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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. ...or not. We do still share the world's longest "unprotected" border. Love thy neighbour...and all that stuff.
  2. Not any more, Michael. I believe it is now safe for cats to roam the streets at night. BTW, did I mention how nice it would be for Seedorf to celebrate his birthday with the arrival of MarketGarden?
  3. CatMan...you must always read the fine print.
  4. As long as we all agree that our slogan is: "I was just explaining how nice it would be for Seedorf to celebrate his birthday with the arrival of MarketGarden." Who could possibly object to that?
  5. @ agusto @ CatMan And I thought I was twisted.
  6. Promise me this, CatMan. You will leave the cats alone. PS - For the record, I was just explaining how nice it would be for Seedorf to celebrate his birthday with the arrival of MarketGarden.
  7. I was just explaining how nice it would be for Seedorf to celebrate his birthday with the arrival of MarketGarden.
  8. Welcome to the party, Agusto. Did you bring the handcuffs?
  9. Hey guys. How's this for an alliance: beelzeboss and Zebulon and On and On...?
  10. As we say in Polish (or was that Finnish?) it's never too early to run away.
  11. Now CatMan, there are places that even I won't go.
  12. @ Zebulon and On... Goody. I hope they bring handcuffs!
  13. Thanks, CatMan. Another day, another....what's the Polish equivalent of a dollar, again?
  14. Well, so much for complaining about the next module, eh?
  15. I apologize to my Forum Brethren. But you know you wanted to say it. It's unfortunate that beelzeboss' (grand)mother survived the Warsaw Uprising.
  16. Must be a slow day in Poland. What do you people do when you're not being invaded?
  17. beelzeboss...the doctor who brought you into this world says: Zdarzyl sie wypadek! I agree, there HAS been an accident.
  18. Sorry, Gents. I would have used the word "trainwreck" if I could find it.
  19. Na nastepnym rogu prosze. Try the next corner.
  20. Well, at least we taught the troll some manners!
  21. beelzeboss...you are so clearly NOT the boss here. You give us all a bad case of indigestion.
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