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Everything posted by Lacroix

  1. Rules: Large battles and maps, or huge even. no rules regarding army composition,but try to stay kinda realistic,unless we agree on specific rules for specific game minimum 1 turn per 24 hours battle time:depending on the map,from 30minutes to 1hour battle type: meeting engagement i play germans rarity:standard if you are interested contact me on forum or if you already have some map in mind (preferably quality one , or vanila map that came with 1.0 version when RT was released) feel free to start the game (email:Hypaspist33@gmail.com)
  2. 10 for Rt, 8-10 for cmbn and 10 for BS when i get it : )
  3. if you cannot beat them,join them i am looking for pbem opponents for Red thunder,currently have only 1 pbem opponent , goal is up to 10 Active games rules: i am playing german faction/s,always you can set rarity to strict/standard, weather is of your choice(any weather) , limitations on artilery,tanks and planes are up to you to decide , maps can be Small ,medium,large ,huge, your call , turns must be played at least once within 48 hours,bare minimum you always start the game first (or email) map preview: allowed pm me on forum if you are interested and Active player
  4. i see, but i was thinking about normal mutliplayer. RT/turn based
  5. depends how you formulate things. pbem is not multiplayer for me,too slow too painful.too old.i am interested in a turn based real time or wego i belive its called.even real time is better than pbem.if we are to look at it objectivly yes multiplayer is dead that it cannot be any deadier. but since we are aware that combat mission is not mainstream game and all other factors,then it becomes more complex. what i meant specifically is : are there enough non pbem games,any active groups ,views on forums regarding multiplayer, views on other forums (dont know many), ofcourse not ancient pbem style ,my methabolism is still not Koala like. all this time (Cm rt,bn ww2 eras) i had little luck playing when i wanted to play. i could play sometimes, 2-3 times a week(usually with brother and his friend), but again not exactly when i wanted to. game deserves much better infrastructure
  6. is multiplayer alive? i was thinking of buying it but theres no point if theres no alive multiplayer.for me cm value lies 90% in its multiplayer. any thoughts ?
  7. multiplayer is dead , thats why steam is nessesary. i play this game because of multiplayer, not scripted AI
  8. sure. my nickname there is : thomas eichhorst, if you see me just type a message it ll notify me/anyone in the room
  9. I am calling everyone who want to play CMBN/CMRT/CMFI//CMBS online (or lan more precisely) Matches to join this Lobby that has been made on tunngle some time ago it has 255 slots , you can join and leave the lobby whenever you want and tungle is not draining your cpu (no performance issues naturally and no people hacking your credit card) shouldnt even mention that,but just in case (there is always someone more paranoid than me) Room / lobby : Combat MIssion: Shock Force ( any/every other module/game can be played with Zero Problems naturally,its just the name) (its under Strategy:turn based section) Requirements: 1.since its not my room (its from tunngle) , i cant impose any rules whatsoever but i ll just say that we (currently 6 guys from hamachi who are moving to tunngle/this lobby) preffer friendly atmosphere 2.download and install Tunngle: https://www.tunngle.net/en/download install: i am sure theres no need to explain how to install this simple thing but for those who are totally new to PC or something like that : youtube video : Before you do this all, please leave a repaly to this thread so i can know that you joined, we are not a big group my Nickname in that room is : Thomas Eichhorst, there are other members: Mosin-Nagant,Aurelius,Marpanz,Eric (some might have different nicknames now) Generally, you can expect to find someone to play with everyday ,sometimes even couple battles, but thats rare at the moment. usually its 1-2 battles that play out between all of us (per day) When you turn off tunngle, you automatically leave the room,so if we are all offline in the moment you join, that doesnt mean group/lobby is dead (i am usually online 24/7 even if i am not near PC ) We Play Turn Based Wego(Real time is also an option if you insist) , again not my room to make such rules but at the moment everyone who is in the room , was in our group on hamachi(before we moved here),and everyone likes Turn absed so in reality we 'claimed' it xd (for now) (i know everyone plays turn based anyway so its not even relevant that much) that said, if you want to play online (lan) dont hesitate,you wont find more online battles anywhere else ,unless some huge Group emmerge (in which case we ll all jump there probabbly) also we all like/love history additionally some of us record games and put on youtube,not trying to reach some views but just its nice to have a battle saved in 1 video and look again at some interesting parts if you need any help just leave a replay here on this thread (answering usually after 1min-couple hours) Kampfgruppe status: ACTIVE random scenes from a multiplayer battles played recently :
  10. i am almost sure i know how it needs to be installed but one minor mistake and everything falls into water. best if you contact helpdesk http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/mytickets
  11. after trench warfare everything is working. went on helpdesk. i reccomend Help desk to everyone,response came fast and it was very good
  12. i'd be interested in testing in wego mode tcp/wego pm me if you are interested
  13. g3258 released this year i think it has some very good benchmarks and overall people love it (its bellow 70 euros i think,heck it can be found even for 50 if you are lucky) and thats why i mention it it is dual core 3.2, but it can be OCed to 4.2 by almost anyone, it performs almost as some I5's (in single core performance) do you think it would be a good bang for buck processor together with gtx 750 or 760 , and it will run CM fine on improved/best huge maps? (fine means not bellow 25 fps usually)
  14. Solved. went on helpdesk. what ian.leslie said, something like that happened
  15. today i lost 50 IQ points (had around 100 this morning) Story: had cmbn v2 Market garden v3 everything was working fine in terms of .exe, everything patched today i bought Commonwealth forces, downloaded, Deleted all my Cmbn games to install everything from scratch,bam, fail first i was 5 hours trying to figure out how to install (which order) and now i have licence error for 2.00 upgrade which was working untill today, untill CW was first time 'installed' i installed: CMBN1.0 cmbn1.11 CMBN CW (which 'has' v2 upgrade in it) tried to run game, bam, it behaves like i didnt press x2 left click on icon then i tried to install again and bam licence error Did CW instalation f****d up v2 Engine upgrade licence, because v2 was 'moved' to CW module or something in that sense?(not that i couldve predicted that) this year, few months ago? did some beautiful anti piracy programme destroyed the key? in any case i have 1 (not 2) more key left for Cmbn,cmbn MG cmbn V3 ,v2 and hopefuly 4 keys for CW(bought today), in case they didnt dissapear if anyone has some quick solution would be gratefull
  16. thx, now i can finaly start playing CM as its supposed to be played
  17. this was always haunting me and its time to sort it out. i ll talk in examples: (Turn based ,not real time) Example 1 Goal: Move stug III 10 meters forward ,stop, shoot 1 75mm HE at house X , move 10 meters back/reversed direction .stop , (doesnt need to be 101% precise route) , shoot House X again. All that in 1 turn, how to achieve that with pause button. ofcourse i am talking about ideal circumstances, i do not mind if firefly comes out of nowhere and hits stug III and crew starts to panick, thats completely another story I guess same approach can be used for infantry (OR NOT ?) and their actions with smoke/fire/mouvement so how do i do this? my brain stops working every time i try to solve this
  18. if i buy for example CMBN +CW +MG and select ''mail delivery'' 1. do i pay additional money for transaction (like 5-20 $ more) on top of the regular ''mail delivery price'' thats shown on the bfc site? 2. do i need to activate game online/offline 3.if 2 is positive, is there a limit to number of activations as its the case with 'download only'' deivery, or i can worry not about activation keys?
  19. i just took CW from bfc (had cmbn, v2 , v3 and MG installed so far, was missing CW) site and was reading other threads but only got more confused because outdated information or changes in patch instalations i deleted all CMBN games/modules from my pc and want to install from scratch Commonwealth module on BFC site it says ' This is Game Engine v2.12' when purchasing CW (december 2014) now i dont know in which order to install Should it be : CMBN 1.00 CMBN 1.11 CMBN CW (which includes 2.0 upgrade since mid 2014 or something) CMBN MG CMBN 3.00 CMBN 3.11 edit:got everything except vehicles pack is that correct or it needs to be done differently?
  20. group is/will be squad sized, so no more than 12 people, at the moment we are 4 , battles are played generaly every day, 1 usualy, sometimes 2. sometimes none. CMBN V3 + CMRT + CMSF (most of us dont have CMFI atm) is what we play, mostly WW2 games since they are newer ones Aim of this mini group is to have battles every day,1 or 10 it doesnt matter. no schedule ,just general motion we play turn based battles that work same way as Pbem just its much more easier(automatic turns without having to do anything) but theres no Replay function.Time limit for issuing orders is unlimited(it can be 2 seconds or 2 hours) tcp/wego,turn based mode pm me on this forum if you are interested
  21. 1. Aris terrain mod ( i think thats what you are looking for) 2.i did, for months, untill i realised i can press ' remmeber me'' button and it dissapeared soon after
  22. Crucial moment (destroying last phalangist tank ) in a multiplayer battle heroic victory for germans aginst the phalanx
  23. GAJ upload: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5414/details
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