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Everything posted by Whiterider

  1. In small scenarios works like a charm. I never tested bigger ones. Points can change by experience, fitness, etc. It works in quick battles I don´t see any reason why wouldn´t work in the editor.
  2. That´s something argueable. I tend to use them to make my own scenarios (using the qb generator), I can tell you my friends and me find it so useful. At least it´s an indicator that may help you to balance two armies once you get used to it. If purchase points were available in the editor to make balanced scenarios, the process would be faster and easier. I fully recommend everybody to try this system
  3. Thank you Fuser. I can´t survive without your mods!
  4. I´d love to see the cost of units in the editor. It´s a good option to balance scenarios.
  5. Will we able to purchase units in quick battles? Thanks
  6. A real random map generator like in CMX1. Oficially this is the "impossible" cursed feature that will never return. However It´s possible to make in 3D, at least in train fever
  7. Combat medic units. They could be able to do the buddy aid in half the time and tend to travel by trucks or other vehicles.
  8. Guys, the spanish civil war (1936-39) would be quite interesting. There was loads of soviet, italian and german arms. In this link you could see many of them used by the republicans: http://www.sbhac.net/Republica/Fuerzas/Armas/Armas.htm I really like early tanks and armoured cars of WWII! Three years war is a lot of time, it may help to bring several modules.
  9. Originally Posted by JoMc67 In regards to Troop effectiveness when under load ( additional Ammo & equipment ); I really hope that troop performances are degraded under these situations, but haven't payed enough attention to see for myself...This would be a big issue for me if there were no such limitations on performance. Nope. Take a look to this old thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=112094
  10. Erwin ideas are pretty reasonable because they would improve gameplay making it more efficient and quick. CM is an excellent game and these little additions make it even greater. Realism+Efficiency (simplification)=Quality By the way I´d love to browse different folders inside the game when you´re going to choose a scenario. Ie a folder for official games and another for downloaded ones.
  11. We should never forget CM is a game, a realistic one, but a game after all. Realism is always welcome if doesn´t bring an excess of micromanagement or boredom. Why? Because games were created for fun, and that´s its main purpose. Many games don´t follow this path: These are the bad ones. That´s my theory.
  12. According to BF it´s a flaw in the map design. The mapmaker will take a look, maybe he can alter it and a new version can be slipped into a patch. Fortunately it has nothing to do with the infamous bug that prevented some people from entering single story buildings.
  13. It looks CMSF will be upgraded to 3.0 after CM Black Sea release (October?). Battlefront is really interested to not let this awesome game die. A wise decision IMO.
  14. Thank you so much, Kieme. The mods are superb. The revival of CMSF is on the way
  15. Great! Is it coherent to copy also the US paratroopers to CMBN?
  16. Interesting. It might be a good idea for tank ambushes in cities.
  17. Awesome! :eek: I love those uniforms. Thanks a lot.
  18. A couple of doubts. Do hidden units see worse than non-hidden ones? Hidden units can do buddy aid, in that case can they be easily spotted? If the answer is affirmative I´ll never hide close to a wounded soldier.
  19. Ok, I got a helpdesk ticket. Thank you guys.
  20. Yes I did. Furthermore I´ve tested it again: The same issue.
  21. Yep, a single story building and I upgraded to 3.0 EDIT: The map is "Asslt Med Village (bocage) QB-095". The first building with two houses fixed that you can find from the west. The left one.
  22. My platoons couldn´t move through the nearest door of a house. They had to turn over to get in. Half of them died thanks to a PaK gun that was hidden in a forest. Fortunately it´s not usual during gameplay. Is it a bug? PS: Maybe it´s a realistic bug since not every door you can find is open!
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