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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 1 hour ago, George MC said:

    Wittmann still in his ride?

    Yes George he's fine so far.  His Tiger and a second one are on the left flank (the old road).  Was happy with their progress, although I've just noticed a vehicle sound contact on the far left in addition to the many contacts coming out of Villers Bocage (some being contacts no longer 😉).  I re-positioned the other 4 Tigers at the start to deal with the armour which had already passed by.  Successfully done, but sadly at the cost of one Tiger due to some sneaky hiding amongst buildings. 

    Great scenario (once again) and the map is excellent, I particularly like the level changes.  Thanks again.

    Any more scenarios in the pipeline (he asks hopefully)?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Oh dear, and you were doing so well. Your first three attempts gained you six points. But, then you fell into our Mafioso Frank pratfall and lost five. Still you are now up to 19 and with just one full day of competition left I don't think anyone will catch you.

    I think there might be one person who could catch him 😉.  Apologies for the lack of input in this round, opted for some time out after my unrelated video was penalised in the previous competition.  Rules are rules of course, even if they are made up as you go along 😁.

  3. 23 hours ago, John1966 said:

    I'd like an option that's a bit faster than Move but slower than Quick. For all those times when it's quite a long way but there is some urgency involved.

    Agreed but perhaps scenario designers can give us more time in such situations?  I like having a couple of hours in a scenario rather than 30 minutes, but perhaps I'm erring on the cautious side 😉 and don't like to overly work my foot soldiers.

  4. 3 hours ago, ASL Veteran said:

    How the campaign plays out is ultimately more important than some notion of 'historical accuracy' because the reality is that there probably isn't any sort of solid guide to what is accurate or not accurate.

    Totally agree.  Historical accuracy is generally tinged by propaganda and a touch of 'who wins writes the history'.  Coupled with the random effect 'that it could have gone either way' it makes the game experience likely to be different to what may or may not have actually happened.  That shouldn't make the game feel any less historical in my opinion. 

    Great examples are @George MC's CMBN Wittmann scenarios.  Playing Wittmann's Demise with some good luck (and of course skill 😉) I got an overwhelming SS victory - totally un-historical but a fantastic game.  I'm currently playing the Villlers Bocage scenario and this is also going well, although I'm not playing like Wittmann did in real life, so not historical but also a great game (so far).

  5. 7 minutes ago, Sgt_Tellos said:

    I installed CMRT on my "E" drive

    I think you will find that the installer still put the game files you're looking for in the place Combatintman said, in other words:

    C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder\Game Files

    Navigate to that folder and inside you will find sub-folders for campaigns and scenarios as described.  Don't put them in the Z folder as they aren't mods.

  6. Interested in your upcoming examples.

    The manual says 'Note: in combination with a Target Arc command, Hunt is restricted to only the area within the arc, and ignores enemy units outside the arc.'

    I've read it at least twice now 😉 and to me that suggests the Hunt behaviour is only applied when shot at from within the arc.  Is that what you have found? 

    Or is the word 'unseen' in your post a clue?  In other words if it's unseen, is the enemy firer inside or outside of the arc?  Does the friendly unit in the game know?  I don't know 😁.

  7. 36 minutes ago, George MC said:

    Glad you enjoyed it.

    One of the absolute best for me so far George (not the first time for your scenarios).  Tense, especially knowing the history of the action.  The map was great and having a bit of time allowed me to set up some great ambushes in places like the 'petit ravin' and to carefully take out nasties like Fireflies hiding behind buildings.  I even enjoyed unleashing the artillery and getting in close to see the effects!   Thanks again!

  8. Here's my result (albeit only on Warrior):


    With a lot of luck I got all 7 Tigers to the end, including of course Wittmann's.  One lost its main gun early in the action, adding to the stress.  Kept it along for the support / deception anyway...

    Most of my 7 tank losses were in front of Gaumesnil walled compound ☹️ but overall not bad at all. 

    Not too happy about the 'acceptable' British Ground and the Failed 'targets' and 'parameters' as they only had a few casualties left in those postions, but never mind.

    Great scenario, great map, thanks to @George MC

    FWIW I sent the Tigers slowly and cautiously towards the edge of the woods on the right flank and eventually managed to get the infantry support on that flank quite a long way up the map.  Meanwhile the other armour on the left flank did a great job, reinforced by the Panthers and Jagdpanzers.  I seemed to have a lot of Panzer IVs and most were on the right supporting the Tigers and killing Shermans coming down that side.  Both objectives were captured and at the end we all sat and relaxed for half an hour drinking ersatz coffee with no opposition showing.  Great scenario.


  9. The upcoming (soon hopefully) Fire and Rubble module covers the late war period.  I imagine any earlier one is a long way off if it's even on the drawing board, but that's for BFC to comment on really, not me.

    RT is already engine 4 but was not patched with the latest patch so version number is 2.02 - the latest patch which other titles got was said to be planned to be part of the Fire and Rubble release.

    Perhaps I should mention that I have RT and I'm a big fan 😉.

  10. Just a few of my opinions (and they are just opinions).

    I don't own SF2 so my comments relate more to BN and RT.

    Are they perfect, no.  Not many things in life are.  But none of the 'imperfections' stop me having a great time playing them.

    Are they expensive?  At full price yes, but I would say they are well worth the money. The Steam price for SF2 is currently much lower.

    Are they old?  Yes, but that makes no difference to me as I haven't found anything newer that's anywhere near as good.

    Is the community toxic?  I have only been here since earlier this year but have never experienced toxicity from anyone, neither BFC or the wider community.  Quite the opposite in fact.

    Those are my opinions.

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