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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andy_101

  1. I also noticed that the soldiers choose different doors to enter buildings. I thought the issue with squads running into the line of fire to get into a building was an issue that was going to be resolved in engine 4?
  2. Thanks everyone for the comments. It's from the scenario Passage at Wilcox. I'm trying to take hold of the centre compound. I felt if I could take this compound I could direct operations from there, use it as a jump base into the other compounds. But my chaps keep getting slaughtered. I've tried all sorts of routes, including using engineers to blow holes through walls but to avail. From what I gather from the kind comments I've had it seems that sitting back and levelling it from afar is probably more effective (but also perhaps less exciting?). Anyway, I think I will withdraw my troops and try something different. Thanks! A.
  3. I find this the most impossibly difficult game to play. Don't get me wrong, I love it! But trying to breach buildings where the enemy lay in wait leads to certain death every time. Entire squads get wiped out. I've reloaded about a dozen times and with a dozen different strategies but every time my guys get slaughtered. What am I doing wrong?
  4. I've always been of the opinion that BF will release a game when it's good & ready and everyone should just chill. However, where I feel BF have scored an own goal is by offering pre-orders on a game that has no definitive release date. That's people's hard-earned cash they've parted with and these same people were told earlier that the game was set for an end-of-September release. If BF haven't conveyed what is going on with these people, then in my opinion these people have a justified reason to be irked. My two-pence.
  5. Hi all, Some time back I downloaded a small arms sound mod (see link below) which worked absolutely fine. I went through the mod and picked out the sounds I liked best and then I deleted the others. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=6685 Since then I wanted to go back and re-listen to the sounds I originally didn't want to see if I had changed my mind about any of them. I therefore decided to re-download the mod. Bizarrely, this time no matter what unpacking application I use (the unarchiver, dr unarchiver, etc etc) the mod always, *always* comes out with zero-bytes for each sound file. Sometimes depending on what unpacking application I use it will say that the file is corrupt. I am using a fairly powerful MacBook pro retina on High Sierra. When I contacted the creator of the mod he said there was nothing wrong his end and the file was downloading fine. Obviously there is something going wrong somewhere. I am very eager to get this mod again. Could some kind soul perhaps test download the mod to see if they are having the same issue, and perhaps some even kinder soul reupload to dropbox? It really is baffling as like I said I have downloaded it before with the same computer with no problems. Thanking you in advance. A.
  6. Cool thanks so much for uploading this! Going to have fun playing!
  7. I wonder why battlefront limit the amount of walls and buildings for a title. They should release a map building pack with all the different buildings and fences etc from all the titles. The would be awesome!
  8. Ah, okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Hopefully in future titles they will expand the Game Editor so we can have more versatile maps.
  9. Hello. Is there a way of adding additional walls to any of the games other than the vanilla walls? I understand there are mods that rework the vanilla walls (I use them) but I was wondering whether it was possible to have a greater choice of diverse walls, fences, etc... ? A.
  10. I don't often write on these forums... but seriously guys? What's with all the bickering? Just stop it all of you. It doesn't put anyone in a good light. People have a right to be frustrated but turning on each other just isn't on.
  11. Yes. I would also like to know this. Sounds really interesting and fun.
  12. There's a lot of videos and memes being thrown around on these boards of late. It's a bit like a classroom when the teachers aren't around (I'm looking at you Battlefront!)
  13. Wow! Thank you so much guys! That's awesome! I've always wanted to examine those maps. Much appreciated! A.
  14. Hello! Does anyone know where I can find the campaign maps for "Road to Nijmegen"? I'd really like to look at them in the editor. Thank you in advance. A.
  15. Does anyone know where I can find the maps for the Road to Nijmagan campaign?
  16. Wow! The Calais map looks awesome! Imagine fighting on that!
  17. I have this mod already - it's a great mod and very atmospheric, kudos to Worghern - but I don't believe the buildings are modded in any way. It would be really awesome if one of the many talented veteran modders dived into modding some buildings for CMFB to give them a touch of class. Any takers? A.
  18. Thanks Pete but I don't believe the Hurtgen Mod has specific building mods? A.
  19. Oh I don't know.. I reckon there might be enough interest. The general consensus is that anything Battlefront produce is pretty awesome and there's probably enough core fans and beyond to make it financially viable. To have a game set in the pacific would be great, great fun! Imagine giving orders to your troops in the jungle!
  20. Of course Slipper! But I still cannot find any building mods for CMFB, though. It's a shame as there are a lot of really cool building mods for CMBN that really bring the buildings alive. Detailed brickwork etc. When I cross over to CMFB I get slightly disappointed as I think CMFB is a superior game in many ways. A.
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