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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. I see your point, but I think you're forgetting that tanks can already run over small walls and hedges. And those obstacles already cause damage to the tracks. Nobody thinks that's a problem, as far as I can see. The AI sometimes drives a tank through stuff like that, but it's very rare that it gets immobilised from it.
  2. Cool. We could make a scenario where Kampfgruppe Kischott (led by John Kischott) has to attack a group of windmills that are being used as enemy observation posts.
  3. it reassures me, I'm not the only one ... we ruined the scenario! lol it's on we will not have tomato seeds .. Should be spinach seeds... they are a rich source of iron
  4. I think @Kaunitz once found out that the positions of the individual trees don't really matter for LOS?
  5. I believe you also modded the actual trees to make the branches more sparse? Because in my game, the foliage is way more dense. When looking at these trees, I'm thinking obviously there will be a couple of gaps for LOS and LOF. I wouldn't trust this little forest to guard my flanks.
  6. I understand what you're saying, but I've just accepted that trees are abstracted/magic as a limitation of the engine. The important bit to me is if the abstraction makes sense compared to what the graphics show. I think it should be possible to eyeball a situation and get a pretty good result. With the pine trees, I'm forced to slowly probe around for LOS using the target tool. Not very fun, and despite what some might think, I actually do play these games for fun
  7. They are not magic, but they are much more abstracted than most people realise. We see individual trees, but the engine sees "tree tiles of a certain density". In your video, your shell is assumed to have hit some tree, even though it doesn't look like it actually hits anything. This abstraction generally works ok, but there's often a mismatch between what the human player sees (a couple of trees, no big deal) and what the game sees (a tree tile with 3 trees on it = very heavy density forest). So, in your case, you see something that looks like trees shouldn't be an obstacle, but they are. In my example, I'm seeing something that graphically looks like it should block all LOS, but it doesn't.
  8. I didn't have my coffee before writing that. What I meant was that the upper part of the pines look dense like the pic on the left, but what seems like very dense foliage can be spotted through.
  9. I like the improved hand detail, but Shouldn't he be sighting along the barrel to aim?
  10. Also maybe I should have clarified that I'm talking about tanks shooting through the upper part of the pines, where it looks like they would block LOS very effectively...
  11. Well, it can look both ways. The problem is that in game, it looks like the one on the left, and plays like the one on the right.
  12. Shh! Don't take away our moment in the limelight please. We've been waiting a 1000 years.
  13. I've realised the game lets me spot and shoot quite well through pretty thick patches of pine trees. But regular leafy trees block LOS quite well, even though they don't have any leaves in winter. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
  14. Sounds interesting, any chance for a version without the vehicle pack requirement? If you do one for CMFB I'll make an attempt at winning the tomato seeds
  15. Yes. I will say though, that there is some truth to the argument that infantry casualties in city fights are higher than they should be due to the way infantry movement has to stick to 8x8m squares, trees blocking LOS very effectively, and the building targeting issues. So carefully infiltrating and probing forward and blasting enemy positions is more difficult than in real life. Also, losses due to teams choosing to enter/exit buildings from the wrong side. (disclaimer: not saying city fights are easy in real life either)
  16. I'm not seeing it. I try to limit casualties to the same extent both in scenarios and campaigns. Currently I'm playing a campaign where I have some core units and also a VG Battalion. The VGs are not core units, so in theory I could throw them all away Lanzerath style. But I don't. I decided to call cease fire after capturing two of four objectives, yielding me a draw but letting me continue the campaign.
  17. I'd prefer them to develop a new engine that fixes and improves core issues, rather than new families or modules. Even now, and especially after all those modules finally come out, I think we're pretty well convered and that the CM2 engine should retire. That's my opinion. I'm sure some people will disagree, and that's fine.
  18. I'm seeing it in CMBN and CMFB. I always zoom in and check where AFVs get hit, and sometimes the decal is just hiding really well inside the drive wheels or such places. At other times, it's hiding underneath the textures (visible when you get the camera distance just right to do an "x ray"). But at other times, it just seems to not be there. I don't know about the ERA blocks, because I don't play any modern titles.
  19. Yeah the tanks do fire off some HE after waiting for a while, they just seem pretty reluctant. I would think enemy troops popping up in a building would be a priority target. Wanted to know if other players noticed the same, or if it's just me. So far, it seems it's just me
  20. Great, it's probably just something on my end then (unless those hits close to the gun are counted as "weapon mount"? Did it say "Hit: Upper Front Hull"?) I reloaded the same game turn several times and tried out various ways of attacking some Shermans. Didn't get a single decal on that part of the hull, despite a number of hits. But sometimes decals fail to appear, so maybe it's just me getting unlucky.
  21. You tested with full ammo? It's probably when some of the ammo has been spent. They decide to save it. But they don't hold back when spotting infantry in the open. At least that's my experience. Haven't formally tested it. By the way, you don't need to set up an AI plan to test such things; you can just set up a hotseat game VS yourself
  22. If you can produce a pic of the A-version with a decal on the right spot, I'll be happy to give you back your +1
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