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Peng ?

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Do you know that feeling you get when something is wrong? Like when you are in the woods and dusk is setting in - and you hear something?

You mean that Banjo sound in Deliverance?

Funny I tried to go to the urban dictionary link and my company network blocks it.

Near as I can tell Peng is a psycho ward where the inmates are encouraged to flog each other while endlessly babbling unintelligibly and somehow confusing themselves into thinking they are in a medieval period....the discourse level is certainly medieval so i guess they can be forgiven that.

However it certainly beats reality televison for entertainment.

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I can well believe that. Oddies don't much appear to be interested in education,

That's right we are too busy curing cancer and creating a banking system that doesn't disappear up it's own bum every 20 years or so

and from childhood onward they already engage in the kind of behavior that would get most US frats banned.

Fair cop

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