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Everything posted by BornGinger

  1. Steven and Co. are maybe waiting for something important and very special to first be "done and done" so they can announce some good news. We just have to wait and see. We can always see this long wait as a good reason to improve our patience.
  2. Allrightie, then. I understand that having 10 tanks with the same tank number could be hurting the eyes a bit.
  3. Is this really necessary? How many are actually reading the number plates on the vehicles in the games? And in what way would different number plates make the games better? It won't make the games more tactical or more challenging.
  4. Very quick and easy to pull that backflap down not only for a visit to the toilet but also when it's time for some fun and games.
  5. I think the panzerpajamas videos are to be found under another name on youtube. If you remember what one or two videos were called you could search with the help of that.
  6. A whole lot of talk about Combat Mission and the current game engine in this thread although my first post doesn't mention neither Combat Mission nor the CM2 Engine. The first post only mentions "a game" and when I later on mention "the scope of CM" it is as an answer to a post. If we also consider that this thread is in the General Discussion section separated from the sections about the different CM1 and CM2 games, is there really a reason to argue about whether or not the CM2 Engine would manage to play a game about the "old days" when a man was courting a woman with poems and long walks and the talk about her bossom would make her faint? If "a game" about the late 1800s would be made by Battlefront I'm sure they would do what is necessary to be able to play it. Would that be a new game engine or would that be a refurbishment of the CM2 Engine? Only Battlefront knows, so there's no reason for any of us to try to argue about it.
  7. Final Blitz has dead horse flavour items. And dead cows too, I think. Why such a negative opinionated post womble? You need to be a bit more positive, butty.
  8. Well, whatever you like. But if there ever was to be a game about the American civil war or about conflicts of the late 1800s it could still contain some of the battles and skirmishes from that period no matter how large and long some conflicts actually were. Just as the WW2 CM-games we have today don't give us all battles that happened and don't give us a true representation of the battles because of time and scenario map limitations, a game about the American civil war or about the conflicts of the late 1800s wouldn't give us all battles and skirmishes or a true represenatation of the battles because of limitations. I still think it would be fun to have a CM game about the American civil war, or about conflicts of the late 1800s, with some kind of C&C system where messengers on horses would have to be used to spread the knowledge of enemy movements to the different batallions and have other kinds of weapons than we have now. I doubt that Battlefront will make such a game. But who knows, one day Steven maybe wakes up with a brilliant idea about making a game that effected USA for a very long time and wants to make it a bit different than the other games about the American civil war.
  9. Red Thunder is the conflict on the Eastern Front and Battle for Normandy and Final Blitz are the conflict on the Western Front. Then we have The Hitler's Underbelly Conflict (Sicily and Italy) and the Cold War conflict and so on. So not outside the scope of CM.
  10. If you look again you'll see that it should be Conflicts (or Battles if you prefer) of the late 1800s. So as it is the late 1800s it narrows it down quite a bit. And when we talk conflicts of the late 1800s there would be too many to choose from so we are talking about the most interesting ones. Of that reason the correct title could possibly be Conflicts Of The Late 1800s - But Only The Most Interesting Ones With Large Juicy Battles And Small But Just As Juicy Skirmishes.
  11. It depends which area we talk about. Towns and cities might have grown and new roads been built since the 1940s. And as many villages got destroyed and disappeared during the fighting on the Eastern Front and some towns/villages in the Sudetenland of Bohemia (and maybe the same in Silesia and east Prussia) had their German population killed or forced to move out either to Germany or the Soviet Union with the result that those towns/villages were demolished if Polish and Czech peoole didn't move in the landscape has changed between then and now.
  12. You do this by painting the starting area for each AI-group. After that you use ALT-key + clicking on the area to where you want the AI-groups to face. When you have done that you should see a gray small square (might be another colour than gray) where you clicked on the 2D map. That gray square is the point the AI-troops face when the game starts. I at least think this method works for quick battles too and not only for scenarios. And it shouldn't make any difference whether the AI-troops are Blue or Red as the "face direction marker" should affect both.
  13. Although this could help it would sometimes still be necessary to use old elevation maps to correct the result of the imported height data if someone wanted to make it more historically correct. As some areas most likely have been changed by the years since the 1940s the generated 3D map wouldn't maybe look very similar to how the area looked in for example 1942.
  14. Just a little correction on the language. As Brigada and Rota are feminine words and end with an "a" the adjective should also end with an "a". So Strelkovyj Brigada should be Strelkovaya Brigada. And the same with Rota. Division is also a feminine word and should be diviziya and have the same adjective as above. The information above is probably not so important when searching but could be good to know if someone has an interest in the Russian language.
  15. I just about finished watching the nine parts documentary series The Civil War. When I watched that documentary series it seemed to me that although it began as a conflict to prevent a division of the United States it quite quickly turned into a war about prestige. If the Confederate States had been allowed to exist it wouldn't have surprised me that the USA and the CSA quite quickly would have begun to work well together. While I watched this documentary series I couldn't but think about what a game about this conflict in the hands of Battlefront would possibly look like. There seem to have been enough battles and smaller skirmiches in this four years conflict to give the players enough scenarios and campaigns to be busy for a long time. If a game about the American Civil War wouldn't offer enough battles and campaigns, Battlefront could maybe make a game about some of the different larger conflicts during the late 1800s and call the game Conflicts Of The Late 1800s. And with a scenario editor the players could make and upload battles and skirmiches from more recent wars just to see how they might play out with the old time weapons and horses instead of submachine guns, tanks and long range cannons. It could have been fun to play a quick battle where Prussian or Ottoman soldiers fight against the Boer soldiers or soldiers of the Confederate States. As the soldiers in the American civil war were fighting in columns I'm at least pretty certain that the scenario maps would have to be quite large for the bigger battles. And the shooting would be a bit slower and I'm sure quite a bit more tense with the men having to reload their rifles and risk getting shot down if the enemy troops are able to reload much quicker. To use good tactics in an H2H game would probably be much more important in a game with soldiers that are using the frontloaded rifles from the 1860s and cavalry troops to attack the flanks of the enemy columns and possibly attack the enemy's artillery batteries too. And with a wego system it could be interesting to play H2H or a scenario, containing a good trigger system, and watch your troops walk forward towards your enemy who you know is just behind a hill and in the last ten seconds of that minute get surprised by having an enemy cavalry ride out from the edge of a forest straight into the flank of your men.
  16. For those of you who are venturing into Blender, maybe this pdf file can be of good use. Modeling and Animation using Blender
  17. But Hungarians are not Dutch and don't speak Dutch unless they have learned it out of interest or out of a wish to move to or visit the Netherlands. Did you maybe read that expression in a Dutch magazine or newspaper wich told the story about the Hungarian uprising? That would explain the dutch words.
  18. Cities Skylines allows you to do it and that game has a good utility for it too. You go to terrain.party and pick an area you're interested in, download the different three heightmaps and then open those height maps inside the game which gives you a 3D impression of them. After having corrected the 3D impression a bit you can start adding trees, water and other things you'd like to have on the 3D map. When all is done you save the 3D map and open it in the city building option of the game and start building your large city or towns and villages. Some more information about the maps for Cities Skylines. Look at YouTube videos about how it works with the Cities Skylines map editor and the terrain.party website. But Cities Skylines is of course not a game about war but about economy and keeping people happy in the cities, towns and villages you build.
  19. All cars are too expensive, not only Mazda cars.
  20. I too think that most of the games generally are exactly the same which is one of the reasons to why I only have Final Blitzkrieg. I wish I had bought Red Thunder instead as I'm more interested in the Eastern Front. The games which occur in a more modern era are a bit different in the way that they use different weapons and other modern systems. But apart from that I feel that they are almost the same as the WW2 games. And although the graphics don't matter much it would be great if the games could look a bit better.
  21. Oh, yes. I forgot to draw trigger lines on my picture in the previous post. Something that also can be of help is to mark or write down height differences on certain positions in the special editor overlay picture (called image overlay in my post above) which will be of help when one wants to have an AI-group to move to a location, like a hill, where it can have some concealment from the player's troops. This way it isn't necessary to use the E-key so much. So when one wants to see those AI movements and actions it's as easy as to use the O-key to make the overlay picture become visible below the 2D-scenario map in the editor's AI-tab.
  22. If you are asking me I used IrfanView for the screenshot, Microsoft Paint to draw and write on the screenshot and imgbb.com to upload the picture.
  23. The AI-scripting isn't that difficult if you plan for it. One thing that helps is to take screenshots of your 2D-scenario map and copy-paste them into one picture which can be used as the image overlay picture. On this new image overlay picture you can write down the moves and actions of the AI-groups which will make the AI scripting a bit quicker and easier as you will see that info when you do the scripting. Below is an image which shows an example of what the new image overlay picture can look like.
  24. The Proving Ground is gone now. What some people do is to ask on the forum for people to playtest their scenario. I'm pretty sure you'd find people who would be glad to volunteer and also would be happy to give you advices on possible changes which might make your battle more interesting.
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