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Everything posted by Simcoe

  1. Steve alluded to moving it up a year so a couple new pieces of NATO equipment would be available. That's what I hope at least. I mentioned in the 2022 Preview thread but to the people that want to play 1989. Just play Black Sea or SF2 if you want to sit an Abrams on a hill and blast everything before it can get a spot.
  2. Maybe a better way to say it is you can sit an Abrams/Bradley on a hill and watch it demolish everything on the map before it ever gets a spot with Black Sea and Shock Force 2. Cold War has been great because both forces are very evenly matched in all time periods. Happy to be proven wrong though.
  3. I’m going to get the new module regardless but try a PBEM with a Soviet battalion using their best weaponry in 1982 vs Abrams and Bradley’s. If you’re playing the Soviets you are not going to have a fun time.
  4. Forget the British. We need the BOAR corps represented. The Soviets will fall before our tusks!
  5. Some of us might not have caught the original explanation. Would you mind explaining again? Also, are there any features that will transfer from profession to commercial?
  6. Thank you for filling us in. Are you able to give more information on the Cold War Module? How much further in time will we go? 1982 is already heavily favored toward the US. I'm worried if we go to 1985 or even 1989 the balance will be even worse.
  7. This campaign took me a couple months to get through. It's actually the only campaign that has kept my interest through to the end. if I had my way it would have more meeting engagements but it's still a lot of fun. Here's my two cents: Take your sweet time when you can. You are always attacking into hasty/prepared defense so speed is not necessary. Dismount your infantry and find the tanks. Bring up your FO and drop some artillery on it. Once you figure out their defenses don't be afraid to do some off roading. Do anything you can to bypass the kill zones Don't be afraid to save scum. There are situations where your forward security element will arrive and gun down the enemy without taking a scratch. There will be times when your boys will be slaughtered. There's nothing wrong with rolling the dice over and over to get a good outcome. In the third mission YOU MUST SAVE SCUM. You have two forward observers that arrive with the FSE and if you lose them you WILL lose the mission. Don't be afraid to restart and try again to get a better result. This campaign to me is all about trial and error. There were quite a few times where I threw up my hands and refused to continue but I would go about my day and get a eureka moment and continue on. It's really a great campaign.
  8. Yes! They can sell emotes and skins for your soldiers and tanks.
  9. What if as a joke they release a trailer for Combat Mission 3 and it’s a mobile game with micro transactions. They led a straight face for a week and explain that mobile is the best platform for milsims and micro transactions are there to give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  10. I’m up for either letting company commanders communicate over radio or even just putting some fixed radioman on the map that acts as a relay between units. I’m just tired of having to put my hq’s all in the same room so they can talk. It shouldn’t be that hard to fix.
  11. Do you mean a company commander can relay information to another company commander?
  12. Sorry if this has already been requested but it would be nice if the off map higher headquarters can relay information between it's subunits. This would cut down on having company commanders and XO's hanging out with eachother to relay information. If you want to show the higher headquarters as being cut off then give it a red icon and it will act like it does now. I don't code but I'm not sure why this would be so hard.
  13. Are you saying it’s by design for that scenario or every time the higher HQ is off map it is cut off? seems like the vast majority of the time the higher HQ should be relaying information between it’s subordinate HQ’s.
  14. Let me know if this is wrong but my understanding is if two companies have the same battalion HQ but if the higher HQ is not on the map then the higher HQ can’t relay the communication between the two companies. rather than sticking the two company HQ’s next to each other so they can talk, shouldn’t we urge Battlefront to make offmap HQ’s work as intended?
  15. This place does have a special community and when people go missing it feels like missing a friend. I went to some old threads back when Black Sea was coming out and there was a few Russian posters giving some great insight into Russian equipment. I don't see them posting anymore and sad to think that some might have been conscripted into a war they didn't choose. Not trying to get into politics in this thread. Just hope everyone is doing alright.
  16. Great work! Would you be able to do a platoon of T-62 against one M60? It might counteract the smoke issue.
  17. Really interesting conversation. The tests you did on T-62’s vs M60’s was eye opening. The M60 won 8/10 at “close range” and 9/10 at “long range”. Those are not good odds. Another test would be groups of T62’s vs single M60’s. How many tanks can an M60 take out before the T62’s take it out. Do numbers really even out spotting?
  18. There's a red campaign for SF2 in the scenario depot if youre a fan of playing them.
  19. The difference between the TOW's and tanks is the armor. If I find a TOW I can use just about all weapons available to a MRB and it can't do much at all to infantry. Tanks in the defense can only be reliably countered by tanks in the attack. Anything else bounces off and they are too mobile to fall victim to indirect. If you lose your tanks as Soviets in the attack you can still kill the TOWs. You can't do anything against the tanks though. All this assumes you're playing against an intelligent human opponent who will move his tanks around.
  20. The dragon is alright but I find it works better for spotting. I find they are more valuable staying hidden and spotting for artillery. It can certainly help hitting them once the main column passes though. Give them a lose/lose situation. Keep moving or hunt you down.
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