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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. I think that's only for vehicle weapons. Infantry will switch to another weapon. I think that might also be the reason for why they will often waste Panzerfausts firing at nearby enemy troops in the open. Anyway, didn't want to derail your AAR. Carry on.
  2. I believe this happens when he has to reload, but then enemies appear close by. Instead of wasting time reloading, he uses his sidearm.
  3. 1969: First man on the moon 2019: Bullet train impossible What happened guys
  4. Not sure if the computer considers friendly fire with artillery, but the mission had plenty of time before the attackers appeared that it could have fired away without a care in the world. When I said the Germans "forget" they have Nebelwerfers, it's just that the human designers rarely add them to scenarios.
  5. I was actually sure there'd be heavy artillery coming down on the church, so I limited the amount of troops there and made them hide. A Nebelwerfer barrage would have been fitting, but it's like in this game, the Germans somehow forgot they have those
  6. Ok, just finished #6, also won a total victory when the enemy surrendered (at the very last turn). Didn't feel it was difficult, and towards the end I got careless. That might have contributed to having way more casualties than the others who played the mission. I also lost too many AFVs, basically due to having put them in very unlucky positions compared to where the enemy groups appeared. Me: 101 men OK 40 men killed 15 men wounded 0 men missing 6 (!) tanks lost Enemy: 43 OK 154 killed 58 wounded 1 man missing 1 tank lost Conclusion: Still thank you for putting this weekend challenge together, but this game just doesn't work when having the enemy attack. It always turns into a turkey shoot.
  7. Sure medics try to stay in cover as much as possible, but is it physically possible to check somebody for wounds and bandage them while lying down?
  8. Hmm.. Have you considered whether it's actually possible to do medicaid while prone?
  9. The 50m range was just based on my personal experience - it's not tested as such. It's for both moving and stationary infantry. But moving infantry is nearly certain to be heard at that range, while stationary troops can stay hidden - depending on experience levels etc. As for vehicle movement, my rule of thumb is about 300m for tanks (stationary, probably range increases when they are moving), unless they are hiding, in which case sound detection drops to about 100-150m if I remember things right.
  10. Great, another weekend battle Thanks for doing these. I'm happy to see it's CMFB this time, so I'm reporting for duty again. Question: Am I allowed to move the target reference points before starting the battle?
  11. Infantry sound contacts are only when you're really close - about 50m. That one in the treeline would be just a good old standard contact. Not that it really matters - a contact is a contact.
  12. Their customer service guy John once told me by email that each individual soldier actually has his own stats. I assume that's also why sometimes even with a green squad, there will be some lone die-hard who keeps fighting even though his mates are all surrendering.
  13. Maybe they were afraid of not giving clear enough orders... "Oh, you meant we were to fight the enemy SUCCESSFULLY? Why didn't you just say so?"
  14. They just published a new video in this very interesting series. Thought I'd share. Not sure why they hired a little boy to do the voiceover this time though.
  15. This can definitely add some flavour to the text. I think it was @StieliAlpha who said that a peculiar thing about German command language is that the assumption of success is often built into it somehow. English does this as well to some extent, as in "Company A will take the village of ... before 07:00". But maybe German has stronger expressions. As in the example of "for our attack to promise success" above.
  16. I wonder what's going on in the Battlefront headquarters...
  17. To make text easier to read and understand: 1: Place the active verb in the first part of the sentence. German is often difficult to read because it places the verb very late. "Far reaching artillery fire and advancing enemy forces, as assumed in the situation, are expected" -> We expect the enemy to advance, supported by long-range artillery. 2: Write shorter sentences, and try to limit the amount of information each sentence carries. If there's a part of the sentence that's less important, skip it or place it at the end: "Blue is deployed and goes from the southwest to attack the enemy, who, according to aircraft information in the early morning of June 21, has made their defense northeast of Zeitl-Baches" -> Blue is deployed and attacks from the southwest. The enemy has prepared defences northeast of Zeitl-Baches (according to aerial recon from the early morning of June 21). 3: Be careful not to translate figures of speech too literally. "Must important points first be taken in hand by the neighbors before our own attack promises success?" -> "Do we need to wait for friendly forces to take key terrain before our own attack can succeed"?
  18. Thanks for proving me wrong. My claim that ammo from dismounted infantry is automatically distributed is something I picked up on this forum years ago. Can't find the exact thread now, and it's possible I misremembered things. I think it came from some thread discussing the difference betwen buying the armoured infantry as dismounted and manually just deleting the halftracks. It seemed that there was some point difference for the infantry depending on what you did. Someone suggested it was because deleting the halftracks also meant deleting the extra ammo they carried, whereas choosing dismounted would distribute that ammo. But it seems it was the Panzerfausts that get distributed, not the rifle ammo:
  19. LOL I don't think we should add a "read my mind" feature to the game - cause well computers cannot do that yet. Not asking for mind reading, I'm asking for a button that takes the ammo from halftracks and gives it to squads. This feature is already in the game behind the scenes - if you buy armoured infantry and choose "dismounted", you won't get the halftracks in game, but the extra ammo will be distributed.
  20. If bogging only depends on whether ground is frozen or not, I think that's pretty much a bog-bug.
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