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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by IICptMillerII

  1. In this video it appears that the TacAI is performing the new "cornering" mechanic added in v4. That is, the team was given a face command outward along the building they are behind, which tells them to peak around the corner. The one soldier who moved to the other side of the building was doing this as well, he just had to run around a wall to get there. Personally, I do not see a problem with behavior in this second video. The scenario in the first video you posted is a lot more complex. First off, do you have a save file of the replay of this turn to share? I've watched the clip a few times and I can't really figure it out. At first, I thought the team had taken fire first, causing the team to displace. However, it appears that this is not the case. The team spots one enemy team, and without taking fire appear to displace, which is when they run into the open and get gunned down. If I were to guess, it appears that when your team spotted the enemy, it triggered the TacAI to displace. This is odd, as normally that behavior is only triggered after taking fire. It's possible that a combination of the 4.0 TacAI, along with the specific move command you used (Hunt) and the nature of the immediate terrain all conspired against you to produce the result you recorded. I understand that this is frustrating. No one likes losing units, especially when it appears that they were killed by a glitch/bug. My advice would be to first, send/post the save file of the replay (if you have it) here so that beta testers and those curious can load it up and see for themselves what happened. Second, right now it is best to wait for the upcoming engine patches to be released. I know for a fact that the patches will be addressing a number of TacAI behaviors in 4.0 and fixing them. It is very possible that the behavior you saw in the first video will be mitigated/eliminated from happening again after the patches are released. It sucks that we have to wait for the patches, but the good news is that they should be released any day now. In the meantime I would recommend replacing the 'Hunt' command with the 'Slow' command in situations like your first video. Added with a 'Hide' command, this would have caused your team to crawl up to that hedge and remain prone. Then, the following turn you could turn off the 'Hide' command to allow the team to sit up and look out over the yard to their front. Also, a liberal application of the 'Pause' command helps to mitigate the current 4.0 behavior.
  2. @Frenchy56 there is a thread for CMFI screenshots and videos here:
  3. I dream of a world in which people are literate. As has been stated many times now by Steve and beta testers, the US Army campaign called Task Force Thunder, and the US Marines Campaign called Smper Fi Syria are fully 100% updated and ready to go. They do not require any additional work or patches in order to be enjoyed to their fullest extent. The rest of the campaigns, (the Canadian campaign, the German campaign, the Dutch campaign and the British campaign) are all still being fully updated, thus in their current form do not benefit from all of the engine improvements. However, they can still be played and enjoyed in their current state.
  4. I just checked and it's a .7z file for me. That's what I uploaded and when I checked the download it downloads as a.7z file for me. No idea what a .man file is or why it's showing up like that for you.
  5. I've updated the mod to include a strings.txt file that changes the name to "Sahrani Liberation Army" on the AAR screen and under theflag on the password screen for PBEMs.
  6. I think the confusion might be over the upcoming patches and what they entail. As far as I know, the patches will have title specific fixes, as well as overall engine fixes. For example, it has been mentioned that the BAR and Bren guns in the WWII titles will return to firing bursts at long range while stabilized. This is obviously exclusive to the WWII titles. The big overall engine fix will be to the TAC AI abandoning its positions while under direct or indirect HE fire. This fix has already been applied to the release of CMSF2, so the behavior we are seeing in CMSF2 is what we will see in all other 4.0 titles once the patches are released. I personally think it is a great improvement over the base 4.0 behavior. What is not currently 100% clear is whether or not there will be a title specific patch for CMSF2 along with the rest of the patches. I suspect not, though I have no firm proof to back this up. Just my hunch.
  7. Extract the "3rd ID Multicam" folder into a folder named "Z" that goes in the "Data" folder in the CMSF2 directory. For example, my address path looks like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force 2\Data\z
  8. Ace Combat soundtrack gets an upvote from me! Even if it's not from Ace Combat 4
  9. Glad to see you're back! Hope you had a good sabbatical. Have you heard/seen the news of the upcoming module for Red Thunder? If you haven't I hope I'm the first to excite you by telling you that the module will be adding winter to the CM Eastern Front, among many other things.
  10. Has anyone tried adding in numbered tracer files that are blank in order to show the effect of a tracer only being every 4th round or so? For example, if the red tracer is just called red.bmp, you could try adding red 2.bmp, red 3.bmp, red 4.bmp with the numbered files being a blank image. No idea if it would work but it might be worth a try.
  11. @mjkerner Nice! I see you too have discovered the magic of photoshop templates and the pattern tool I especially like the green and tan camo patterns in the second pic. The colors and scale of the camo pattern are just right to my eye.
  12. I used the beret model from CMBN. The one made by @Saint_Fuller had a sheen to the texture that I couldn't get rid of in photoshop. Fuller is the author for the SSh-68 helmet model that is used by the mod. Thanks! I don't have any plans on doing the RACS forces at the moment. Maybe another modder will come along and take that challenge on.
  13. Sahrani Liberation Army by IICptMillerII The Sahrani Liberation Army (SLA) is the army of the fictional country of the Democratic Republic of Sahrani from the videogame Arma: Armed Assault made by Bohemia Interactive. I decided to make this reskin because I've always liked the "generic OpFor" look of the SLA. The "lore friendly" loadout of the SLA is mechanized infantry in BMP-2s (Syrian Republican Guard formation) along with T-72M1s. However, all T-72 variants and the BMP-1 have been retextured as well to allow for flexibility when using the SLA. This modpack will replace the following stock Syrian assets: Regular and Reserve infantry BMP-1 BMP-2 BRDM T-72 (all variants) Shilka Special Forces (NOT Syrian airborne) Voices: In Arma, the SLA have hispanic heritage, thus speak Spanish. However, I have given them Russian voices and names as these assets are readily available from Combat Mission Red Thunder and Combat Mission Black Sea. Going through the process of creating a whole new set of voices in Spanish would have taken me too long and been far too labor intensive. Infantry: Both Regular and Reserve Syrian infantry have been retextured to look like SLA soldiers. Regular infantry have their rifles model swapped to use the AK-74. This is purely a cosmetic change, as the game still simulates them firing the 7.62mm round of the AKM. Additionally, the stock helmet texture has been remade by SaintFuller to model the Soviet SSh-68 helmet. The textures for the helmet were made by SaintFuller and tweaked by myself. All other infantry textures were made by myself. Vehicles: Included are reskinned BMP-1s, BMP-2s, T-72s, BRDMs, and the Shilka. All textured by myself. Especas: These are the Special Forces of the SLA. They are equipped primarily with AKS-74Us and wear green berets into combat instead of a combat helmet. The stock Syrian Special Forces are used to represent the Especas. The AK-74Ms and helmets have been model swapped for the AKS-74Us and berets. The beret is from Combat Mission Battle for Normandy with the retexturing done by myself. The AKS-74U model is from Shock Force 2. All other Special Forces textures were made by myself. Known Bugs: Sometimes, swapped model textures will "flicker" when viewed from a distance or from up close. To my knowledge there is no way to fix this. However, it is mostly unnoticable. Credits: Battlefront.com for making Combat Mission and most of the base textures and models Bohemia Interactive for making Arma: Armed Assault and the SLA IICptMillerII for making most of the textures and model swaps SaintFuller for making the SSh-68 helmet model and base textures Usage: You are free to use this mod how you like. If you use any assets from this to make your own mod, just be sure to give credit where it is due. Download Link: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=8070
  14. From Circling the Wagons, playing as OpFor. This Abrams just refused to die: It was still alive at the end of the scenario.
  15. Funny how you completely failed to read what it was I was referring to as outside the scope of CM. I was talking about breaching a massive sand berm, NOT about breaching minefields. Breaching minefields has been in the game for years. How anyone could be so stupid to think it isn’t possible in CM is beyond me. Not sure if this is a second language issue, a lack of daily crayon munching issue, or the irrelevance of the FDF in general. Either way, learn to read. Actually, don’t bother. After all you’ll find landmines most effectively with your legs and face.
  16. I think he is talking about in the QB force selection for the Syrians. I've checked myself and it doesn't appear possible to select mechanized airborne forces, or the BMP-3 as a single vehicle. Possible bug that might want to be noted.
  17. You have to place the breach teams next to the known minefield, and then the mark mines move command will become available. Personally I'm hoping for an engineering vehicles pack, similar to what was done for CMBN. I would be satisfied with some Abrams and T-72s with mine plows, but I would be even more happy if we got a whole bunch of engineering vehicles, such as MICLICs and the ABV to name a few. This is beyond the scope of CM. Even if it were done in combat, it would take a while and just isn't part of what CM simulates. If you wanted to simulate it you could by opening up the mission in the editor and making the holes in the berm yourself, to show that the engineers had been busy for a few hours and blew holes in the berm by the time your assault force got there. Something like that.
  18. The US flag is always worn on the right shoulder. Below this goes a combat patch if one has been earned. A combat patch is simply a division patch (lets say 3rd Infantry) that is worn below the US flag if the wearer was deployed with the 3rd ID. The division patch (which displays the unit the wearer is currently in) goes on the left sleeve. My uniform skins do not include combat patches as they can be quite varied. I've only included the minimum uniform standards, which are the flag and current division patch.
  19. Not sure I know what you mean by "upper sleeve wraps." Do you have a picture you could post as an example? Even without seeing it I can say with almost certainty that falls outside regulations and would not apply to the scenario in SF2.
  20. @Mord for simplicity sake, here is a quick breakdown of the modern modular brigade structure. There are 3 types of brigades. Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) and Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT). Generally speaking, these brigades do not have their own divisional insignia. There can be multiple types of BCTs in a division, but they all use the same divisional insignia. A good example of this is 4th ID, which currently has 1 IBCT, 1 SBCT, and 1 ABCT. However all of the soldiers display the 4th ID patch for recognition. Airborne units are IBCTs. So I would recommend keeping it simple. Stick with division level insignia for the portraits. I'm pretty sure the game only distinguishes between "light" and "heavy" infantry in the UI (light being infantry/stryker and heavy being mechanized) so how you want to display that in your portraits is more up to you. Otherwise I would stick to just division, and then if someone has a specific request for a specific unit for a campaign or something, you could consider doing commissions.
  21. For the 82nd and 101st it would just be the division insignia. If you want to get more specific you could do the card suits for some of the 101st regiments. The 82nd is pretty uniform. There is an airborne brigade with the 25th infantry division up in Alaska but they would also just use division insignia. The 173rd Airborne brigade is the only regular Army airborne unit that uses its brigade insignia because it is an independent brigade, meaning it isn't part of a division. In theater it is generally a corps level asset, meaning the corps commander uses them how he sees fit. Same with the cavalry regiments. But as far as insignia goes you basically treat them the same as you would divisional insignia. The brigade patch is used instead of the division patch.
  22. Ya know, the game is more fun if you actually play it instead of spending years nitpicking every tiny little thing
  23. My advice would be to stick with divisional insignia in most cases. Its still the predominant form of insignia identification and is the majority of what you'll see. The only exception to this are independent regiments, such as the 2nd and 3rd Cavalry Regiments, and the 173rd Airborne brigade to name a few. SF units like Rangers and Green berets have their own identification as well, but all of that sounds like it would be way too much work. Making portraits for regular infantry battalions/regiments would be overkill in my opinion.
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