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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. I'm not in the camp who says the US decides everything and that the EU countries are basically vassals, but I do think the US has a LOT of power to influence the foreign politics of most EU countries. You wouldn't need to stop all Western countries to stop sending weapons, just the majority or even the most important ones. And politics is rarely black or white. American political pressure could make Kyiv accept some kinds of peace proposals, but not others. I'm thinking of the potential scenario where China agrees with Russia that they will propose a "generous" peace plan that doesn't totally satisfy Ukraine. I think the US opinion on that plan would largely dictate what other Western countries would think about it, and it would put Ukraine in a difficult position where they might just have to accept something less than total victory.
  2. That's the official line, but I think it's more the other way around. If you wanted Kyiv to take a peace offer, they wouldn't have much choice but to accept. At least if the alternative was no more weapons.
  3. Green terrain can be either a touch objective (will disappear when you enter it and victory points immediately awarded) or occupy (won't disappear when you touch it, and you need troops there at the end of the battle in order to get any victory points for it)
  4. As someone in the creative field, I don't know whether to feel amazed or depressed that this AI will probably take my job soon. Also, I feel insulted that it didn't mention any of my scenarios ;(
  5. Ah ok. Well you're working for a great game The only problem is that I'm never progressing much in the main storyline because I'm too happy just riding around the beautiful landscape doing minor things and looking at the sun coming up and going down... and having a beer in the taverns! Kingdom Come is the only game I ever played that made me want to travel. I've been looking at plane tickets to Czechia and if it would be possible to rent a bicyle instead of a horse...
  6. My guess: It was a bunker buster. Designed to penetrate, wait for a bit to let debris settle in the impact hole to better pack in the bomb, and then explode to cause shock waves through the ground.
  7. I don't know why it would be surprising that Russia is only near-peer, with the amount of western hi-tech weapons and training flowing into Ukraine. Actually I would expect the casualty rates to be much higher in Ukraine's favour than just 2:1. My guesstimate would be more like 3:1 or higher, based on what I've seen so far. Just looking at Bakhmut, we've seen nine months of constant brute-force assaults straight into the strongest UKR defensive positions, and it's still not taken.
  8. Well, the frontal cortex is also part of our nature. And you were in Bosnia to keep the peace.
  9. In Denmark, we call this "to settle the bill without the host".
  10. You're welcome.. Are you one of the developers ?
  11. I think it's of limited use, but not completely pointless. It's an easy thing to dig with modern machinery, and might buy the defence a bit of time, as it takes more time to channel 100 tanks through a small gap than having them just drive line abreast across the fields. But of course it then depends on what - if anything - the Russians will able to do with that bit of extra time. I doubt they will be able to do very much at all.
  12. I think it's not a trench, but an anti-tank ditch.
  13. If I remember right, the Kampfgruppe Engels campaign starts off reasonably small and adds more units gradually. The campaign is included in the base game.
  14. I would recommend you forget about Courage and Fortitude and play some of the many other good campaigns out there. Have you played Devils' Descent? It's small scale infantry fights with airborne, and with a narrative. I remember it as well made and not too difficult. I assume you already played Road to Montebourg, which I thought was well designed too, apart from one single mission that can be skipped if I remember right. Also enjoyed Scottish Corridor, which is difficult at times, but not in the same crazy way as Courage and Fortitude. I'd call it a good challenge and the individual battles are well crafted.
  15. Sorry for butting in, but it actually only depends on the experience of the unit calling for fire, and whether it's an FFO or not. Intact C2, and position in C2 do not come into play for off-map assets. For on-map assets, intact C2 is necessary, but again, it doesn't matter if it's a lowly squad HQ, mortar section HQ or a battalion commander calling in fire. Call times are the same.
  16. It has fake written all over it. Who needs a daily update on which countries are in Nato? And a daily reminder of the number of SOF in Ukraine... And the alleged photoshopping of casualty figures is likely only intended to make you believe that the original, "unphotoshopped" figures are true. Russia only lost around 40,000 KIA? I find that hard to believe after a year of total failwar.
  17. Kingdom Come - I see you are a man of culture and good taste Here's the original photo:
  18. Isn't this the exact argument that led to the Vietnam War?
  19. This guy (from Twitter) seems to live in the 1950's where vehicles were only vulnerable at close range. 300m? Ukraine can easily whack tanks at several kilometres. I don't see how these mine clearing vehicles can ever do the job they are designed to do. Strong wind messing with the line charge seems to be the least of the Russian worries at Vuhledar.
  20. The pipeline was one of the last diplomatic cards that Putin had on hand to put political and economic pressure on Europe. The explanations I've seen about why he would decide to throw away that card while trying to wage energy war during the winter seem very contrived to me. That said, I'm waiting for any evidence before making up my mind about it. Some "anonymous source" is not good enough.
  21. The thing I read people complaining about is AP slugs getting blocked by tree brances, not HE, as obviously explosive shells (and these drones) have sensitive fuses. I think they would even detonate when hitting a straw man.
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