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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. I think everyone gets this problem, at least I do. Most of us probably got so used to it that we hardly notice it any more.
  2. I don't know, but you might very well be right. It would decrease speed and raise risk of bogging, especially since road edges are alledgedly bad for bogging. Should be testable though, by making one of the new roads across muddy terrain and set ground conditions to muddy. Drive a vehicle down the road. If the game thinks the vehicle is actually driving over mud, it will bog very fast. It's a good example of how this kind of thing works so much better when officially supported by the game than when left to modders. Mods can do a lot, but they have limits and sometimes cause more trouble than they are worth. So, I'm still hoping to see these kinds of roads in an official CM title one day.
  3. I think you misunderstood. He's not talking about straightening out regular roads; he's somehow using a modded texture for the highway tiles to create whole new angles for roads. Angles that are not normally possible to achieve. I'm completely surprised this is even possible, and I've been around for years and played loads of scenarios and campaigns. Never seen it done before. I really wish this would be a standard in the game.
  4. I believe it was an old bug that was fixed in 4.0; at least I haven't noticed in while playing CMFB. Back then, I think I only noticed it with US 81mm mortars. I still sometimes pause to see if I can catch one falling the wrong way (My SOP is OCD...)
  5. I think maybe this was directed a bit at my previous comment. After reading what I wrote again, I admit it was too blunt and not entirely reasonable. Bugs and mistakes happen everywhere in any production, and I didn't mean to come across as that cranky. Also, I appreciated the many news updates lately.
  6. The machine gun boost didn't break the campaigns, but did make them more difficult. Im wondering if the MG update was later removed again, because they seem much less of a problem than they used to. Maybe I've just improved my tactics after years of playing, who knows..
  7. Ok, thanks. The human memory is a funny thing... Was dead sure I had seen damage on modular building walls.
  8. I haven't tested it, but I think I'm also seeing the game "randomly" choose between very few maps. At least it seems like the same map(s) appear a lot, playing "medium".
  9. Update: Just tested this on my old CMBN 3.2 installation. Seems to be the same, but I'm using texture mods on that one. I could swear I used to see light damage on modular buildings - maybe I'm just imagining things?
  10. I just noticed that I'm not seeing any light damage on the walls of modular buildings, despite them taking lots of damage (arty, direct HE fire, etc). Independent type buildings do get the various holes and scratches on the walls as they begin to take damage. Has it always been like this, or was it changed? Normally, it should go intact -> light damage -> wall blown out. I'm just seeing building walls go from intact->blown out. (I'm playing CMFB 4.0, "best" texture quality, no mods)
  11. It's not only a problem of missing issues during testing. Some issues are old and well known and were fixed before - yet they reappear when new games are launched. For example the issue of the game crashing when choosing an automatic mixed force without having all the modules. It plagued CMBN for a long time before getting fixed in 4.0. Now it's reappearing in CMSF2. It's not some unpredictable problem you have to pay testers to work hundreds of hours to find. It's already known and should be on a checklist when you make a new game with the same engine and various optional modules. You know there will be OOB crash problems if a player doesn't have all the modules.
  12. Just wanted to open this one again - I've found that these mortar halftrack teams even fire very slowly when they dismount and deploy the mortar outside the halftrack (and do an indirect fire mission). So it must be a bug, not anything about leveling the mortar inside the vehicle etc.
  13. I think that's still the case. Problem being that 1) enemy troops start firing at exiting vehicle crews before they actually exit, which means all the first shots get defleted by the armour of that vehicle - when the crews actually exit they catch their foes in mid-reload 2) panicked bailing troops are happy to stop and fire with good accuracy while running for their lives 3) pistols are really effective at close range (which I guess is realistic, but it adds to the problem when close assaulting a vehicle or bunker, because of the above)
  14. A simpler option would be to just give the scenario designer the option of choosing the percent of damage you need to cause to make the enemy surrender.
  15. I just leave them be, and they also un-bog most of the time
  16. I don't see why those two things should be connected?
  17. I'm using Nvidia and seeing shadows flicker on and off depending on camera angle (which also changes the lighting of the scene), and even shadows going in the direction of the sun instead of away from it. I wonder how the shaders would behave if I had an AMD based machine?
  18. CM does simulate some things to a deeper level than many big popular games. It's mostly about the spotting, and that's a key part of what makes the game interesting. But that's done in cycles, not continually. And I think most of the work is done when you press "end turn" anyway. That little bar that fills up before you see the replay of the turn.
  19. But game performance does not improve noticeably while the game is paused - a time when no simulation calculations should be going on. For this reason, I believe the performance problems are due to the graphics engine.
  20. Back then, I never heard anyone complain their infantry wasn't fleeing into the open when under artillery barrage. I don't see why people should start complaining about it now.
  21. "Lovely market garden, sir" "Why thank you, it's a pleasure to meet someone who appreciates common wealth"
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