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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. I've done a few (~5?) test runs with the Khrizantema and the M1 facing eachother 1km I think 4/5 the M1 spotted first and once the Khrizantema spotted first but got knocked out before the 9M123s could reach the M1 so yeah good luck you might get the drop if the M1 is moving(sideways) and the Khrizantema is hidden but both sides on open ground facing eachother won't end in your favour I'm afraid
  2. Very unlucky Oplot. The first T-90AM shot was defeated by ERA. Either that T-90AM Gunner is a really good shot or he had a lot of luck on his side!
  3. My problem with this entire thing is - besides the language bias (this goes both ways, I would not take a pro West blog as serious if they could only mention Putin with power hungry KGB thug and USSR nostalgic psychopath somewhere in the sentence.. like throwing in "criminal" just for good measure when talking about AFU General Staff or this whole fascist junta thing. He just needs to add "Nazi" to reach RT level ) - that there is not a single of his "sources on the ground" being linked. He is throwing a lot of numbers around and does not even attempt to explain why they are more reasonable than 0 or 9999. And Battlefront has an equal track record of "predictions" yet they seem to tell almost opposite stories.
  4. From the "US soldiers act like cowards ingame" thread.
  5. I was being sarcastic with this whole journalistic integrity thing. Comparing anything to RT is setting the bar very low and I would like to know what bat**** crazy "debunk it in 1 google search!" reports they've been releasing that would justify this comparison. So yeah I know it's not a Su-25 (they want you to belive that ) and the German NVA *Expert* did not convince me either! I wonder how RT found him though
  6. When this CIA controlled Su-25 (Yes that is a Su-25, stupid) shot down the poor people in MH17 RT was the only one brave enough to tell the ugly truth! Any stories from Dojd TV that match this level of journalistic integrity? Based on the Interview alone I have not found any *Experts* or equally ridiculous stories.
  7. poes law just hit you, didn't read the "on a more serious note" until after I already clicked.. how do I undownrep?
  8. That might actually be doable Dev wise with the pause command instead of cancel
  9. If Krause had used the evade command his units would've ignored incoming fire and made it into the building. I can also recall not many turns ago from one of my pbem where one of my units got shot at in the open and changed the move command to a fast command on its own and got into the safe forest without casulties, only looking at one side and claiming everything is broken is just ignorant and self discrediting.
  10. Small correction - the DCS Su-25T is free, the Su-25 is not.
  11. What has the TacAI to do with acting like a coward. Just buy units with a higher morale and experience, now they panic less and deal with suppression better.
  12. Are there any sources on the casulties from Ilowaisk?
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic About US being not elite enough, buy a "typical" Russian/Ukrainian formation and then buy a US formation and compare the stats.
  14. Seps, Ger, Marines and VDV, I would even pay for a winter module that adds nothing but snowy terrain..
  15. You could make it look like this not as edgy modern digital future ish obviously
  16. Stalin probably reached out from hell to guide this shot.
  17. Does it have to be a 'leader' or will any other Infantry unit fill that crew slot?
  18. I hope the pricing is not actually influenced by 'preciousness', that should be handled with rarity. I'd really like to know why the Ukr squads are more expansive than the Russians, they seem to be worse in every aspect I can think of?
  19. afaik hiding in the woods doesn't actually do anything ingame and it even limits your aa units 360° LOS into the sky, but you might aswell do it for realisms sake I hope I'm not spreading misinformation..
  20. Do you plan on fiddling with the camo aswell? It looks a lot worse than the vanilla Ukr&Rus gear imho.
  21. World politics is a race for annihilation in your perspective? Damn, why did we stop doing this in Europe help me remember please..
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