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    Zeleban got a reaction from Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A map is attached to the description of the battle, but I can't post its version with a translation. Therefore, the spontaneous translation is indicated on this map:
    вокзал - station;
    депо - depot;
    наші контратаки - our counterattacks;
    атака бтр - APC attack;
    Д - point D;
    Г - point G;
    А,С, В - corresponding points;
    атака птуром - ATGM attack;
    зона вогню пкмом - PKM firing zone;
    Атака на 1 взвод - Attack on 1 platoon;
    Переміщення підарів - Relocation of bastards;
  2. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  3. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Anthony P. in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  4. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Panserjeger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  5. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Astrophel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On the day of Kissinger's passing I regret the passivity of the current "CIA" establishment.  The war in Ukraine needs distractions for the russian enemy, and there are several possibilities.
    Underlying everything negative is the strength of the "russian" belief in their own righteousness.  This belief sustains the continual attacks in Ukraine, despite appalling losses.  Even Serbia, far removed from front lines, has not concluded that russian society is bankrupt on all indicators.  They keep on keeping on!
    My belief is that this is first and foremost an idealogical battle.  When the russians stop believing in their cause the battle is won.  Somehow we are failing to wage this war effectively.  Cluster munitions have made a difference and so will F16, but they are not decisive versus a society with a minefield mentality.
    My feeling at the moment is that the priority is to preserve every Ukrainian life.  The future still needs building and we need heroes to be alive and not dead.  To win we need to undermine the russian psychology rather than pick our way through their minefields.  We have the the technology to reach into the mind of every russian.  It is beyond time that we use it
  6. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    there is also a video for this story:
    Video 1 - Jackson and I relax while searching for a drone.
    Video 2 - Mom, I love Bambas
    Video 3 - ATGM attack
    Video 4 - relaxing on D2
  7. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from hcrof in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A map is attached to the description of the battle, but I can't post its version with a translation. Therefore, the spontaneous translation is indicated on this map:
    вокзал - station;
    депо - depot;
    наші контратаки - our counterattacks;
    атака бтр - APC attack;
    Д - point D;
    Г - point G;
    А,С, В - corresponding points;
    атака птуром - ATGM attack;
    зона вогню пкмом - PKM firing zone;
    Атака на 1 взвод - Attack on 1 platoon;
    Переміщення підарів - Relocation of bastards;
  8. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Okay, that's enough bad news for today.
    A few memories of the battles for Sil station (in the Soledar area), which took place last winter from the company commander:
    We fall out of the armored personnel carrier at the burnt-out train station. In the background, the fading sounds of battle. A shootout is going on in the distance. However, this is a constant phenomenon. The main thing is that it is quiet here and now, although the first thought was why was there such a hurry?. I place people on the sides of the station and start unloading property. We are making ammunition storage at the station. Everyone bustles about like ants in the dark. We open the zincs with ammunition in the boxes and slam them back. I call the commander of the 1st platoon:
    "The cavalry has arrived."
    He is genuinely happy. We are waiting for the guide. When he comes, I go with the first group. At first, we move to their resting point. This is a heated house. I tell my guys it's not for us. Novoselovka has set the bar for shelling, so go to the basement in the neighboring yard. No one is against it. When the village disappears before your eyes, it makes you cautious. Next, we move to point A. This is just a house on a hill. I ask where your positions are. They say that they shot from around the corner. The guys were in character (without equipped positions). I respect that, but war is an art. And art dictates its own rules. The basement can accommodate only up to 6 people, and I brought a dozen more of my own to their group. Shyba's body lies nearby. He was a cool guy. Unlucky. A crazy bullet flew under the bulletproof vest. I say get out of here, we'll just take over your position, and you leave. It makes no sense to gather in one place. I bring the second group to the other end of the village to point B. It turns out such a concave letter v. Quickly realizing that at -15 all we can do is break the ground, I make a request - we need crowbars. The necessary tools are brought by armored personnel carriers who came in the morning to pick up the boys from the 1st platoon.
    Next to point B, I find a subdivision in one house. It turns out that I have extra eyes for the north. Cool. I do everything according to the old classics - at each position I assign points for fighters with overlapping sectors of fire. We knock out embrasures with crowbars, making small loopholes. We mask all this and go to the basements. Observers remain at the top. The idea is simple - the battle begins, and our forces are deployed. We have already done this, nothing new.
    Around 8 in the morning, Johnny asks if it's not our guys sitting in the nearby forest strip, which is 450m away. I take binoculars - they are enemies. they are walking in droves - 5 men loaded with ammunition. I say drag PKM. Johnny takes the PKM and plans to shoot while standing. I say, take the binoculars and adjust my fire, now I'll show you how we'll work.We open a part of the iron gate and from the middle of the yard, lying down and recovering. Rear sight - 5. I aim below the knee. I start working by cutting the first two. Then he adjusts and I fill the rest with lead. It seems that the bastards, having been kicked at night, when attacking the front, changed the vector of the attack.
    Half an hour later, the second group comes out in exactly the same way. I command Murasi to work, Johnny corrects his shooting. These enemies are smarter and some of them lie down. At this time, a fierce wind blows and fragments of phrases fly to us. A couple of shots from the GP-25 did not give results.I transfer the coordinates and call AGS. And I give the command to Jackson to hit there with an RPG. Even he doesn't hit. AGS begins to fall and does not give results. A mortar is connected with the same negative result. I am reporting that all this does not make sense now. ****ing Dombasian wind. A drone hovers over our position on the edge of the village. Jackson sees him and tries to shoot him down, I can't see him but I have a ****ing gun with an eotec. I give him my weapon and he shoots down the drone. The bastards are offended by this fact and they start shooting off-target with the SPG in the area where the drone is hovering.
    I left Murahu as senior on point, Jackson and I go looking for a drone. The passage to the garden where he fell is blocked by a wooden fence. We simply break through the bottom of the fence and begin to crawl under the fence, and a grandmother who came out of a half-destroyed house looks at us:
    "- We apologize for the fence, we need to pass quickly."
    "- It's okay, my son. it's OK."
    And the grandmother disappears in the ruins. In the background, the SPG continues to fire.
    Muraha makes a report - the bastards are crawling in the grass and are already in the trees, little by little accumulating in the forest. Okay. I have an ace up my sleeve. I'm going to call the ATGM crew. These boys are 20 years old. They've been dragging this **** for more than six months and haven't fired a single shot. We go to the hill and shoot. Three birches are a good reference point. Tom lays a rocket right into a bunch of bastards. At least that's what those who stood at point A say. For a while, the bastards' activity subsides. Jackson at the point says that shooting ATGM at infantry is cool, but it will be difficult for the guys to write off a missile for such a target. Hmm, okay, what won't you do for a chance to kick some bastards' ***. I shout into the radio, “We have detected SPG. Working with ATGM" and they answer "Where's the SPG? - We suppressed him" We are laughing, but we have done our job.
    The drone was not found, but that part of the village was scouted normally.
    In general, three of our platoons occupied this part of Soledar, nicknamed "Sil". I initiate a meeting of platoon coms at the railway station + I take the guys for additional ammunition. We begin to drag the ammunition to point C. Having met with the Marker and the Archaeologist, we establish interaction. Marker's platoon is scattered between points D and E, the Archeologist holds the northern edge of the village behind the railroad and is a reserve. 
    The radio is transmitted to point D. Get ready - the bastards have accumulated a lot, an attack is possible. The SPG continues to fire aimlessly, and since it was possible to try to sneak into the village from the forest strip due to the height difference, I take Jurist's PKM crew from point C and a couple of infantrymen and place an ambush at point G. After an hour or a half at point D, the battle begins.
    About an hour later, I hear the bastards in the D1 area on the radio. District D itself was a cluster of three-story buildings and an adjacent depot. D1 is the nearest house to the road along which we carry our ammunition to the position. This is my logistics sleeve. Don't think that this situation will go away by itself. It is clear that when the boys from point D are destroyed, I will be next. I'm gathering a team to attack, a little bit from each point. I and 4 other soldiers sneak up to the depot, they shoot at us a little, but that's okay. Assessed the situation, called the Jurist's crew. I organize classics with maneuver and fire groups. I sat a little longer thinking no, we are too small for such an attack. I also invite the Archaeologist's group. He rolls with another five. We begin the attack on the depot. We are going slowly, clearing the territory. In the course of this, a projectile flies from the tank into the roof of the depot. The depot is collapsing in places, but in general remains standing. Archaeologist attacks and slowly clears building D1. We go beyond the depot and see movement in the house. I'm calling the guys from point D - whose house is D2? This is the house of bastards. Calling Leo, let's hit right away with our coolest thing - a trophy thermobaric shot. "Boss, where should I shoot" he says without fuss. Shoot there, at the window on the second floor. It's a stupid question, and that's where this hellish thing flies. Jackson then fires two more RPG shells into it and one of them launches Leo. I report - 4 charges were fired. Bastards suppressed? You guys hit right on us. ****. A cold breeze ran down my back. Are you alive? So. I say, you idiots, you didn't name the right point. As it turned out, they looked out and went to the neighboring room. Thank God. 
    We break into the building. The Archeologist's group breaks through next. Everyone has ice from the water at that moment. The archaeologist brought a backpack with ammunition. Everyone took care of themselves and licked the ice. I put the soldiers at the entrance, I go upstairs to talk to the senior. A battle rages in the building. Talked with the senior at this point - Doc. He complains that they are shooting from the house opposite. I see that he has two PCM loaded with tracers. So that you understand, tracers were loaded with PKM at the beginning of the war because there were no other 7.62x54 cartridges in the warehouses. I understand that they haven't fired since the ****ing beginning of the war. But this is the rare case when it plays into our hands. I suggest he set this house on fire. I run into the next room and start shooting at the next building. The calculation is simple - it will not be possible to shoot from a burning house. PKM jams, I pass it to Jackson, he throws me the second one and I continue. Then I take the first again and continue firing. Soon, the entire third floor begins to burn. The shooting stops from there. Okay, it got easier. I leaned out the front window. I slip on the move and the ceiling breaks through where I was supposed to stand. Lucky There is no reason to hang around. We start throwing grenades from above. Talked to Doc. He asks to attack D3's house as well. We sneak up and start shooting. Jurist starts shooting with PKM while standing. I'm already starting to go crazy. I throw my rifle at him, pick up the PKM. I scream at him what the hell. I lie down and start shooting lying down. I'm sorry, but I think standing shooting sucks and I just went crazy at that moment from the intensity of the battle. Then I tell him to continue. We shoot all the upper floors methodically. Silence. We turn back, the D4 house is on fire. I post two soldiers at the corner of the house to control the entrance to the entrances. All this time the battle continues. Muraha with Johny at point A shoot almost non-stop. During all this, a projectile from our artillery arrives at point A. Muraha was so badly contused that he walks a couple of meters and falls, and Foma, who was covering him with the RPK, is covered with a brick. Before this event, I heard on the radio: "Now, we will strike." I tell them, you hit my boys. They answer - we did not shoot. Of course, damn it. Muraha refuses to evacuate.
  9. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Bulletpoint in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Super emotional appeal of the Ukrainian military to the Ukrainian people. In this address, he reproaches the Ukrainian people for completely forgetting about the massacres in Bucha and Izyum and that sooner or later these events will repeat again. He's not even going to say anything about power. Since the authorities have already ruined everything that is possible and all hope remains only with the people. Then he says that with such an attitude towards this war of the people as we have now, we will lose this war and the price of this defeat will be the lives of our children. Then he complains that the number of donations for the troops is very small, that soldiers collect for a month or even two months for drones and cars. He also reproaches that everyone in the rear is now concerned with preparing for the New Year holidays and not with the difficult situation at the front. He then states that at the beginning of the war we were indeed a nation, but now we are no longer a nation, we have turned into ordinary cattle. 
    As we see, the situation in the rear is beginning to affect the soldiers at the front
  10. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Bulletpoint in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    2. The situation began to escalate for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of the city of Bakhmut, where it is obvious that the enemy command is implementing the plan to enter the flank and rear of our group, which is conducting combat operations south of the city. In practice it looks like this...
    - in the direction Bakhmut - Ivanovo, units of the 4th separate motorized rifle brigade of the 2nd army corps of the enemy attacked the forward positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, achieved partial success - they ousted Ukrainian troops from one of the positions
    - In the direction Bakhmut - Kleshcheevka and Zaitsevo - Kleshcheevka (that is, north and east of the settlement) units of the same 4th Motorized Rifle Brigade + separate units of the enemy’s 88th Motorized Motorized Rifle Brigade attacked - they were also able to achieve success, ousting our troops from five positions
    - But the actions of enemy airborne troops to the west and north-west of the city look most threatening. In particular, the 331st Parachute Regiment of the 98th Airborne Division of the enemy managed to dislodge Ukrainian Armed Forces units north of the village of Bogdanovka from one platoon strong point (VOP) and two positions, and the 217th PDP of the same division drove out our units immediately from six positions north of the village of Khromovo.
    Thus, it becomes obvious that the enemy is trying to break through between the villages of Bogdanovka and the village of Khromovo into the tactical depth of the defense of the Ukrainian troops towards the town of Chasov Yar using units and subunits of the 98th Airborne Division, in order to create a real flank threat from the north to our units and subdivisions that operate in the area of the villages of Ivanovskoye and the village of Kleshcheevka...
    Moreover, the enemy is quite actively counterattacking directly south of Bakhmut. At least the enemy’s 4th and 88th Infantry Motorized Rifles, as well as his 83rd Separate Air Assault Brigade, which is tirelessly trying to push our units away from the village of Kurdyumovka north towards Andreevka (so far, however, to no avail).. They are clearly acting in concert with the Russian paratroopers, who are trying to advance from the villages of Berkhovka and the villages of Yagodnoye.
    In fact, we are now seeing how the plan of the OSV "Khortitsa" (in the zone of the OSV "Soledar") to "bypass Bakhmut from the south" is beginning to fail...
    Therefore, it is worth reminding all those who, a month or a half ago, “squealing,” prematurely shouted on YouTube, on television and other “publics” that “we are about to bypass Bakhmut from the south” and that we are “about” to break through to the automobile roads Bakhmut - Gorlovka and that “Bakhmut is shot through and through”... according to a very good Ukrainian proverb “don’t tell the gop until you jump over”, you should never wishful thinking.
    Therefore, in a general sense, I look at what is now unfolding in the Bakhmut area, let’s say, without much optimism... unlike those who are already “bringing Bakhmut back again.”
    And we have not yet “deepened” into the situation in the Avdeevka area, where also... events are obviously beginning to acquire a rather “acute” character. But more on that another time...
  11. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Maciej Zwolinski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    That is a deeply unfair and frankly insulting post. You are talking about a man who is living inside Ukraine and who bases his pessimistic view on his assesment of war weariness level of the ordinary Ukrainians. Something you by definition would not know about, and the Western press would not report about - not newsworthy enough. Frankly, In this forum on this subject only the opinion of Haiduk and Zeleban matters, as they are the only ones who can take a measure of that metric. And you are saying that Zeleban thinks that people he meets every day are losing the will to fight not because he sees the symptoms of that, but because he has been "inadvertently convinced by Russian propaganda"? What hubris!
    Shame on you.  
  12. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Anthony P. in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    There were people who got sufficiently fed up with the war in the UK, US, Canada, etc. during WW2 that they argued for everything from outright surrender to committing mutiny when facing the prospect of overseas service (Canadian draft/overseas service riots/mutiny in late '44, even when the war was both being won and the Holocaust was being uncovered)... so while I wouldn't agree with @Zeleban's attitude, I very much understand why someone from a country which has suffered immensely more than either of those states, and which is by no means facing an imminent victory would have reason to be pessimistic, especially in days like these when American and European military support has been held up for a fairly long time, and even at best won't meet its goals even by half (read: the European promise of 1 million artillery shells by March 2024).
    It's easy for us to be optimistic about a war which we're not having to suffer.
  13. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I recently presented a completely realistic scenario for Ukraine’s return to Russia’s orbit. Putin understands Ukraine much better than Western politicians and knows its weak points very well
    This is their 2022 statement. Today it's the other way around. Russia is demonstrating effectiveness at least at the strategic and operational-ta
    ctical level. They have clearly learned how to effectively use air support and are now outmaneuvering the Ukrainian generals. And yes, the West is really afraid of Russia (and after the defeat of Ukraine, this fear will intensify many times over) . At least Ukrainians have not laughed at “stupid Russians” for a long time.
    The same as in the answer I mentioned above about the “Russian orbit”
    This is happening literally before our eyes. Ukraine is becoming more and more toxic, even in the eyes of our closest neighbors such as Poland and Slovakia. I think there is no need to remind you about the blockade of the borders with Ukraine by these countries. This is also evidenced by the choice of the citizens of Slovakia of a clearly pro-Russian president
    Russia did not demonstrate weaknesses in NATO, it demonstrated the lack of a clear NATO strategy in response to the growing threat from the east. And of course, the lack of unity among NATO member countries. Hungary, Slovakia, Türkiye
    Well, let's not forget about the upcoming US elections and the most obvious presidential candidates in these elections. A significant portion of the US population also demonstrates that they do not believe in NATO
    This problem is closely related to my previous answer
    Russia is actively doing this right now, trading Ukrainian grain, as well as dismantling equipment from seized Ukrainian enterprises
    A very controversial statement. Haven't we discussed before that we are witnessing a crisis in the world order? If Ukraine is captured, there will be a change in the world order - a significant strengthening of the role of Russia in Europe and a weakening of the role of the United States in Europe
    This campaign has not failed, it is still in progress.
    A very controversial statement, given the growth in Russian energy exports. What difference does it make if Russia sells these energy resources directly to Western countries or through third countries? Still, the profit goes into the pockets of the Kremlin
    As we see, this is not the case. Energy resources remain a very effective weapon for the Kremlin. Through countries such as Hungary and Türkiye, Russia has the opportunity to influence EU policy
    This is wrong. After the end of the war, we will see a huge demand for simple and effective means of war, such as adjustable aerial bombs, Lancet UAVs, Orlan UAVs, Ka-52 helicopters, etc. Russian weapons are demonstrating their effectiveness right now on the battlefield
    This is hardly an addiction, rather a partnership. And by the way, quite effective partnerships, unlike partnerships between Ukraine and the West. We see an increase in Russian arms supplies to Iran. Su-35 aircraft, Ka-52 helicopters are from recent deliveries
    Instead of piles of old rubbish, Putin receives one of the most numerous and effective armies of our time. Now we are honing new methods and tactics for using the Russian armed forces on the battlefield. Who today still believes that armadas of old tanks are a necessary asset in a modern war, where armadas of drones dominate the battlefield?
    Nothing like this. I was especially surprised by the statement about “national pride.” Russia's national pride today is at its highest level in recent memory. Well, as we see the latest news, Putin has more than doubled spending on the army compared to 2021. This clearly does not indicate a decline in the economy.
    While the Ukrainian economy is on the verge of collapse. In the latest news, civil servants' salaries have been reduced by almost 40%
  14. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Buy what exactly? Has the West really increased the production of military products in volumes sufficient to arm at least itself, not to mention the sale of military products for export? Today there are long-term queues for the purchase of certain military goods, even for NATO countries
    Is Ukraine gutting the Russian army? Everything is just the opposite: Russia is gutting the Ukrainian army. We have an acute shortage of literally everything from personnel to ammunition. And it’s not clear where we can get all this? While Russia is only increasing the supply of everything necessary.
  15. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Fernando in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do not forget the most important goal - demonstrating the futility of resistance for future potential targets of Russian aggression. Events seem to tell these countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, etc.) if you dare to resist us. Our large army will invade your country, destroy your economy, kill part of your population and force others to flee abroad, kidnap your children, rob your businesses, create an environmental disaster for some regions, and we don’t care at what cost we will do this. At the same time, there is no point in expecting help from the weak West.
  16. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Ales Dvorak in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Come on, going to look at the Eiffel Tower for the weekend is not at all the same as going into a dirty trench under the blows of Russian drones and shells
  17. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Zeleban is not a Russian troll. I have been following his posts for over a year and he seems like a really honest guy who just says what he thinks. I do not agree with a few things he said in the last few pages but in the grand scheme of things lets not forget he is actually living in Ukraine right now.
    He sees this war in a way us who just follow it on the Internet cannot, so lets give him a break for passionately voicing his opinions even if we do not agree with some of those opinions.
  18. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    US has no reason to fear Russia because Russia was never threat to it in the first place (aside from getting Trump on the throne, that is). Just like US is no threat to Russia - they exist on different continents and will never invade each other.
    However, I hope that Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians (and also Finns in smaller measure) are planting minefields like crazy and buying a lot of drones, because if Trump gets reelected and dissolves NATO by removing US from it, they will be completely defenceless even to Russia's zombie mobik army.
  19. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from Mindestens in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do not forget the most important goal - demonstrating the futility of resistance for future potential targets of Russian aggression. Events seem to tell these countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, etc.) if you dare to resist us. Our large army will invade your country, destroy your economy, kill part of your population and force others to flee abroad, kidnap your children, rob your businesses, create an environmental disaster for some regions, and we don’t care at what cost we will do this. At the same time, there is no point in expecting help from the weak West.
  20. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do not forget the most important goal - demonstrating the futility of resistance for future potential targets of Russian aggression. Events seem to tell these countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, etc.) if you dare to resist us. Our large army will invade your country, destroy your economy, kill part of your population and force others to flee abroad, kidnap your children, rob your businesses, create an environmental disaster for some regions, and we don’t care at what cost we will do this. At the same time, there is no point in expecting help from the weak West.
  21. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    But in my opinion, on the contrary, Russia has clearly demonstrated this: perseverance, determination, the will to win and huge human reserves, which, no matter what, are ready to die for the idea of their leader. Let's imagine the US or Germany in a global war with Russia. How many dead fellow citizens will cause an internal crisis in these countries (remember Vietnam or Afghanistan). It is not technology that remains the decisive factor in victory. As in the old days, the decisive factor remains the will to win
  22. Like
    Zeleban got a reaction from Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    But in my opinion, on the contrary, Russia has clearly demonstrated this: perseverance, determination, the will to win and huge human reserves, which, no matter what, are ready to die for the idea of their leader. Let's imagine the US or Germany in a global war with Russia. How many dead fellow citizens will cause an internal crisis in these countries (remember Vietnam or Afghanistan). It is not technology that remains the decisive factor in victory. As in the old days, the decisive factor remains the will to win
  23. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I recently presented a completely realistic scenario for Ukraine’s return to Russia’s orbit. Putin understands Ukraine much better than Western politicians and knows its weak points very well
    This is their 2022 statement. Today it's the other way around. Russia is demonstrating effectiveness at least at the strategic and operational-ta
    ctical level. They have clearly learned how to effectively use air support and are now outmaneuvering the Ukrainian generals. And yes, the West is really afraid of Russia (and after the defeat of Ukraine, this fear will intensify many times over) . At least Ukrainians have not laughed at “stupid Russians” for a long time.
    The same as in the answer I mentioned above about the “Russian orbit”
    This is happening literally before our eyes. Ukraine is becoming more and more toxic, even in the eyes of our closest neighbors such as Poland and Slovakia. I think there is no need to remind you about the blockade of the borders with Ukraine by these countries. This is also evidenced by the choice of the citizens of Slovakia of a clearly pro-Russian president
    Russia did not demonstrate weaknesses in NATO, it demonstrated the lack of a clear NATO strategy in response to the growing threat from the east. And of course, the lack of unity among NATO member countries. Hungary, Slovakia, Türkiye
    Well, let's not forget about the upcoming US elections and the most obvious presidential candidates in these elections. A significant portion of the US population also demonstrates that they do not believe in NATO
    This problem is closely related to my previous answer
    Russia is actively doing this right now, trading Ukrainian grain, as well as dismantling equipment from seized Ukrainian enterprises
    A very controversial statement. Haven't we discussed before that we are witnessing a crisis in the world order? If Ukraine is captured, there will be a change in the world order - a significant strengthening of the role of Russia in Europe and a weakening of the role of the United States in Europe
    This campaign has not failed, it is still in progress.
    A very controversial statement, given the growth in Russian energy exports. What difference does it make if Russia sells these energy resources directly to Western countries or through third countries? Still, the profit goes into the pockets of the Kremlin
    As we see, this is not the case. Energy resources remain a very effective weapon for the Kremlin. Through countries such as Hungary and Türkiye, Russia has the opportunity to influence EU policy
    This is wrong. After the end of the war, we will see a huge demand for simple and effective means of war, such as adjustable aerial bombs, Lancet UAVs, Orlan UAVs, Ka-52 helicopters, etc. Russian weapons are demonstrating their effectiveness right now on the battlefield
    This is hardly an addiction, rather a partnership. And by the way, quite effective partnerships, unlike partnerships between Ukraine and the West. We see an increase in Russian arms supplies to Iran. Su-35 aircraft, Ka-52 helicopters are from recent deliveries
    Instead of piles of old rubbish, Putin receives one of the most numerous and effective armies of our time. Now we are honing new methods and tactics for using the Russian armed forces on the battlefield. Who today still believes that armadas of old tanks are a necessary asset in a modern war, where armadas of drones dominate the battlefield?
    Nothing like this. I was especially surprised by the statement about “national pride.” Russia's national pride today is at its highest level in recent memory. Well, as we see the latest news, Putin has more than doubled spending on the army compared to 2021. This clearly does not indicate a decline in the economy.
    While the Ukrainian economy is on the verge of collapse. In the latest news, civil servants' salaries have been reduced by almost 40%
  24. Upvote
    Zeleban got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do not forget the most important goal - demonstrating the futility of resistance for future potential targets of Russian aggression. Events seem to tell these countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, etc.) if you dare to resist us. Our large army will invade your country, destroy your economy, kill part of your population and force others to flee abroad, kidnap your children, rob your businesses, create an environmental disaster for some regions, and we don’t care at what cost we will do this. At the same time, there is no point in expecting help from the weak West.
  25. Like
    Zeleban reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I doubt that is really political crisis takes place. A statement of Bezuhla and interview of Arakhamiya were issued almost by duet likely timely unleashed PsyOps. Who is beneficiary for this? I doubt this is Russia. Despite messages "Zelenskiy and Yermak want to dismiss Zaluzhnyi in favor of Syrskiy", which they were throwing each several months and which repeating here with glad by Poroshenko-followers, this two scandal statements may be not their initiative. Russia just will get unexpected profit. Bezuhla in own time had an intership in White House and Arakhamia one of "Servants of the People" party, who always had appeasement moods. I suppose they played for western party "you are faliled, it's time to talk with Russia. Finish the war, money like a calm"
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