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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 52 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Unless there has been another update/patch that changed how things work, units from the same formation will share ammo (if one unit is out of ammo) on a magazine by magazine basis if close enuff.  If they are from different formations they will not (for reasons in the game that are not explained).

    Ah, thanks Erwin.  I'll have to check but that may well be the reason. 

    I had MG units with little or no ammo in the same room as split squads or HQs who I had trundled back to an ammo truck and a jeep with lots of ammo.  They got back with the right ammo but it wasn't shared, so your explanation is looking likely.

    On a side note was I right that I have to get a unit back to the ammo truck (I actually mounted it just to make sure) so that they can aquire ammo?  I tried parking the truck next to a building with a unit in it but they didn't get anything or have the acquire command become available.  Of course it could be the same reason (different formations) again?

  2. Just had some fun with Livorno Pride in FI, big thanks to @theFightingSeabee (although you may not have visited in a while).

    It is basically an exercise in artillery control, in which it seems I suck big time.  Although I still managed a US total victory on Elite with only a Jeep and driver lost, thanks to careful Ranger positioning and ammo conservation / distribution added to the fact that the Livorno battalion sadly have little or no chance, I have to admit the following:

    1.   It's an hour long scenario but I only managed 4 off-map FFEs, 3 from USS Savanagh (which was meant to be the star of the show) and one from land-based guns.  Given that the first FFE was on set-up and probably the most successful, that's not so good.

    2.  The reason for this seemed to be that I had only one FO able to call them in and even on a TRP there was an 11+ minute wait.  I did have a scout unit linked to the FO but perhaps it was too far way for C2 as it could never call in the off-map stuff.  None of the HQs could either.

    3. My TRP placement was not as good as I'd hoped, as I generally couldn't use them as I was waiting for the FO to be free.

    4.  I had to adjust one strike from Savanagh, wasting another 5 minutes or so.  It totally missed all the same, hitting the original line.

    5.  The last FFE (again form Savanagh) could have been critical, as the Ranger ammo was getting low.  Although targeted exactly on the line of the Italian approach, it also missed by perhaps 100m on a parallel line.

    So my main question is, has anyone done an artillery 'How to' set of instructions for incompetents like me?  If not can anyone share tips on how to do better than I did?

    I have other questions about why units didn't share ammo even if in the same room, but that's probably best left for another post.

  3. On 10/26/2020 at 5:58 PM, John Kettler said:

    Presuming the picture is legit, what I see is a Coelian, not a Kugelblitz.

    Agreed John, I'm mixing up my sloppily observed fantasy web pages.  The picture doesn't look too legit to me, even the angle of the gun mounting on the turret looks a bit suspect.  Another clue is the observation on Wiki 'but was never built'.  It's okay for War Thunder purposes however 😁.

  4. 1 hour ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

    some of the British aircraft are shown to have 2227 kg bombs!

     Would need a slightly bigger hole in the ground for that as well 💣💥🕳️

    1 hour ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

    Not going to be any fighter bombers hauling anything like that. 🤣

    Yes, I thought even 2 * 500 lbs sounds like a bit of a load.  Perhaps BFC can introduce the Lancaster to the game for those situations where you just need to level a bridge or perhaps a sink a battleship.  Sorry I'm getting carried away now  😉 .

  5. 54 minutes ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

    An AN-M64 bomb is the typical USAAF 500 lber.

    I wonder the manual says 238kg instead of 227kg?

    It's 227kg for British aircraft.

    You spotted my deliberate mistake - the manual does say 238 not 283 (was a bit of a grainy image in my defence).  Don't know about 227 though (which is the conversion of 500 lb), but it was on a US Warhawk if that makes any difference - as you can probably tell I'm not a bomb expert 🙃.

  6. 10 hours ago, MeatEtr said:

    Yeah I’m not sure what bomb that is, forget, have to take a peek in the editor. 

    I had a look, the plane is a P40F Warhawk, shown in the manual as having 2 * ANM-64 283kg bombs!  Thankfully they didn't drop anywhere near to my Sturmpanzers.

  7. Just finished Bear Claws, great fun dropping the buildings with the Sturmpanzers to get LOS/LOF to tanks and clear out those pesky US infantry.  Thanks to @MeatEtr

    All Sturmpanzers survived but my infantry took some sorry punishment.

    Was interested in the Allied air support which was new to me, and which buzzed around for what seemed like ages.  What the heck did it drop here?


    Anyway it appeared, just as my flakvierling was moving up.  First turn with it on attack, strafed my infantry with little result.  Second turn, same again a bit more damage this time.  Third turn, strafed its own infantry, say no more but I was grateful.  Fourth turn flakvierling fired twice on it, and it strafed distractedly with no results.  Fifth turn, with no obvious reason my flakvierling crew dismounted and ran off (perhaps ground fire from a long way away).  Sixth turn, as per picture above, no damage done at least to my troops.  Seventh turn, a more nasty straf on my infantry.  Eighth turn still buzzing around.  Ninth (I think) had turned for home.  I suppose 9 minutes on target is not a lot but it seemed like forever?


  8. Just as a small follow-up.  I was just playing a Fortress Italy battle as Italians.  With a smile on my face and no expectation of success I was advancing 5 Renault R35s (with 37mm guns) cautiously towards the US troops I knew were waiting.  To my surprise, they started spraying canister at anything that popped it's head up.  I have more respect for R35s now 😉.  Sadly they don't carry many canister rounds though...

  9. A while later I know but I only got FI two days ago.

    On 4/3/2020 at 8:02 PM, Mord said:

    This thread is woefully lacking in comments and praise so I thought I'd drop in

    Me too, excellent work @umlaut.

    And @Mord only today I realised my lazy habits with mods meant that I had previously just thrown your whole portrait collections into previous titles 🙄.  Have spent a few enjoyable minutes this afternoon selecting only one lot for FI (Summer background with flags) and they look very good.  Thanks for your lovely work on these.  Now I have the job of revisiting my other lazy installs...

  10. 25 minutes ago, umlaut said:

    I have got most of them, but have probably just used BN mods in FI. I cant tell for sure, because I must admit that my mods are so mixed up that I am no longer able to tell which mods originally came from which game. 🙄

    Okay thanks.  As for your lovely vehicles, in FI I currently only seem to have a Nashorn, an M24, and Archer and I can see your name in a Sherman compilation.  Should I have more?  Please say yes 😉.

    Have just added the Morris Bofors, still looking...

  11. Having just got the FI bundle I am of course engaged in the usual 'grab every vehicle mod you can find' exercise.

    For now I'm actually limiting myself to the excellent works from Aris (not sure who to tag?) and @umlaut but I seem to be missing quite a few (for example StuH, Marder III, Sturmpanzer IV, Opel Blitz, some halftracks, Flak, some Semovente, to name just a few on the Axis side). 

    So I am wondering, am I missing a source of such mods?  I've looked at CMMODS3 and CMMODS4 and alos in the threads here where I found a few more.  If I'm not missing another source what do people do for these vehicles?  Live with the unmodded versions perhaps, or port in mods from other titles (which may or may not look quite right)?

  12. 1 hour ago, benpark said:

    If you have an Nvidia card, I would suggest testing a few of the settings in their application. I have a number of anti-aliasing settings ticked that seem to help at least smooth the shadows out. The obvious ones are all worth adding (except for FXAA, which impacts the text). The rest of the available settings have varying impacts on performance, and should really be tested out on an individual-setting basis, but the expanded anti-aliasing settings do help (in my case, and a few others here that use them).

    Thanks @benpark will have a look and see if anything improves the moving/disappearing shadows.  As for performance I would say the only things I can detect once things load up are 'draw distance' and now shadow behaviour.  I can live with both but would like to improve them.

  13. 9 minutes ago, sttp said:

    I've played CMx2 titles with 3 or 4 different video cards installed, and shadows have been "shimmery" like that with each one. Shadows look pretty much the same on all the Combat Mission 2 AAR videos I've seen as well, so I'm pretty sure the issue is with the game engine itself, not your video card or any graphics setting.

    I guess most people have just gotten used to the fuzzy and distracting shadows? I have not, personally, and always play with shadows off. It's a shame, really, and is just one more reason that CM Engine 3 cannot arrive soon enough, IMO.

    Thanks for the reassurance, I'll just have to get used to it or turn shadows off.  The game is too good to do anything else 🙂.

    Didn't really notice it until I arrived in Sicily...

  14. 6 minutes ago, Lucky_Strike said:

    Horse Chestnut tree anyone, gotta love a conker.

    Yes please, I remember having my fingers soundly rapped by hardened conkers.  Ouch!

    8 minutes ago, Lucky_Strike said:

    Of course all of this is dependant on how the 3D modelling goes and time ...

    Please ignore people like me and take your time 😉.  Time is a precious commodity so do what you are able to and take care of all the other things as well.

  15. On 10/22/2020 at 3:10 PM, Lucky_Strike said:

    I'll leave it up to you folks to decide how this works.

    I can't pretend to fully follow your explanation and the mention of a 3D models addendum (I may not have read the full thread as closely as I should).

    However, as I hope you already know, I am a huge fan of your work so I say 'release, release, release'. 

    If you say 'bung it in your Z folder' I will make it so.

    Thanks again and looking forward to the bigger, better version of what I'm already using 😉 plus anything else that I'm not.

    Oh and as I just got my hands on Fortress Italy can you cast your magic over that as well?  And perhaps Red Thunder?  I don't mean bocage of course but the other flora if appropriate?  Probably a silly thought but what happens if I put Hedgerow Hell into my RT and FI Z folders?  Perhaps nothing, perhaps something which should not happen?

  16. After getting my hands on FI yesterday, a quick try put me in 'Catch a Tiger'. 

    With low sun, the shadows are rather long, and as I move around, or raise and lower, they seem to disappear, reappear, flicker, have jagged edges?  Shadows should depend on sun versus object, not where they're observed from?

    I'm guessing it's related to the settings which I have as synch off / better model / better texture / antialias on / tree detail high / shaders on.  Tried synch on and it's possibly slightly less jaggy.

    GPU is a GTX 1060 (in a laptop) so not exactly cutting edge these days, but not too shoddy either.

    Any thoughts please?  It's not the end of the world but doesn't look right...

  17. 18 hours ago, Sgt Joch said:

    It’s a user campaign, check out the scenario depot.

    Got it thanks plus a lot more.  Also went back to CMMODS3 which has a lot more vehicles and other stuff than CMMODS4?  I am using every vehicle of Aris' that I could find, I think I'm still short of a few but it's a good start.  Oh and got Juju's UI working nicely, with Ithikial's R2V addon.  Apart from that Aris' smoke and dust, Mord's portraits and Umlaut's loading screen picture compilations.  A busy download and install session.  Happy days 😁.

  18. 51 minutes ago, Falaise said:

    for the  the exotic atmosphere try the "Welcome to sicily" campaign
    I used to play it with a hat for fear of getting sunburned 😄

    Thanks my friend, will give it a go 👍

    Hang on, I don't have a 'Welcome to Sicily' campaign, unless it's the 'Invasion at Gela'?

  19. Okay, let the blood and tears commence...

    Thanks to @BFCElvis for a pain-free purchase and install (not to mention my 300 Mbps broadband), I now have the CMFI bundle :).

    We may be in for a 'dark winter', but I will be consoled by travelling to Italy's warm and sunny climes.  When I'm not in Normandy or on the East Front of course...

    KG Peiper will have to wait for now 😮

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