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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. just means they can starve and freeze to death there instead of RU territory or at the front, I guess. what happens when they start raiding local villages for food & shelter & clothing & booze? And just to loot. They are armed I would assume. Gonna be ugly.
  2. This is just rank desperation by Putin. Continuing terror strikes in hopes of freezing conflict even though every single time this has led to MORE support for UKR not ness. And now he is cracking down on the RU nats who had previously felt safe enough to criticize the war effort since they were all super pro-war -- no more. And mobilization seems to be beginning to have the knock-on effects that perhaps were the reasons Putler didn't want to mobilize. Ethnic tensions, angry citizens, fleeing of everyone w the means to do it. I still think the only reason Putin is still in power is that the mechanics of overthrowing him are not in place. He is like hitler where no one can get to him (almost) -- how else can he still be alive?
  3. Thanks for sharing that, Dave! I watched the new sliterine video where they talked about the new FC, along w CM status. It'd be interesting to have FC-modern. I am hoping FC will basically be the bigger campaign to my CMCW fighting. Plus has so many other countries, especially w the upcoming release. Realistically the new CM-RT will eat up most of my limited gaming time for a few months, but by then I'll be ready for change of pace w more FC.
  4. I bet the RU body armor spec very specifically guarentees it would stop an AK round at 50m or some such. And I bet RU paid lots for that kind of special material. But hey, who's checking the quality? Oh, that would be the guy I am paying big money to sign off on the tests as 'passed'. That's free enterprise, Putin-style.
  5. Holy Moly! the airplane isn't dead! Like tank isn't dead! Airplanes are, of course, sons of lesser gods relative to tanks, but this is a really welcome bit of news. RU troops have to be absolutely terrified by this. UKR untermenschen w air superiority???? And are increasing that advantage by knocking out more AA sites. This is beautiful.
  6. That Tajikistan leader really laid into Putin, including some finger wagging. Nicely done. Certainly shows that Putin's neighbors know he has no army left. Public scolding of Putin, unbelievable thing just 6 months ago. Musk wakes up, realizes what a confusing mess he's got going w his businesses, lashes out on twitter over some side show. I am sure investors are getting more & more nervous w his behavior, especially following the twitter disaster. He's done some good things but I think he's in over his head and needs to learn to have good advisors and at least listen to them before making gigantic decisions. And put away your damn phone, you are not a teenager! Does Russian public know about the mobik massacre? I get that response will mostly be an increase in ethnic hatred, but I wonder what other knock-on effects it could have going forward? And do they know mobiks are getting killed & captured already? I know Putin said 16k of them were already in UKR. Meanwhile, fronts have gone relatively dark to us. Doesn't mean there's not fighting, just no news it seems. Weather looks mostly dry over the coming week for both Kharkiv and Kherson, though some rain in Kharkiv region. Hopefully UKR can find those weak spots they've been so good at locating and unhinge RU defensive lines.
  7. well, gosh, arrogant emotional self-absorbed ***, maybe you shouldn't do your business negotiations over twitter. And you shouldn't undermine US foreign policy before (quite reasonably) asking for some funding help for starlink-UKR, again, over twitter. Oh, and btw you shouldn't have impulse-bought twitter, which seems to have really angered investors who expect you to actually focus. Musk has done some really great things but he's also super immature and narcissistic.
  8. I want this kind of job. Just say toxic macho horsecrap and get paid for it. I could do this all day and hardly take a breath, it's utterly brainless. How does one get one of these lucrative yet totally cushy gigs? I need to learn russian, then go on RU TV as USA insider giving the scoop on how to defeat evil US. oh, wait, they'd pay me in rubles. Nevermind.
  9. YT has saved me a fortune. Bathroom fan failed? YT video on how to replace. Plumbing issue? YT video. Corroded pipe under house? YT video. Car problem? YT video. How to cook something I've never made before? YT video. It aint just for kids anymore. Of course, how to get trained for warfare probably needs quite a bit of doing & practicing after watching said videos. Whether manual or video, being sent to the front w/o training is dang close to a death sentence.
  10. Hey LLF, Note that dailykos is a community forum and has lots of nonsense mixed in w stuff that makes sense, so don't think I agree w everything there. The UKR war summaries have been excellent. Your post today about Bakhmut was most excellent, THANKS! I suppose if UKR chose to, it could bring the resources to end this RU attack, but I am guessing it is choosing to use those resources elsewhere. And RU seems to be doing a good job of shaping that front for UKR counterattack all on their own.
  11. was that in a side thread link? Or did I miss that in the UKR thread? I didn't notice that -- Dude don't stray of the path! Keep your eyes on the UKR stuff I done warned you!
  12. Some items not seen here yet, some funny comments. Update from Markos of dailykos. Interesting bit about US ranger school -- sounds way worse than I imagined. LIBERAL SITE, ENTER AT OWN PERIL (I see complaints about this, but still I think it's a nice gesture. I could change my mind, but haven't yet) https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/14/2129010/-Ukraine-update-Ukraine-inches-closer-to-Svatove-as-Russia-shells-its-own-city-Belgorod-twice
  13. It's WEGO, which is why I decided to try it out. I am still total noob at it, but good step by step tutorial. But work & other stupid things is killing me lately so nearly no wargaming. Will they have wargames in heaven? Or hell? If so then death is looking less frightening.... I guess in hell the game will always freeze before the victory screen so you never know how you actually did. I am thinking the only way I'll get time to play is to actually be dead. I like that there's so much less mouse clicking than in other games. Give some orders, sit back & enjoy watching the fight for a while, repeat.
  14. Thanks for sharing this. Very informative. I recently picked up Flashpoint Campaigns as an alternative to CM, which is what I play 95% of the time. Flashpoint is actually a really good companion for CMCW, it's a level up but still tactical, w hexes at 500m. Now I just need time, dang it, I've got no time.
  15. Now that is some fun material for speculation! What if Lukashenko is trying to get out from under Putler's grasp? Can he even talk to them w/o getting caught that considering how infiltrated w RU spies & saboteurs his gov't must be? What would he ask for, what would he promise? How does this hurt Putler? How does it help UKR/NATO? for me, this is more important for the future than how the bridge was blown -- which was done by Brits using secret alien tech stolen from area 51, by the way. He's swimming in water infested w RU sharks and he'd be getting dangerously close to sharp things that might draw a little blood. Very dangerous.
  16. A few goodies here that I hadn't seen on the forum. Summary of Svatove front mostly. Adding to already mentioned here effects of mobilization, turns out RU is stripping teachers from classrooms so there's no one to teach the children. Yeah, heckuva future ahead for RU. LIBERAL SITE, ENTER AT OWN PERIL https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/13/2128629/-Ukraine-update-Ukraine-approaches-strategic-Svatove-as-Russian-Telegram-invents-phantom-wins
  17. I think is some crossfit thing. They make us do that kind of stuff. "run 800m carrying this super awkward heavy thing"
  18. This is absolutely fascinating. Millions want to leave? that's absurd! But he is in full on panic mode. Makes one wonder what the panic is looking like lower on the food chain.
  19. well well well. this is very interesting. Let's say Kherson is a full blown RU disaster in a week or so, w only Kherson city holding on & tons of POWs and lost equipment. We would be a yet another milestone where we'd ask just how much disaster can one man cause his country before something happens? Mobilization is a disaster and make people angry w hundreds of thousands fleeing the country. I guess this all gets into whether anyone can overthrow Putin, meaning somehow kill him or take over the reins of government. Of course, going back to Hitler one can say that there's a lot of disaster a dictator can take, though in his case he had a country that was facing being overrun and occupied. Russians are in an interesting situation because their only actual problem is staying in the war, whereas for the germans they were damned either way -- though killing Hitler and surrendering early would've been much better outcome for both germany and the world.
  20. ha ha ha. So Putler finds he needs the money more than EU needs his fuel. And europe really needs that energy, so he must be in a bind. I think he keeps expecting UKR allies to give up, yet every escalation has brought more aid to Ukraine. "Do not disturb! Super Genius at work!"
  21. Not sure what this means. Maybe UKR has built up enough resources to finally get some relief to the poor dogs holding this front. Maybe they see opportunity to knock out RU arty concentrations that haven't yet felt much heat. Maybe were worried about some kind of RU breakthrough. It'd be really funny to see the wagnerites be the next schmucks running away, though I doubt that's in the cards.
  22. my last Musk rant: let's say Elon WetPants gets on phone w Putler. And Putler says "either you hand over to me all your wealth and control over all your businesses, or I fire a tactical nuke". I bet then he'd be singing a very different tune -- "we must stand up to state sponsored nuclear terrorism! The world must unify in it's determination to bring every pressure to bear to stop this madman!" Of course, when what's at stake is merely the freedom of 44 million Ukrainians, it's a small price to pay. "Those people all together don't add up to one John Galt like me"
  23. and best of all, this self-important *** talks w a serial mass murderer, kidnapper of children, and destroyer of cities and then tells us all that we should do what the war criminal wants because if not the war criminal might do more war crimes.
  24. I am so jealous I didn't write this. It's perfect. thx.
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