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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. It doesn't necessarily need to be any kind of serious discussion on UKR end, it just needs to look like that -- to Putin! He's paranoid and if he thinks Luhansk/Donetsk is gonna jump, whether true or not, he might move a bunch of forces there, hopefully from Meliopol-Mariupol front. Creating fear and uncertainty behind Putin's lines is a good move in general.
  2. I saw some excellent RU nat propaganda yesterday and today. It's amazing. I'll sum it up by saying it would be similar to Goebels saying this: "We now have two russian armies trapped with their backs to the Oder after having crossed the river and fallen into our long planned trap!"
  3. did he say something interesting? I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. That's brilliant and who dresses him? that shirt is ridiculous.
  4. Totally hear you Vacillator, but I was talking about my needs and just responding to my friend Aragorn's comment. Others may differ. I have a gay 22 yr old son (absolutely great kid) so am certainly not disparaging others. Same w football -- I like the bad kind where people get hurt (american football), others like the kind where the crowd gets hurt instead (sorry, hooligan joke). My frontal lobe is like "american football is bad for player health" but the All Seeing Eye (my reptile brain) loooooves it. But back on subject, why did Aragorn think the new RT release would be soon? I was just assuming it was the usual ~6 week thing
  5. Maybe it's desperate attempt to get UKR to negotiating table to try to freeze the conflict. I expect lots of staged 'attacks' on nuke plant. What other cards to Putin have to play other than creating damage that he hopes will get URK to the table? he can't win but he can lose big and soon.
  6. well, yeah, but I had girls under catagory of "need" like food, shelter, etc so didn't include here. Above is category of "want" .
  7. forget my earlier post about water amount limited -- that is a gigantic reservoir. Yikes!
  8. Remember there's not an infinite amount of water behind the dam. There will be a surge and it will do damage but it's a one-shot weapon. Water levels will go back down, though civilian infrastructure will probably suffer significantly.
  9. So what is a good modern military rifle, in your opinion? I've seen videos saying "this is next US rifle" but I can't keep track of what is speculation and what is for real.
  10. I like this look at summer of 44. Overall, it's a landslide as german forces are overrun everywhere but locally germans were able to punch back hard w mobile forces. It only delayed the russians locally in general, but should be excellent well balanced fights w lots of maneuver. I'm especially interested in seeing how I can use combined mechanized arms against soviets in meeting engagements. I was thinking this morning that when I was a kid I liked three things: football, baseball, and toy soldiers. And I realized I still basically like the same three things (well, throw in guitars after age 12). But toy soldiers are the only thing I can still actually play .
  11. I totally agree French army needed. I wonder what storyline it would be? I'd like to see story where NATO lines are bending back, nearly breaking, everything looking very bad. Then French armor & mech infantry bust into the flank of the soviet attack and days of heavy fighting ensue. Heck, sounds like a full scenario/campaign pack to me.
  12. Looks like it's gonna get hot. I always feel invincible when I have a king tiger but then gun takes a hit. Or bogs. Or track hit. Nooooooo.......
  13. This is, of course, yet another 'tell' that someone is an RU nat -- thinking the war is the answer instead of the war being the problem. No one was talking about Putin collapse or Russian empire collapse in anything like near term until this war, yet somehow they just keep doubling down. Like w US in Vietnam, the face-saving solution (double down) is what will destroy you. The 'cowardly' solution (going home) is what will save you. Like I've said a million times, the solution is to kill Putin and say it's all his fault. Seems obvious but hey, what do I know, I'm not an RU nat. But what if RU nat faction under some leader or junta does overthrow Putin and take power? What happens to the war? The threat of FSB is what keeps everyone in line right now, but what if FSB control is weaker and various districts, military units, & other groups just ignore Moscow's orders. What happens if the fear is gone?
  14. I noticed in the latest videos that it's been raining. This is a really bad omen. Go from powder soil to impassable mud w just a little rain.
  15. 1. these kind of things can become a flood. First it's some legislative councils in St Pete & Moscow. Then it's people on TV telling the truth, totally freaking out the true believers and validating those that were already (quietly) opposed. Most of the criticism is still on the commanders, not Putin, but some is now on Putin. More tea leaves w the tea getting stronger. 2. Advancing northward toward Lyman, et al, has to cross the awful river drainage terrain of swamps & forests that we saw when RU was trying to push thru these areas. So no surprise it's slow. And UKR might decide it's too costly. We'll know within next few days if they can breakthrough. 3. Kherson: I believe it's important to keep pushing to get this kessel to collapse ASAP. UKR then has this entire front's forces to re-deploy. And it's just a relatively short trip thru Zaporizhe to reach Melitipol axis. Meanwhile RU's entire Kherson front gets redeployed to prison camps. So net result is big new force advantage for UKR.
  16. This is gonna be great. YES I AM A FANBOY. just to save some folks the trouble of saying I'm a CM fanboy and thinking they've insulted me when they haven't. And training scenarios for proper use of german mech infantry. That's lovely.
  17. OMG, did he get the wrong script? This dude actually said true things. Holy moly the world is upside down. No one even interrupted him, which is not normal for this show. Now all the brainwashed will actually hear, on their own propaganda TV show, that UKR counteroffensive drove RU troops out of Kharkiv region and that there's massive manpower shortage. Plus he states that mobilization would make economy worse and that there's not enough gear for the soldiers anyway. He sound like Steve FFS.
  18. They better be careful, lest they get a new treaty of brest-litovsk. Though this time they certainly deserve to get that.
  19. Thanks George MC, can't wait to fight it out. Fighting w german mechanized troops is one of the most fun tactical bits of WW2.
  20. Chutzpah. The only word for it. Definition by example: Son murders parents then asks judge for mercy because he's an orphan -- chutzpah.
  21. you are seriously giving me two campaigns and 13 standalone scenarios for Red Thunder, summer of 1944, for $10? Hell yes I am in for that! Order placed! Hopefully it will be here to coincide w the start of the rainy season.
  22. you are wrong, wrong, wrong. AI/machine learning is a magic rainbow pony fairy princess that can predict anything given any small amount of data, no matter how corrupt that data. Once trained, it can then predict anything outside the small, bad data samples it learned from. You need to get egykated.
  23. He says it's all because of corruption and incompetence in the army ("the mercenaries were scammed of their pay"). But is again very optimistic, says each government corporation and oligarch are told to set up their own PMC for "new stage in October". From Grigb post above. Heck, I want in on this also! I'll form a PMC and it'll have thousands soldiers in it, just look at all the signed contracts I have! So as soon as you send 3 months pay we'll be headed for the front. Here's my swiss banking info for the deposit. talk about opening the corruption floodgates
  24. It's an interesting kind of trap. Because it requires the opponent to be the stupidest idiot on the planet. Requirement was not just met but idiot reinforced the stupid by shoving more of his scare resources, and some of his best, into the trap. I am still dumbfounded by this.
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