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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. Seems some people here are easily distracted by shiny objects. Then they chase the shiny objects, being intrepid internet sleuths, and dig up more shiny objects. Then they find that multiple shiny object sites have same shiny objects! -- therefore reality of shiny object confirmed! Excellent. Well done, now we all know ...... what, NOTHING. YOU ARE ADDING NOTHING. This is about the Ukraine war, not the fairy tales that Putin is spinning, each more ridiculous than the last. Lavrov just denied that Russian even invaded!
  2. HOLY F-K Geoff-L! you are right! This totally justifies an unprovoked armed invasion of conquest and the shelling of civilian populations centers! Thanks for setting us all to rights on this! Wow, your keen legal eye is just what's needed so folks can see thru to the real culprit here!
  3. This is either wonderful and true, or a very clever lie. But either way it's gonna get FSB folks scared and non-FSB folks wanting some purges. Either way, it's making me happy.
  4. Why not set a lovely trap for the transfer. Use UKR pilots to fly the planes over, of course. Send the new MIGs to some airfields just over the border where they've massively upped the AD defense along predictable intercept routes for any interference. That would be hilarious
  5. That is most excellent. If he starts shooting army officers he's gonna have some generals seeing their best way to survive might be to get Putin first. On lower levels it might tell some captains and majors to surrender to avoid being shot for failure. So yes, Putin, please start shooting military scapegoats.
  6. So some comments above about pushing Russian forces back. We all know (from CM) that attacking is a much nastier proposition than defending against mostly roadbound attackers. I think UA should focus on continuing to attack supplies & any thing that strays away from the more powerful units. If they can can reduce supply of artillery shells to units N & NW of Kyiv that would be great, but don't know if that's possible. Advancing against strong russian units anytime soon would play into the strength of Russian firepower. Those two single road advances that are now east of Kyiv look particularly tasty. Once their supplies are exhausted, hopefully they will be ready to run away or surrender. I suppose they might go pillaging for food but then they'll face angry bloody-minded militias w guns.
  7. oops, was typing while AKD posted above. yeah, what he said.
  8. Might also simply be that the guys w the AT missile are also running the drone. They might be using the drone to help them find & assess targets & their approach to avoid surprises. And then the drone video would simply be due to the fact that the drone was actually there. Even the helicopter video they might have had drone up and then saw helicopter on radar and made sure camera was pointed in correct direction. And I think we can safely say the helicopter was not already abandoned.
  9. weather not looking great. Warming in Kyiv and Kherson areas in a couple days, but Kharkiv remains at or below freezing. No rain in the forecast for the next 7 days at least. If gods could make it rain on Hitler, surely they could do that same for Putin? -- they dislike hubris.
  10. Now that is a proper post. Well planned and well executed, leaving the reader with a better understanding of the situation and likely outcomes. Nicely done.
  11. Yeah, The MIGs might never get near russian AD, they could contest airspace away from the battlefield, protecting force movement, supplies, infrastructure and displaced civilians on the move. I just saw that Swedish AT4s have made it into the hands of UA units, with a total of 5000 being supplied. What do y'all think of this? Seems like another nice piece of gear for the infantry to knock out the roadbound russians.
  12. At least there's still lots of AA & AT missiles arriving, w lots of other useful gear. Hopefully millions of MREs also. So on what Putler has available: I am given to understand that he has ~160 BTG in his armed forces. Is that correct? And ~100 are already committed to Ukraine?
  13. Maybe a non-NATO country will step up. We just need to facilitate a handover, geeeeeez, this is like some kind of farce.
  14. I wonder if Russia is withholding notices of death or injury from families of soldiers. Having ~10,000+ casualties in a couple weeks is enough to start to get folks talking. The conscript lie from Putin shows he's scared of public opinion, of these conscripted kids getting killed and the families spreading the word.
  15. Above was about the MIGs, not the no fly zone. No fly zone IS a massive escalation.
  16. Probus, I must respectfully disagree. Russia is going to attack NATO over this? and trigger article 5? He already said sanctions are an act of war and did nothing. Attacking NATO in any way means NATO airpower can smash the mass of his military power while it's strung out on roads in Ukraine. He aint doin' no such thing IMO.
  17. Let the UKR pilots come and pick up the MIGS. If we let him play this threat game with us like this it's ridiculous. He is actively engaging in war crimes and we are to cringe every time he threatens us? Like was mentioned above, we can't let him threaten us out of all our aid. He already said sanctions were an act or war. This sounds like some lawyers got involved and are busy quibbling while Kyiv burns. Let the non-NATO folks pick up the dang jets.
  18. I wonder how much easier it is for businesses to shut down in Russia when they know the rubles they'd receive is losing value by the minute.
  19. This youtube channel is one I've visited quite a few times over the last year. A good guy w some good info. His opinion isa counterpoint to Russia-is-failing (aka Steve, et al) analysis. He thinks that Russia is currently just doing what Russia does, and that the early snafus are not really all that telling. Any thoughts? This is actually his 3rd video since the war started, his earlier ones had similar theme.
  20. This aviation fuel debacle is certainly fun. What if the world's businesses were actually able to play a big role in bringing down Putin, just by simply walking away for a little while. Fascinating to see what sanctions and shutdowns can do to Putin's power.
  21. darn. But maybe you are right. The real anger will be among the miles long line at every McD drive thru wondering what is the holdup.
  22. So McDonalds shutting down its Russia operations. Doesn't seem like anything interesting except that is supposedly 62,000 workers! That's quite a lot of suddenly unemployed folks. It's hard to see how angry populace could overthrow Putin, but every angry russian brings that unlikely goal a little closer
  23. ohhhhhh, right. I've been wondering why so many tanks & bmps have been abandoned instead of driven away. I figured it was fuel. But I hadn't considered your idea -- they flee because they believe their in more danger inside the fleeing tanks. Clever insight.
  24. you all are missing just how good that tank cover actually is. It is the same defensive technology used for generations by children all over the world. Just hide your head under the blanket. Note that ZERO children have died, ever, from monsters under the bed when engaging with this one simple trick.
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