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Everything posted by Bearstronaut

  1. There's not that many German campaigns for CMBN other than the ones that come with the game and the different modules.
  2. Try recon by fire. Usually gets the enemy to return fire and then you can suppress them with infantry and close and destroy or eliminate them with heavier vehicle mounted weapons.
  3. Same as it ever was. I read a book about Soviet soldiers in WW2 over the summer and officers coercing female soldiers into becoming "field wives" was a big issue.
  4. That's a very good museum. I went there several times when I was stationed in Korea. Last time I went I got volunteered to be the translator for a battalion staff ride there because I speak Korean. I explained to my commander that everything was written in English as well as Korean but he was like "SGT, none of the battalion officers speak Korean and all the other linguists are working mission so you might as well come along."
  5. It was completely reckless. The SU-27 could just have easily crashed alongside the Reaper.
  6. Try attacking a Soviet position with Stummels or armored recon vehicles and say that you don't have to worry about ATRs.
  7. I do wonder where Russia is going to get the bodies for a new mobilization. They were conscripting convicts and middle-aged men in the first mobilization. That's bottom of the barrel stuff. No offense to the middle aged men here but I'm 34 and left active duty for the reserves last year because I didn't think my body could take it for much longer. Taking dudes in their mid-40s, giving them a couple weeks of training, and throwing them into the fight is what Nazi Germany was doing in spring 1945 when they literally had no other choice.
  8. For the Korean War I'd figure it would be relatively easy. The North Koreans and Chinese essentially used late WW2 Soviet gear and the US and South Koreans used late WW2 US gear.
  9. If I won the billion dollar powerball I'd definitely contact Steve about funding a Korean War Combat Mission game.
  10. What's your point, dude? Just because countries in the global south were colonized and victimized in the past doesn't make them arbiters of morality and the common good forever. In fact, I think it's pretty disgusting that people from India, Vietnam, or South Africa can't empathize with the Ukranian people trying to fight off their historical colonial oppressor. You'd think those countries would understand it far better than those of us in the west.
  11. I greatly enjoyed your CMBN campaigns so I am really looking forward to any new ones you decide to make.
  12. Doesn’t matter. He did his job and poisoned the well. Tankies and pro-Russian fascists will be citing his report for decades. I mean, there are still people who think that the Katyn Massacre was Nazi propaganda.
  13. Don’t get me wrong, I do like Red Thunder. I just like the western front ones more.
  14. I own all the WW2 titles and CMRT is probably my least favorite for three reasons. 1. I am a US Army vet so am biased towards my own service. 2. I've never really managed to get the hang of Soviet doctrine. 3. Most of the content in CMRT has you playing as the Germans and I really, really, really hate fighting against Soviet infantry.
  15. When I was stationed in South Korea I was amazed at the animosity between people from Jeolla and Gyeongsang provinces. It's like the north/south rivalry in the US but in a much smaller area and goes back over 1500 years to the Three Kingdom period.
  16. The goof down the street with the "Lets Go Brandon" bumper sticker on his car who posts stupid memes on Facebook negatively comparing the men who landed on Omaha Beach with Gen Z will be the first one to complain when asked to make the barest minimum of sacrifice.
  17. Oh noes! What if we offend the Russians? Interesting that you don't ask how the Poles felt about NATO expansion. How the Lithuanians, the Latvians, the Estonians, the Czechs, etc... felt about it. The Russians are just pissy that NATO has stymied their attempt at restoring the Russian Empire.
  18. Get outta here with that neo-tankie crap. NATO was not a threat to Russia. Nobody was itching to drive on Moscow like it was 1941 or 1812. If the Russians had played nice instead of weaponizing their whole "Russkiy mir" concept the Europeans would have been perfectly happy to just sit there and buy cheap fossil fuels pumped in from Siberia.
  19. It kind of amuses me to imagine future historians writing about this war and having to write a footnote to their readers to describe what a "Zerg" is. *A Zerg is a fictional alien species from a computer game popular in the late 1990s known for attacking in suicidal wave attacks and ignoring casualties.
  20. Ha, good one. I finished the last mission with a minor victory. That armor counterattack caught me in a bad position and killed like half my armor.
  21. I got through with a Total Victory. Guess I shouldn’t have worried so much. I just avoided the forest altogether. Used 434 troops to screen the edges and pushed up the right with armor. I lost two Panthers breaking up the Pak line but once that was dealt with it was fairly simple to clear out the place with the PzG company.
  22. I just started Warazyk Forest. I am quite dismayed that I only have 5th Company from the 434th. I only have one squad in the entire company that has more than five soldiers in it. This may be where my campaign ends.
  23. As if the Soviet Union wouldn’t have nuked Berlin in a heartbeat if they had had nukes in 1945.
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