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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. You mean Dark Beyond the Stars by Frank Robinson? I loooooved that book when I read it 30 years ago. And now I see it's not even available on kindle. Dangit, was great book. And this forum is right, yet again. Lots of folks here predicted RU arty ammo shortage. Along w the current tactics of infiltration followed by mech/armor.
  2. Hopefully NYTimes is getting bad info. I think this is a stupid think for UKR to have done
  3. Yeah, well, they were anti-Iraq war because it was built on lies. Cheney et al conflated 9-11 w saddam hussein and then told KNOWN lies about WMD. So they were right, as much as I wanted Saddam dead like most folks. I was ~70-80% against the Iraq invasion; it was built on lies and exploited american anger and grief to try to realize neo-con wet dream fantasies. (sounds crazy but I kinda feel bad for Bush -- he was a trusting guy who trusted rotten bastards, and he realized that by ~2006 by which time he wouldn't give cheney the time of day. T think Bush would've been happier to just live his trust fund baby life w occasional nice cushy jobs watching baseball and other sports -- actually this sounds kinda good to me right now ) I supported US going into Afghanistan, though I thought we should have gotten out earlier -- TheCapt & CombatInfMan might correct my thinking on this. There is no contradiction between opposing a wrong war and supporting a right one. Markos (head of Kos) is a veteran and his army son just entered ranger school. Contrary to popular belief, not all military folks are MAGA. And yes, I always put the disclaimer, because I think that is a courteous thing to do and helps to not distract the forum. So let's get back on track!
  4. Another good summary of the situation, though sounds like UKR will make these maps obsolete in a few hours. If you watch the video in the Kherson-area liberated town and start to cry, then good for you (babushkas hugging soldiers, again, but always a joy to see) LIBERAL SITE, ENTER AT OWN RISK https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/5/2127093/-Ukraine-update-Ukraine-advances-on-Berislav-in-the-south-and-Svatove-in-the-north
  5. Hi BeardieBloke. That warning is my choice alone. I do it so that someone can't say they were tricked into clicking for war coverage and then seeing things that upset their social/political sensibilities. If anyone clicks and gets triggered, well, they can't say I didn't warn them. The UKR articles there are all solid, but the sidebar links might fire some people up.
  6. S-Tank, your pics are the best! thx for sharing all these
  7. out of likes. This is professional level humor. Well done. The best recruiting poster ever "great opportunities in our team!**" the fine print: ** because previous team killed
  8. Interesting claim about communications being a big reason for new UKR advances. UKR infiltrating RU radio comms and getting info, then sending false orders, then jamming. Causing confusion and dislocation, leading to RU local then sector retreats. Also some more videos in liberated towns. This site has good daily updates. This plus forum are first thing I check each morning LIBERAL SITE, ENTER AT OWN PERIL https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/4/2126855/-Ukraine-update-Russia-s-unraveling-accelerates-as-Ukraine-makes-gains-on-every-front
  9. Awesome, thanks for sharing MonkeyKing. I just forwarded to my 1/2 Finnish colleague who is quite the Finland aficionado. He goes there every year, his Finnish father spends 1/2 the year there in his cabin in the woods on a lake -- of course, being Finland I suppose just about everywher is on a lake. The army manuals are really good, even w/o knowing Finnish. I am guessing the Russians will be similarly prepared for winter weather.
  10. but no, he's a Jon Galt. He is an ubermenshen extraordinaire! Because he knows some things he must clearly know all things and be a super genius. just look at his brilliant Twitter escapade. He's infallible! We should definitely let him take the lead on giving away Ukrainian territory. Next maybe he can give back India to the british, which was part of british empire until britain mistakenly gave it away. Crimea might be negotiable at some point, but there's certainly no reason for UKR to start talking with that. Putin is a serial mass murderer and kidnapper of children. That's where things should start. On a more serious note, thanks to the very well informed posts about winter survival for troops. Well done. And to Dan/CA's Svatove collapse, I think UKR will declare Svatove taken on Sunday.
  11. Note that the benefits of removing Kherson Kessel (aka Putler's Pocket) would greatly increase UKR capability to attack on Melitopol front or elsewhere. While RU loses all the units on Kherson front, UKR has all its units to redeploy. If RU is given time to remove units from Kherson then both sides would get shortened front w ~same # of men, though RU would have lost a lot of kit & supplies. Advantage to removing kessel is disproportionately in favor to UKR if they can act soon. Picture the situation post-Kherson. UKR will be able to very thinly defend right bank since there no way RU could mount a an offensive there even after a successful river crossing. But RU will still need to fear a UKR river crossing and so would need to keep up more of a defense along that line. If RU has long stretches of left bank left undefended, UKR might sneak forces into the area and cross to form a significant and threatening beachhead. Given Putler's obsession w Crimea he can't afford to have UKR on left bank where it could threaten an advance toward Crimea.
  12. that would put UKR ~9km from nova kahovka dam. So the already meager supplies leaking through would be cut by at least half. oh my oh my. Yeah, as someone said above, it's gonna be a fun Monday morning meeting w Herr Putler. I hope someone records it for posterity.
  13. wow, there's no words for this. How can anyone be so f--ing stupid? I saw a football game like this yesterday. "the winning team wasn't any better than us. They just took advantage of their superior strength, size, speed and offensive and defensive skills to continually take advantage of favorable matchups."
  14. Good summary of the war today. Has some fun snippets of tankie & RU propagandists. Hilarious. LIBERAL SITE, ENTER AT OWN RISK. This thread is all UKR war except for sidebar links to other articles https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/2/2126501/-Ukraine-Update-Russians-and-their-boosters-cope-with-another-stunning-defeat
  15. A symptom of a corrupt, incompetent military organization (bad training, leadership, gear, situational understanding) but I bet also due to the huge losses in officers. I bet there's no one visiting the frontline and making sure it looks like it's supposed to. So many Lt Col, Majors etc, but even more captains & LTs. Who's left to make things go right? Especially w ill-trained and drunk soldiers.
  16. So does he get a W2 income form from FSB for his taxes? Or somehow paid w/o taxes? It'd be great to see the tax returns of the tankies and see what fake companies paid them money for 'consulting'
  17. oh please oh please oh please let there be collapse around Kherson, & soon. This would be a huge slap in the face to Putin.
  18. I hear ya, Poesel. I have this same thought around 50 times a day. I really want Kherson Kessel to fall w huge bag of prisoners. Not just for the strategic & operational success but in my (so far) vain hope that it will cause Putin to fall.
  19. They'll need the alcohol and will have plenty for sure, since it's sanctioned. A country so collectively mentally ill they think they can take on the whole world. Wow. Can't believe all these Canada references w/o mentioning The Tragically Hip. And I also had Rush as my first concert, 8th grade. Didn't know their music very well but what a show! So tight and professional. Meanwhile, maps seem to be indicating that RU failed to build a line at the next river. Looks like it's already been bounced. I keep wondering what forces RU has b/w Torske & Rubizne. yet another major supply junction seems to be in play. That funeral video was crushing. How can humans be so insane that one man's life is worth the lives of dozens of thousands of others?? Just shoot Putin someone, please. That would be the most festive funeral since 1945.
  20. Interesting video about a tank-supported infantry attack on RU position in Kharkiv region. Battalion commander watch w drone and commanded using that info -- like he was playing CM
  21. yes, Putin using bold action w leverage like Steve said. Multiple gains per action. The pipeline attack cuts fuel to europe and causes shock through energy markets, which Putin hopes will lessen western support for UKR & for sanctions. He's also letting us know he'll attack our infrastructure at any time and even have the ability to still say "who, me?? prove it!". The "RU didn't do it" of course will be picked up by the usual collection of snakes that spouts RU propaganda in western media, and making big bucks doing so.
  22. Yeah, seems you're view fits the facts better than what I was thinking, thx. Which then brings up what is behind his prioritization of south relative to donbas?
  23. Or he is simply trying to hold everything, as his ilk is wont to to. I think he believes he will stop UKR offensive before much loss to Luhansk. He's currently able to say his war paid off, look at all the denazified territory and the people returned to their natural home, Russia. Seems that taking the Kherson Kessel should be a high priority for UKR since that will put the lie to Putin's annexation and tough talk.
  24. And the forum descends into idiocy. F. I think I'm out for a while. Page after page of pointless drivel. For example, folks endlessly blathering about how the west is going to remake russia -- guess what, we don't get to do that. Only they can do that because we are not occupying russia, ever.
  25. So now we see Putin's game clearly. 1. wreck European economy (and global) as much as possible w energy cutoffs, via sabotage or whatever means. This is working. If he cuts off the 3rd pipeline it will really cause trouble. Stock markets hate uncertainty and Putin is bringing lots of it. 2. Keep threatening nukes if UKR too successful, or if NATO gets more involved. And I think he will use a tactical nuke to stop UKR at some point. I no longer think this is a small probability given this pipeline sabotage. He knows that nukes are his trump card and is now desperate enough to go there. 3. RU economy is heading downhill but Putin clearly thinks he can take the pain longer than Europe can. So the only hope is that someone kills Putin. And soon. but no one seems to be in a position to do this even though surely all the big political players know it needs to happen to save their country.
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