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Everything posted by Lacroix

  1. (i know torrents not so good for gaming but are they that evil?) if i dont have money,and dont have torrent ,i am not gona even get the chance to get into it and later buy it now people who have money and dont wana spend on the game,well thats another story. but,maybe he has physicaly 50 -60 dollars but he also have to buy food or fix his car so he doesnt die on the highway , just saying. determining who has money in the 1 year period is very , very complex
  2. #yep, kill a child its ok. rape a woman , ok. nothing wrong with that, its just that its probably not a pleasent experience for the ''victims''. (well unless you are a christian(which i am not) and belive in bible, but even then i think someone killed someone or tried to kill , on gods orders) or wait, you must be the one who is seeking morality from ''simply being human'' , well i have to tell you , i am kinda not into fantasy, lately #how do you define what is bad and what is good,just dont tell me '' its what everyone knows, also my parents told me'' #not being able to play CM cos you dont have money is also not pleasnt,just saying #child not beaing able to breathe while being raped or killed, will , lets say will try to reach a stone and kill his ''agressor'' ,in a same way someone who cant play CM (lets deal with it , not everyone lives in western europe) will try to reach the tool to bring CM to him (or her, but we all know females dont play this cos they are inferior) but why are we stealing animal's habitat ,bugs' habitat and even laugh when we kill one (bug at least). oh right, because there is no imaginary law that we are binded to. or more precisly you are binded to, your parents arent teaching you much, they are just passing tradition onto you,which you accept so passionately is hunting animals (LEGALY ofcourse, with permission) morally ok with you? if its not , then where do we draw the line about what is wrong or right. is it simply the piece of paper that was writen by an unqualified politician? that was choosen by the sheeps who choose their presidents based on personal gains,color of the hair of the candidate,color of the party or simply because its -IN- to put a piece of paper in the basket well unless we live in a DIRECT democracy, even then, its other people's laws/thoughts, because (hypothetically) i do not agree with them.yep you can stone me to death , you have 51% or 99% people on your side, but i am not* buying your philosophies maybe i shouldnt be playing games,but you said it. Maybe , you answered your question or statement in the end, you can say '' you are bad , piracy is bad, its a theft'' and (since you will dismiss all what i wrote as an excuse i ll just say OK
  3. even tho i am in my opinion now at least, guilty of some poor assumptions regarding this specific theme,i agree
  4. i don't feel bad about it i guess i am evil.marking my arguments as throwing smoke just like that makes me not to go into further discussion about this because whatever i say it will be called semantics or smoke , without actually prooving its 2 things mentioned. its just called that because it doesn't resonate with your views that are deeply rooted. ofcourse all this also sounds like semantics, i know
  5. its easy to say that its not subjective i mean everyone can say that. but in reality you can't just single handedly decide what is right or wrong, if theres such thing. i mean why would i agree with '' no , its like this, i am right, its not subjective''. there might be someone who would say '' no,even if you steal bread for children, its a theft, its not allowed, period its not allowed'' then who is right, you or him? where do we draw the line, if theres such thing i dont belive in right and wrong only in different choices, so i cant resonate with you very much, you can have like 80% or 90% people on this forum on your side (of the argument) but thats just argument of the majority, and we all know what is that, numbers. we are not talking about 2+2 = 4 , we are talking something more apperantly complex
  6. when i was younger, milions of games. now, very few, i dont even bother with triple aaa games anymore what is right or wrong is very complex subject and very subjecitve. but what i can say is that simply some people really wont have money for CM , specially if they are not living in tier 1 euro/amero countries rest of the points you made that i didnt quote i have no answer to, because you are right i am offering mere speculations, but tbh not fantasy ones
  7. i played demo and i couldnt extract the soul of the game from it, i had to have more content available. cm is not popular enough so that these unupdated torrents can damage it, and people playing cm are generaly not so childlish as for example Call of duty / total war playerbase
  8. i dont think torrents hurt CMx2 games ,even if some people download torrent i think most of them will buy the game later, like i did. and those who do not manage to get into it , willl just forget about it. i played that torrent 1.1 or 1.01 thinking its not a good game, and later i realised its one of the best games on the market, so i bought several expansions and the main game and planing to buy RT/FI and almost anything BF throws at me. on other hand if you have fully updated torrents and quick pirate, that would do some damage for sure,but even then i dont see the damage being huge. then again, if the game is good as it is, i think many people would still buy it just to honor it, even if there are fully updated torrents simply because CM is played long term and those who don't have money, well DRM wont help them or BFC. those who dont have money will not buy your product with or without DRM in place, simply cos they dont have money
  9. i really have no idea how good/bad BF support is on this subject . if i said i knew i 'd be lying. from the comments i see that they would generaly almost always give you a key , unless its obvious that something weird is happening. but i still dislike the ''relativity'' of the whole thing.hopefully one day system(protection of intelectual property) will be more closer to the ''oldschool'' ,if theres such a thing. but i kinda doubt
  10. probably is key word. i dont wan't to think about those things after purchasing game.i have heard cases where new graphic card did require cd key. probably is the main problem actually. will BF give me another 5 keys ? probably. not '' Yes they will'' i dont know where i stand, do i own the game or not , how many keys i can have, 1 each year or XXX if i explain that its hardware change. its all so complicated, yet it says '' get your copy of the game '' so far i am only renting cd keys, i dont feel like i own anything edit: i might purshace SSD for speed and put CMBN there, i ''guess'' it ll ask for new cd key, thats my point i have so many guesses* but only 4 -5 keys, and a full price to pay for game
  11. i 'd love to do that but i am not aware at this moment that that' is possible
  12. why would they trust me that its hardware change, i could have sold 2 of them and lie about it. also i am prone to changes in general, i might need 20 keys in next 2 years... and whos gona give me that lol
  13. i dont like activation keys. looking from my personal angle, i had to install new 64 bit system and change graphic card. i did it all in one shot to avoid losing 2 keys. but what if i was unable to do it in 1 shot, i 'd be left with one key now.and tomorrow i might add more ram or simply due to mechanical failure or something similar remove any parts of the pc and put them back, i will have 0 keys. even if you give me 8 keys its not the point. i want to have my copy of the game for the eternity and do what i want with it. CM games not very expensive, but they are expensive, specialy if you want to have all of them these keys are limiting me in so many ways, because i value BF games and dont wana lose them, but in same time i dont have 200 dollars to give again in such a short period after i lose the keys due to these legit situations writen beyond. its matter of weeks or months untill i lose 1 more key and i ll have 5 or more months untill i can send a request for 1 more which i can lose in matter of days/weeks/years i know if you dont have keys people would just buy 1 game and distribute it like crazy but this is not the solution.its worse than most hardcore anti pirate systems in the world. at least there you have your game for real, this is like renting keys/time i know this has little to no impact on your views/policies, this single thread but please consider changing this
  14. gtx 650 ti , now there are different variations, some are 100 dollars (new) some are even up to 140,150 dollars. i wanted to take 650 ti 2gb ddr5 but i was in a hurry and didnt wana wait for it and also dont need powerfull gpu cos i play CM-Ish type of games. not new graphic cards should be at least 30-40% cheaper, so for 70 dollars i guess you can get it , even 50 if you are lucky. avoid GT models if you can tho (go for GTX 650 and above) (togi also said that you can read in the comment beyond) thats what i learned from the last 7 days when i was searching for GPUS and stuff,info might not be 100% correct but its very close i think edit: get gDDR5 memory instead of gDDR3 if you can, but for CMBN i didnt notice any diference to be honest . GT 6302gb gddr3 runs CMBN better than my Ex AMD 77501gb gddr5 (ddr5 is faster than ddr3) more powerfull card
  15. solved, i bought gt 630 and shadows are better (far from perfect) , with shader hotfix from CMFI its decent looking
  16. it says WeGo TCP/IP with the ability to save but not the ability to replay combat action does that mean i can: 1. play 10 turns with soemone 2.save 3.come back tomorrow in saved games, and continue from there with same person, without having to do anything manualy or send files or it works differently
  17. vanila sound vs HQ 1.5 (seeking most realistic option) anyone here that is expert or good enough with guns irl that can tell me what is more close to real sound on the battlefield.(battlefield as a whole) problem is its not that simple. sound is different depending how far are you from the gun that is shooting irl, and that is (i think) not modeled in CMBNx2 games, gun sound is same just lower volume. so taking that into consideration, what do you think, vanila or HQ 1.5 (or some other mod) is battlefront keeping sounds pretty generic because of that reason (not able to model more than 1 sound for 1 weapon , so it sounds more appropriate when there is a massie shootout or just not bothering with it), if former is true , then HQ 1.5 is not the good choice for anyone who wants the game to be realisic as possible,simply because sound is too clear and nice if later is true then i guess HQ 1.5 is better option, only problem is i dont know which one is the case always in dilemma
  18. in some of the threads there is a link to shader hotfix from CMFI, it fixes almost entirely buildings/bocage flickering shaders/shadows, with that in my Z folder game looks good now. actualy tree/bush shadows are not perfect but they are good in 80% cases. sometimes they can look very bad tho
  19. thx for advice, but i dont need powerful graphic cards, i just play EU 4 , hoi3/4, combat mission games. i just dont want to get something really bad so it can't run Combat mission. in store across my house gt 630 2gb ddr3 cost around 90 dolars, i kinda think its too much
  20. would gt 630 2gb DDR 3 (ddr3) be good for combat mission, i have amd 7750 atm but i cant stand the shadows. i am not playing cod /bf games so i dont need powerful card (i am kinda downgrading from 7750 to gt630) is ddr5 1gb better for CMBN than 2gb DDr3?
  21. i even like amd's logo but nvidia is more ex pensive for a reason
  22. if you could send me direct link it would be awesome. i am searching for it atm
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