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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. Why would it be necessary to launch a major offensive on strong holds? I do not think Russia has the capabilities to replace its daily losses for long if we are already down to 60s tanks and Mosin Nagants for rear elements, sailors fighting in frontline etc There will be a point where RuAF reservists will have to be called upon, this is not sustainable for Russia but a relatively small price for the west to simply sustain Ukraines existence as a state that fights back by bringing in what is needed for survival and arming it with weapons that trade favorably. With current losses I do not see the RuAF making it through to winter but maybe someone more knowledgable can correct me here, estimates of Russian equiptment & personal vary but if T62s are being called in numbers, that tells me T90Ms are not being replaced right now, if they still exist The only way for this to end will be when the west decides to stop its support. This is however against the main interest of many nations and with increased independence from Russia prices and economic hurt will tip more and more in favor of EU/US, which is already spreading most of the hurt over all its economic power. We are talking about minor growth corrections while Russias economy is on lifeline support with supplies running dry. Most importantly US election is far enough away that a russian puppet like Trump would not be a factor in the wars outcome and Biden can bankroll his defence industry to produce whatever blows up Russians best. Which is why I think status quo of hardly moving frontline favors Ukraine.
  2. No such information in the official german news channels, so either this is ahead of the news or not true.
  3. I have selected my RX480 through the windows menu and according to task manager this is also what is being used by the game, yet it still crashes on the newer drivers. It should be noted the crashing for me does not yield an error message anymore, the game just disappears. It however works if I revert drivers. As some other applications of mine require up-to-date drivers I hope a fix for this will be found.
  4. I think this is far superior. Also nice to see Russia filling its MP gaps with sailors, they are ahead of shedule! Nazi Germany only did that by 1944/5
  5. It is obvious theres no discussion to be had with purpheat23. Now may I ask everyone not to spam another 3 pages with this, it is hard enough to keep up to date.
  6. Less fireball, more height But maybe disqualified, as only a part of the turret was launched. The judges will have to decide.
  7. It is important to distinguish between math and statistics. A perfect model will yield unusable results with the slightest change but probability can and does every day work in estimating exactly that. Predicting what 1 human will do is close to impossible. Predicting what 10 million will do is just a matter of data. But when it comes to frontline performance,.. numbers help but will not replace experience, as is the fact in most professions, including those working in applied math fields
  8. I wonder if you'd use the same expression if we got news that UA troops are conducting mass executions in Russian villages. War crimes dont make war crimes in retaliation legal. Simple as. Also Soviet Army was capable of mass executions long before German boots stepped on their territory. Their glorification is just as offending to some as the swastika or the Japanease sun is.
  9. I am unsure if part one of the artillery attack on Russian vehicle depot? supposedly near Izyum has been posted, but here is part 2 They were obviously expecting shelling as half the vehicles were dug in. One might still wonder why you'd park those in artillery range in the first place. And I always thought those collections of defenseless vehicles parked in some field were unrealistic in DCS & IL-2 Simulator
  10. As Russia has drawn to a tie with North Korea in regards to nuking the west threats, new means are employed to get ahead in the competition. Short Vice Documentary on some crimes near Kyiv for those interested:
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes I dont think it makes sense to say "equal" in any way, but the list is long and putting up monuments in those areas that suffered is domination of the conquered nation as Steve said. Not to stray too far into OT but as an example: the vast majority of US Civil War statues were errected around the time NAACP was founded and Southern States were enacting Jim Crows laws. Another major uptick in monuments happened during the Civial Rights movement. The reason was at no point simply about "historical memory preservation" but aimed very much at current politics of the time. Kharkiv frontline shift between early march to early may.
  12. I dont think these monuments have any resemblence of insight. Its not a memorial to the victims of crimes, it is a celebration of the perpetrators. See the Lenin statues being put up right now in occupied territory. Would you leave Hitler monuments up so people can google his name and discuss the finer points of his politics? No. You tear that down and put a memorial to his victims on the same ground.. Now what if people TODAY would put up Hitler monuments, would that trigger some alarm bells?
  13. Soon NATOs agressive and hostile expansion policy soley aimed at destruction of Russian poverty state will continue as the West finally coups Finland and Sweden and forces them to join NATO despite their populations desire to forever live in glorious democracy called Russia. Maybe Russias peaceful proclamation of Nuclear Holocaust retaliation will open those corrupt polititians eyes as to who the real threat is.. NATO!
  14. No surpsises here. I guess it really is too much to ask of you to acknowledge war crimes of your own soldiers today when you cannot even acknowledge genocide from decades ago.
  15. While this is not a systemic issue, it definitely happened. Identified Russian soldier Alexey Bychkov uploaded videos of himself raping a 1 year old - how about those phone call credibility again of smart criminals? @DMS If you want to burn your eyes, it should be easy to find. Good news is, he was reportedly arrested. These conversations and the crimes they entail have also been in large parts verified by the BND (german military intelligence).
  16. Some scholars define denial as the final stage of a genocidal process. Richard G. Hovannisian states, "Complete annihilation of a people requires the banishment of recollection and suffocation of remembrance. Falsification, deception and half-truths reduce what was to what might have been or perhaps what was not at all." Crisis actors, Jewish Nazi soldiers, Mi-6 planted bodies, Chechens sending pics of dead sons that were captured alive on TikTok, countless cases of at best complete disregard for human life and at worst openly hunting civilians on video,.. but yes, as we have already seen with your Bucha comments every video is a fake, every picture constructed, every testemony read from script, I am sure there are also explanations about all the mass graves verified by countless international observers The glorious Russian soldier does no wrong, as has been proven time and time again in history. Take care not to overdose on the copium.
  17. Rich_May on reddit noticed that this is the exact same position from the previous incident Different time, different Stugna-P unit and obviously the Russians supplied a new Ka-52 as well
  18. With the current behaviour of Scholz, I do not put it too far out of reach to say that the denial might have been on request..
  19. Appearently in Kherson region the Russians noticed unrest and a general lack of USSR nostalgica. A Lenin monument was errected in response some weeks ago. Its good to know they act so efficiently on problems that matter
  20. Where can I find the asterisk Note of concern information in that sheet?
  21. I dug the list up and it seems fishy to me. I looked up about a dozen known volunteers and could not find any of them. I also tried to vouch about 50 names from UK, USA, Ger, Belarus on google, facebook, twitter and instagram and could only ID one that is in Ukraine (Lviv, preaching the gospel to refugees). I could not identify anyone who is armed with more.. potent ruskie removal tools than prayers and I assume atleast some would be active on social media. Maybe just bad luck but seems kind of odd. If we assume military training at the minimum requirement a lot of those from countries with pure contract army would have had to desert their posts at home to join as there are plenty 2004,2003,2002,.. (damn I'm already old in military terms). No idea why someone would fake this list, or if it is legit and my social media search was just incompetent, why is the list so bad that it doesn't include the ones openly active online?
  22. Ukrainian Mig-29 take-off during artillery. No date/location. https://i.imgur.com/ovtmvb7.mp4
  23. Su-25 and I kind of doubt its ukrainian, is possible but unlikely. Both are throwing flares, afraid of IR missiles, which over ukrainian soil the Ukr jet doesnt have to worry about if it were on the tail of the rus plane.
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