL off me as well but I soon exacted my revenge with some very accurate heavy artillery.

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I'm afraid that I'm taking a break for a little while. I got a bit burned out putting this (and Montebourg) together. I'm thinking that my next project will have to have fewer missions.

Fair enough you can see all the hard work in this campaign and I would seriously buy you several beers for this as all very good. Hope you are enjoying the break.


It does mean IU have time to try road to Montebourg as I know that area of France and now I know how good campaigns are it will fix my CM itch...

I've been trying to avoid them as much as possible. Without star-shells or other night illumination, they just don't feel real. However, this one really hit the spot for me when I was working on it. No Panthers this time around.

Sounds good and I hope to fire that scenario up this weekend if all goes to plan..

I am sure there will be plenty of other nasty surprises....


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Considering you were up against Panthers that is an incredible result. I scored the same in my first run but I was up against a decent number of MKIV's instead which just isn't the same. The Germans took one VL off me as well but I soon exacted my revenge with some very accurate heavy artillery.

Not really as it is all about deployment and biding your time. The AI is good but not great (it never will be great IMO due to restrictions of coding etc...)

So if you get inside the loop on what the AI is trying to do, which with an AI attack scenario is fairly easy. Then map those observations against the terrain and what you have and you should be good.

This is of course if you have a decent force to play with, as mentioned by others if you lose too much early on then you might reach a situation where even if you did all the above you could not defeat all that you are up against. Which is fair enough, as this is the beauty of a campaign.

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No Panthers this time around.

That was not quite true was it... The word panther did appear!!!

Another hard battle and at times I thought I was going to go under.

Total Victory in the end and lost 5 x Churchills, 3 x 6pdrs and 2 x 17pdrs.

The Germans had one Stug running and all other armour destroyed including those 3 nasty JPanthers...

My arty was used effectively to strip the German Infantry away and my last 6pdr and 17pdr saved my bacon. (Lost a FOO in the last 10 mins as Germans stormed the building he was hiding in).

Some weird LOS issues over a field on the left flank where a 17pr should have seen the 3 tanks in front of it. They drove to within 50 meters and machine gunned the crew and forced the gu8n to be abandoned. Maybe a bug and I will add to my list and do a decent post explaining all issues found with the game.

I must say there was only one annoyance with the campaign is the way terrain changed.

You had at one point tall bocage and then it suddenly same map next scenario became low bocage.

Also the Tank Traps were back after being taken away in Scenario 13? I think a few other inconsistencies but can not remember exactly. A bit like watching films and things not being set up quite right between takes...


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Well spotted Holien - I haven't noticed that to be honest but things like buildings that were standing in one battle and not in the next is a bit weird. You could put this down to abstraction I suppose but it does lose a bit of fluidity as a result.

I've got one weird oddity in Mission 6 so far. I have been careful to keep hold of my Bren carriers because they are valuable assets in these early missions. But the one carrier I have here I cannot man. It permanently says 'dismounted' no matter if I take a driver from a jeep, or a scout crew. Obviously it has lost the crew in a prior mission, but it seems a waste if I can't use it.

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Well spotted Holien - I haven't noticed that to be honest but things like buildings that were standing in one battle and not in the next is a bit weird. You could put this down to abstraction I suppose but it does lose a bit of fluidity as a result.

The buildings I can live with if they have suffered more damage than last game as that can be explained away but bocage being cut is a hard one to explain away.

I've got one weird oddity in Mission 6 so far. I have been careful to keep hold of my Bren carriers because they are valuable assets in these early missions. But the one carrier I have here I cannot man. It permanently says 'dismounted' no matter if I take a driver from a jeep, or a scout crew. Obviously it has lost the crew in a prior mission, but it seems a waste if I can't use it.

Not sure what is causing that maybe classed as a bug? As you should be able to re-crew vehicles?

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  • 2 months later...

Have to bring this one up again as I just finished the SC campaign and want to applaud PT for this amazing production. Im a big fan of your work PT and very much look forward to your next campaign. Big thanks for bringing us the most out of this game :)

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  • 2 years later...

What a fantastic campaign!  I am currently on battle #5 - "Mondrainville".  Battle #1 has been the most difficult so far and I scored a Tactical victory. The others I have scored major/decisive victories but let me tell you, that was no easy thing, and it could have gone very bad in any of those battles.  And the best thing is that I am playing "ironman" - no cheating with file saves. :)


Your maps are gorgeous, the sighting of your German forces is brilliant, and this is the first time that I feel the AI is actually a fellow player and not an automaton.  Bravo to you, sir!


PT - I was wondering if you could provide a list of all the battle numbers and names in this campaign?  I cannot seem to find it, although I do remember reading it somewhere.  I went through this forum topic again but nothing.  Many thanks!

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