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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. I just realized that there will probably be some kind of "stab in the back" myth forming in Russia after this. I hope all the jews have already fled that awful country.
  2. Oh, but what about the victims of this? For example, who's gonna deliver the blood money to Tucker?
  3. This is what terrifies Putin such that he threatens nukes
  4. And like I mentioned earlier today, any Russian advance to the south via Izyum has it's right flank totally exposed. And if they are already losing ground on that right flank, that's not a good sign for RU.
  5. I am still of the opinion (and it's just that, me making stuff up) that Putin was never serious about WMD. My belief is that he was terrified of NATO intervention and knew very well how much WMD would cause us to not intervene -- he was right on that one. But the point is that he was a scared little troll saying "look out, I'm craaaaaaazy".
  6. I just saw report that UA had advanced SE of kharkiv along the M03 taking Malynivka. If they can continue to advance on this axis then RU northern 'offensive' via Izyum area would be cut off. That would be really funny -- if before the russians can even get going they are cut and scrambling backwards. This would be just like the Russians so far in this war. Advance too far w/o protecting their LOCs, like they did east of Kyiv w those tendrils that looked so menacing at first, then just started to disappear.
  7. y'all can call Russia what you will, but right now I am calling it "Losing" Another day passes and the great offensive does not materialize. I remember doing this same thing up north, waiting and wondering every day for the dreaded great attack. And now I do the same, though will a lot less fear than before. Meanwhile, working on nice interior lines UA can shift forces. And the supplies from the west keep pouring in, as do the reservists. Every day makes things worse for Putin. The massacres have had a horrific effect on worldwide opinion. He aint sneaking and lying his way out of this one. And it's getting muddy, I hear.
  8. "poor life choices" I bet a lot of those young fellers are thinking "I sure wish ma & pa wouldn't have voted for Putin back when we still actually had contestable elections"
  9. Kinophile, do you think the mud has something to do with this? Since roadbound can't deploy large formations? or.....maybe they don't have a significant mass....
  10. Roger that, Kino. I think he's kinda like TIK, who's amazing at bringing Glantz, et al, east front books to life on the screen, but is hilariously, absurdly wrong when he leaves that stuff. So for this guy I'll stick to his excellent gear videos.
  11. I've liked this guy for a while on youtube talking about gear, but he's been hella wrong about war in Ukraine from the start, so skipped this. Is it worth watching?
  12. Wow, that looked like 2000m? And the shooters are totally calm, no fear at all, they laugh and displace in a leisurely manner. That says a lot.
  13. Hopefully this will come to pass. Probably a lot of nice gear to be captured in that potential pocket. Free stuff for UA. Russians have not been very good about destroying their equipment before running away or surrendering.
  14. So Steve, you think the Russians will pull out of the corridor? Because of threat of encirclement? Because of mutiny of under-supplied forces that are under drone & arty attacks?
  15. I wonder if 8 years of Russian gov't might make Ukraine look a little better than it did back in 2014.
  16. I am thinking Ukraine might want to make an incursion onto Russian soil if there's something valuable they can seize right on the border. They might need leverage. Would it be a big propaganda win for Putin on some level? Maybe, but at this point, why care? The Russian people are in an information fantasy world already.
  17. I guess if I were in the business of shooting ATGMs at russians, I'd rather be in this bushmaster than an SUV. The height is an issue but might also be kind of a handy platform for firing a javelin from the roof, jumping back in and speeding away before the missile even hit or at least before those nasty 30mm autocannons could find you.
  18. what's that thing bottom middle of the vehicle? looks like some kind of roller contraption? So these are primarily for recon/battle taxi? I should google instead of asking, but wondering how aussies see them being used?
  19. I don't want to distract the thread too much, but that is really f-ing rich. And now he might get to stay there, forever. And the russian state will probably take all his money while they're at it (they need the money). That is some beautiful natural consequences if it all plays out.
  20. how does russia revoke french idiot's passport? Is idiot hiding out in russia for some nefarious past behavior?
  21. Yes, perhaps they should leave the evil decadent west and return to the land of freedom and prosperity from whence they came. That is really messed up.
  22. I think it's pretty clear that the massacres of civilians in Ukraine are a tipping point in how people around the world are viewing things. Last night my wife said two things I could never imagine her saying: "he needs to die. someone needs to kill him" (putin) "why can't we send the american army to kill them?" (meaning kill the russian army Strange times indeed.
  23. So if the russians want to push forward with pincer movements and surround the Donbas forces, the will come from north and south. My understanding is that the terrain is relatively open steppe. Is that so? And how's the mud right now? If the Russians can't deploy on the steppes then they really can't capitalize on have big armored formations. I know that they might not have the power to actually make a big armored thrust, but I can't be sure of that. Genius Putin now looking to try to do an offensive in mud season. Or maybe he'll go on defensive thinking he'll make a big push in a month once he's got more forces & drier ground?
  24. Interesting. Kind of a global social shunning being practiced at a local level. Russia you are a worldwide pariah! Enjoy your new status. Even your 'friendly' chinese are really only interested in taking your fossil fuels for very cheap.
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