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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. On 10/6/2020 at 1:14 AM, Macisle said:

    Here's an interesting, recent AAR showing a veteran Western Front CMer's first H2H battle in CM:RT:

    Ha, had to stop watching almost immediately as it sounds like a battle I would definitely like to try.  I'll have no spoilers here 😉

    Thanks for the heads up though.

  2. When I was a lot younger than I am now, I found a can of worms at the side of a lovely river in Scotland (probably the Tummel or the Tay).  Not really thinking about it, I opened the said can.  Immediately I had a cloud of presumably very hungry flies in my face.  Lucky flies I suppose, not so lucky me. 

    Is that where the expression comes from?

  3. 14 minutes ago, Anson Pelmet said:

     like the other sort of Nazi you come across occasionally on this site

    Really?  I haven't seen that but I'm fairly new here.  However, I nearly always play CM as the Germans (not necessarily Nazis), so maybe that puts me in the frame 😉

  4. 1 hour ago, altipueri said:

    What's up pussycat?

     I see what my best Puma did - Oak leaves for that lad.

    You can see where all my Pumas are and the infantry guns that achieved nothing. This was WEGO on Veteran but I bet some of you could do it realtime on elite.

    🐈 Meow.

    Yes looks like he did the damage.

    Interesting to see where you ended up - the Pumas on the far left are in a position I have not tried, and your main man (crew) is one of them.  I must remember however that I can't zoom in on someone else's posted screenshot...

    WEGO is definitely how I go, currently on Elite but not sure it matters too much.

  5. 11 minutes ago, John1966 said:

    They treated it as a live tank. Very odd.

    John that is quite spooky.  In the Wild Bill Villers Bocage I mentioned just now I had two Tigers firing down the length of the main street, targeted at two AT guns which were clearly visible but behind some wrecked tanks which were knocked out at or near to the start of the scenario.  Instead of aiming at the guns they must have pumped more than a dozen shots into the wrecks.  I thought perhaps it was just that the wrecks were in the way (and it may have been, clever design if so), but I couldn't find any position where they would hit the guns instead.

  6. 4 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    'amateurs play Tigers versus US-2s

    LOL, sounds like me!  My introduction to CM was Monster Mash in the RT demo - Panthers versus IS2s and other fine beasts.  I wasn't even an amateur but I loved it.  When I bought the game the same day, I fired up Gog and Magog - Tigers, Panthers and Panzer IVs against IS2s and other decent stuff, made a bit of mess of it first time as I hadn't even worked out all of the movement options and also thought my big cats should be invincible (not!).  Did a lot better a second time later on when I had learned how to play a bit better (and of course had a bit of unfair intel).

    More recently (still as a relative novice 😉) some favourites have been the Wittmann scenarios in BN with of course Tigers.  The newer ones from GeorgeMC are great, but I've even fired up an older one from Wild Bill (RIP) and had a different but great experience with it.

  7. 26 minutes ago, altipueri said:

    Major German victory with 14 minutes still to go.

    Good luck but sounds like you finally have it in the bag.  Your persistence is admirable Herr Major Altipueri!  Let's forget the re-starts 😁.

    Sounds like you need to clear out your attachments allowance in your profile...  It doesn't take much, 2 or 3 decent sized attachments and you're done.


  8. 16 hours ago, Anonymous_Jonze said:

    an honorable mention is the Puma Armored Car

    You've played BN's 'Cats chasing dogs' right? Having tried as the Pumas (as you say, a good-looking vehicle) a couple of times, I then played as US and had much better results with the M8 armoured car and its 37mm (including canister rounds).

    So far I have no modern titles and I'm into armour more than infantry, so my answers are:

    1. Love playing most things with a cat in their name, plus some late war Soviet 'heavies' like IS2s.  Should say I haven't played with Fireflies, Pershings etc. as much as I should.

    2. May or may not fear them them depending on what I've got on my side, but if I have to choose it would be playing against the same things as above.

  9. 4 hours ago, semmes said:

    I think the nuance is "a lot worse than" instead of "which weren't as good as"

    I see your point, but for me it boils down to CMBN (or CMRT) is a lot better than what I used to play.  I suppose I'm still in (or just coming out of) the exploration stage but so far I've been impressed.

    As I think I said elsewhere, I agree it's not perfect, but how many things in life are?  But if your intention is to help make it better, then good luck and I hope you succeed.  Bring on CM3 😉.

  10. Personally I love mods. Aris' vehicles, Lucky Strike's BN scenery etc.  The thread was started about terrain mods, so Lucky Strike's are perhaps more on-theme.

    I've not had a problem yet with any mods and if you install one at a time you should have a fairly good idea what's causing a problem if something does go wrong.  Patching hasn't been an issue either.

    But I agree, do what you like to do, it's your choice and it's just a game (but a good one).

  11. With all due respect etc. etc. I would say that that's a slightly harsh assessment of the review.  It's positive and makes some valid points about the game, finance, future development.  It may not be news to people on the forum but that was not its target audience.  While I don't play SF2 (yet) as I'm more into WW2 I would say that any review like this does no harm to BFC and should be commended.  My opinion...

  12. Okay so dogs chasing cats went a lot better:

    Combat Mission Battle For Normandy Screenshot 2020.10.02 -

    I have suddenly become a big fan of the M8 armoured (or armored) car, it's fast and that 37mm is a useful weapon against anything with less than hefty armour (or armor) and the canister shots are lethal against infantry, gun crews etc.

    Great scenario if Jari Mikkonen should see this (I hope).

  13. 1 hour ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Well both battles have been mentioned in this thread, so your mistake is perfectly understandable.

    You are most kind, but looking back it was me who first mentioned Villers Bocage in a thread about Demise so I am to blame for my own mistake.

    Your results so far are very close to mine, including the lost main gun, although I sent the Tigers over to the edge of the woods on the right to start with.  Good luck!

  14. 43 minutes ago, Falaise said:

    the result

    I have to say nice work.  My version (the second time) was almost the same, except for my useless infantry guns.  And I lost.

    Just now I've been playing as the Amis, and I'm doing better - I think it's an easier ask.  One issue, my 60mm mortars on jeeps don't seem to want to deploy after I dismount them and press 'deploy', several minutes later they are still showing as 'deploy'?  Oddly I can fire them directly but that's not what I want to do.  Am I doing it wrong?

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