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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I was only guessing I have never done it myself. In other words, you will never run out of games or scenarios. You can change some features, dates, and the weather too. Thank you.
  2. I would like to know how to access Scenario Maps for QB. That would solve the problem. He may have edited Rahadnak under a different name to make a different scenario.
  3. Try with Veteran and above. That's the only people I let spot. Insertion and Interdiction SF2 taught me that lesson. The snipers and the FO are green. The Platoon HQ (Crack) the marine's squad and the AT guys I qualify. Trenches become visible after a few turns.
  4. Yes, I agree you need to guess population 60% of what it is today. Street view on Google maps and look at the architecture of the houses we get an idea of the original boundaries. In my project I will take some artistic license the purpose is to make a playable game. I see some old bunkers 128 mm AA guns will be replaced by 88mm ATG. Basically, set up a defense of how I would do it. Allies were pinned down in the nearby town. The attack will be through a choke point. Respect to the Canadians who achieved this. It had consequences Montgomery punched through to Hamburg and denied the Russians to be the liberators of Jutland. The BOAR and Dutch forces sat out the Cold War near Lunenburg. Here is where my association stops in the 60's we moved to Australia.
  5. You get a campaign automatically. A strategic game with the option which engagements you like to resolve on a tactical level. Armored cars and jeeps will play the role they were designed for. Example there were a few towns in the nearby province of Friesland. Some towns just had 2 Germans with a field telephone to contact and make their escape. Mobile scouts will counter it instead of committing a platoon when it is not necessary. I identified an obvious chokepoint near the village of Nansum and sure enough a few bunkers still exist till today.
  6. Yes, I like to click battalion HQ whether they are on the map or not and you will see a Situational Map in which Command and Control network are updated. It can replace camera position 9. The Company and Platoon HQ could have road maps replacing camera positions 5-8.
  7. Yes, I am working on a place called Nansum. Province of Groningen the Netherlands. It was in the AO of the Canadian army 1945. The city of Delfzijl was the objective as it was the link to the German port of Emden. The defender is German Navy Personnel and around Nansum are pillboxes fortifications and pillboxes. In combination with the link to this map we can make a situational map. MilitaryMap - Plan your Mission Having a good FOW is essential for the German defender. I don't want to make a shooting gallery.
  8. A good URL think it is a tremendous aid for scenario map makers. Select any area zoom with your mouse wheel and the maps becomes topographic, however numbers are small. OpenTopoMap - Topographische Karten aus OpenStreetMap
  9. It is the game. USMC Insertion and Interdiction SF2 for example. The trench system becomes visible little by little. Before you already see the 'Editor's Dent' in the ground. What we wish for in the game is maybe just not possible. Could be for a next engine. I like to see road maps and topographic maps replacing camera positions 5-9 purpose just for plotting movements. I place foxholes and trenches where there is some natural camouflage. I accept spotting but by whom? Enemy unit once spotted you high light and the spotter is identified. Wish the same applies for fortifications. I should be less fussy if my sniper could call for a strike, I just should let him do it. Kind regards and happy gaming.
  10. The ultimate AT Weapon No Entry sign. Why didn't they think of that?
  11. That was the only criticism Australian Vietnam veterans had of the Bren compared with the M60. It was more an automatic rifle than an LMG. The function of a tripod enables you to fire from just behind a crest and aids in plunging fire. CM overcomes this by supplying allied troops with light mortars. We are arguing about generic issues, barrel replacement is not addressed either in case of the MG42. It was a shortcoming for the Germans on D-Day. Happy gaming.
  12. You play the game differently than I play it. I just ignore what I am not supposed to see in my opinion. Dents of fortifications also become more obvious when you disable foliage but that has to do with the editor.
  13. It depends on each firearm bedding of the barrel plays a role too. Only one way to find out and is testing for groups. We are discussing the game here and they got it about right. 300 meters for game play is an effective range for snipers five hundred meters to 1km.
  14. Have you ever retrieved .50 slugs? They tumble. The Bren was too accurate compared to the MG42 for example. It is comparing apples and oranges. In CM you can't do it but in the HMG role you can use it as light artillery in the indirect fire mode. Tumbling rounds going through the human body make one hell of a mess. Oh, it is a way around hollow point rounds.
  15. No, you're not the only one, I bet a lot of them have not played all the RT Campaigns yet.
  16. Please look at my screenshots. The trench behind the trees becomes visible. Or do you suggest I am faking it?
  17. Real world tactics work. Watch this guy and experiment and apply it in CM. University of Iowa Army ROTC - YouTube
  18. The hardest thing to do in CM is to ignore the commander in the sky. The bonus of ignoring it? It makes a much more enjoyable game. See that the contacts are passed on as contact icons.
  19. It is because we play a game and CM falls still a little short of being a simulator. Sometimes the scenario designer is a little sloppy and you can see telltale dents all over the AO. In my case the sniper I need to simulate the binoculars to X8 it would be nice if there was a POV for binoculars or sniperscopes. Assume he spots the trench his Command-and-Control network at best should get a question mark.
  20. @Artkin Note my screen shots are not the greatest. Sniper position since he has binoculars, I observe or spot at 8X magnification. Here is what he sees before and after Alt+T
  21. Alt+T Takes away the foliage, exposes the foxholes, and trenches underneath shrub, trees etc. During the game not at the beginning. Often it exposes the dents in the terrain where he puts bunkers trenches, among others.
  22. It is too generic, with foxholes you can position an ATG in them, which is fair but there is no option for a 2-man listening post in the game. Scouts can hide but no protection against a barrage like a foxhole for one man.
  23. In RT Gog and Magog triggered this conversation. I replayed it and nothing was visible (Iron Difficulty) the AI spoiled it by firing the 76.2 Soviet field guns at King Tigers at 1 KM. The only thing which players shouldn't do is disabling trees as this gives away the position of fortifications but not sandbags.
  24. Depends on bullet design a boattail projectile for accuracy some other design made to tumble. With an MG tumbling is desired after a certain range as you increase the beaten zone. The Bren for example shot the same .303 round it was too accurate for an LMG. Bolt rifles are much better for civilian use, as you can customize your rounds. Grazing fire is opposite of plunging fire with grazing fire you aim at waist height along the axis of an attack (enfilade position).
  25. I can say .303 like all handloads you can get a much better performance than any intermediate round in production today. Doing my sums with the 5,56 NATO which is similar I imagine to the Russian 5.45 mm I just looked it up it is 55Grain going at 3000ft/sec. It gives you a performance similar as a 9 mmx19 at 25 meters at 300 meters. You can custom load any bolt rifle for any purpose. .303 with a scope you will be effective between 500 meters and 1000 meters depending on visibility and the weather. I gave you my insight as a handloader which I did as a hobby till about 30 years ago. Higher velocity doesn't mean better ballistics. I would prefer the 7.62 x 39mm rather than the more modern 5.56 NATO which used to be affected by brush or wind more than a slower and heavier projectile. It depends what your purpose is, for accuracy the .38 Special with a 148 grain wadcutter velocity 800ft/sec is more accurate than a 9 mm Parabellum with a 115 grain going at 1200ft/sec at 50 meters. Why that is? I don't know but I selected the .38 special for competition.
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