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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. The upcoming (soon hopefully) Fire and Rubble module covers the late war period.  I imagine any earlier one is a long way off if it's even on the drawing board, but that's for BFC to comment on really, not me.

    RT is already engine 4 but was not patched with the latest patch so version number is 2.02 - the latest patch which other titles got was said to be planned to be part of the Fire and Rubble release.

    Perhaps I should mention that I have RT and I'm a big fan 😉.

  2. Just a few of my opinions (and they are just opinions).

    I don't own SF2 so my comments relate more to BN and RT.

    Are they perfect, no.  Not many things in life are.  But none of the 'imperfections' stop me having a great time playing them.

    Are they expensive?  At full price yes, but I would say they are well worth the money. The Steam price for SF2 is currently much lower.

    Are they old?  Yes, but that makes no difference to me as I haven't found anything newer that's anywhere near as good.

    Is the community toxic?  I have only been here since earlier this year but have never experienced toxicity from anyone, neither BFC or the wider community.  Quite the opposite in fact.

    Those are my opinions.

  3. 20 hours ago, The Historical Gamer said:

    It's being edited atm, it will be posted to the below podcast in the next week or two.


    Developer Dialogue (Interview Podcast)

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/developer-dialogue/id1524192396

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/33DiH9pCrcV9bVw4WeDWmS

    Google Podcasts: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvNDUwNTYyMi9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk

    Please post a heads-up when it goes onto Spotify or the other sites, as it had already happened when I read about it.  Thanks.

  4. 15 minutes ago, John1966 said:

    I'll try and remember next time it happens.

    But recent examples include one-storey isolated house and a two-storey town house adjoining an identical one. Both had doors front and back and the door in front of the pixeltruppen was ignored in favour of the one round the other side with unamusing consequences.

    I'm normally too busy swearing to remember to screenshot.

    If I recall correctly you mentioned it happening with the large 'steeples' in CW Holy Ground, which from the name (and the Allied forces involved) I'm guessing is from the CW add-on.  Having said that, when I had played the scenario a couple of days before your post, I didn't notice such behaviour.  Maybe my good luck or poor observation rather than inconsistency...

  5. 1 hour ago, bardosy said:

    It's just hard to take screenshots...

    Agreed, I aked about this in another recent thread as 'PrintScreen' was giving me a shot of the loading screen instead of an in-game shot.  In my case the solution was to use the screen capture function of my Nvidia graphics card software (AltF1) instead and it seems to work okay but perhaps not as high definition as I'd like.  Probably I need to tweak something...

  6. 1 hour ago, arpella72 said:

    I tried to install scenarios and campaigns from the repository in the game but looks like it doesn`t work the same way than in CMBN.How i have to proceed?

    I don't have FB but if it's like RT you need to find the User Data folder, in which there will be Scenarios and Campaign folders.  For my RT installation this folder is here:

    C:\Users\My Name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder, so your FB installation should be similar.

    This is, as you say, different to BN which was able to be installed on the D drive if preferred.

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