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Everything posted by agusto

  1. I have always known you are a PsyOps specialist on the CIAs payroll, now you finally admit it! I will immediately notify John Kettler.
  2. Why is there no Peng Challenge Thread for CMBS? I have always wondered...
  3. Great idea, but a little bit too far for me as well, i pretty much live on the opposite side of the planet. But i hope you will find enough people for your convention. Dont forget to make some photos to show us how it was!
  4. Brutal. That round went through and through and trough. Double penetrations are already rare, but triple penetrations are something you only experience once in a lifetime.
  5. Besides Mords great mod there are several scenarios that depict the fighting in Syria, all of them based on real life events. Daray Tank Raid: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2674 Assault on Base 46: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2824 http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2801 Assault on Base 111: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2984 Battle of Mount Hoihna: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2795 IIRC all of the above scenarios require Mords Civil War Mod to be installed.
  6. Put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force\Game Files\Quick Battle Maps and you will be able to access it in the scenario editor. If you want to play a finished scenario on that map, you could wait until i release the one i am currently making: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119676-is-anybody-still-playing-this-game/
  7. Or find the real life loactions on google maps and print them out. For example the map of the 3rd mission of the russian campaign is modeled after a real life location.
  8. Hey, where did you get the desert camo textures from?
  9. Great job getting all the info kohlenklau! Tell him we all wish him a quick recovery if you manage to get him n the phone.
  10. Great, i will send you all a copy of the scenario via PM tonight. In the past few days i made a rudimentary briefing for the blue side, so the important stuff is more or less complete. I understand you very well. I own all CM games as well but it still keep coming back to Shock Force regularily. I started to get interested in politics and warfare in the post-2001 period, so almost all war-related stuff i have seen through the media came from Iraq and Afgahnistan. That' s why i like Shock Force more than the other games, it' is easier for me to immerse in the game.
  11. The ultimate AA weapon could be a solar powered geo-stationary satellite with lasers. Thanks to the solar panels it could operate for a nearly unlimited amount of time and it could intercept anything from ICBMs to single man fighters. And it would also be great to vaporize people on the ground without warning or traces left. That would be even nastier than the whole drone-war thing that' s currently going on in Pakistan.
  12. Ha, lasers fighters . That' s so Sci-Fi. But well, why not. The biggest problem with putting lasers on aircraft is the energy source. If they solve this problem, an airborne laser weapon is definately within the realm of possibility. Take a look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_YAL-1
  13. SPOILERS BELOW IIRC the russian T-90s have their AI orders connected to a trigger. They will camp in the valley and wait for you to advance so they can shoot at your M1s at point blank range. I found valley of death very difficult for that reason. I dont know where you read that, but that is certainly not true. Impenetrable? At a certain (probably rather long) range, maybe. But for sure not as a general rule. A DU round from an M1A1 fired at point blank range at any T-series tank will reliably go-and-through without problems.
  14. I draw plans like that when i am making scenarios. One time i was making a map and i had my whole desk full of printed out maps and satelite images of a military base in Syria, with lots of tactical symbols drawn on them. I thought if my one of my coresidents sees that, they might report me to the authorities out of fear i might be going on Jihad to the Middle East . EDIT: That' s the base. I had several maps of it printed out and also a hand drawn tactical map on a DIN A3 paper. http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=36.122069&lon=36.892648&z=15&m=b Hand drawn maps are great when making AI plans, really. It helps a lot with keeping the coordination of the different groups in mind and reduces the amount of testing that is required.
  15. I have a new scenario in the making. I am using the gorgeous Latakia Airport map made by Stephen Howell. All credit for the map goes to him and him alone. He uploaded it years ago to the Repository and nobody seems to have ever used it, so i had to take the job. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=343 I have AI plans and TOE done, there are no briefings yet though. Does anybody want to test it Blue vs. Red AI? 3 USMC platoons (+) have to take the airport from a reinforced Syrian mech infantry company without damaging any of the infrastructure. There may be reinforcements for the Red side, the may be none, i dont want to put any spoilers here, it' s a suprise . EDIT: The background story of the scenario is the one of the stock game. It' s 2007, Assad handed chemical weapons to terrorists, bla bla bla, the Coalition attacks Syria, bla bla bla, you know the story. The Marines landed south of Latakia and are now pushing North-East. In their way lays the the city of Latakia, with its airport, a vital part of the local infrastructure. Will the Marines capture it intact or will the bad guys prevail and either fend americans off or force them to destroy the airport?
  16. Yeah that mission was as SOF-ish as the CM engine gets.
  17. If CM players were real life commanders: "Here, Private, take another rocket launcher!" "But i already carry 5, Sir, and i am dying from the heat." "Yes, Private, and before i forget it, here are another 5000 rounds of 5.56. I expect you to deliver them to Outpost Charlie in under a minute. It' s not far, just 1000 meters. You can easily sprint that." "But Sir.." "But what? I will send you on a suicide mission if you fail me! Good luck!"
  18. It' s awesome, isnt it? It' is basically a wingsuit paired with a jetpack. It has no flaps, the pilot must use his body to steer the aircraft. It reminds me a bit of Iron Man. 15 years ago this was science fiction.
  19. I would like to see irregular forces, both Ukrainian Nationalists and Donbass Seperatists. They are #1 on my module wish list. Most conflicts today are -to some degrees- civil wars, and having a some some sort of generic guerillas would allow CMBS to be used to simulate a whole bandwith of conflicts from all around the world.
  20. AFAIK triggers were introduced with and are exclusive to the 3.0 engine upgrade. CMBS natively uses the 3.0 engine, the other games got them with the 10$ upgrade.
  21. The AI in CMBS is not dynamic but scripted by the scenario designer. As far as i know, it has not changed in any way compared to CMSF, except for the introduction of limited If-Then triggers. The triggers work the following way: The scenario designer specifies a certain area as touch-trigger. All triggers are always touch triggers bound to a specific set of 8x8m ground tiles. A unit that has an order dependend on that touch trigger will only excute it if the trigger is activated. The trigger can be specified to be either activated by enemy or friendly forces and (i think) it can even be bound to a specific unit. There are no triggers like "If A is true, do B, if A is false, do C". All triggers always only allow for one possible decision. They mostly help to coordinate AI attacks etc, but they are not decision making tiggers. Examples for how triggers can be used in CMBS: Bounding overwatch. Counterattacks. Flanking maneuvers. Corrdinated retreat. Overall the introduction of triggers has noteably improved the way the AI behaves, but it still depends 100% on the scenario designers skills whether or not the AI in a specific scenario behaves tactically good or bad. It is absolutely possible to have one scenario made by a talented designer where the AI is a real challenge and to have another scneario made by a different designer where the AI is nothing but canon fodder. The scenarios that ship with CMBS are, as far as i can tell, all very, very well made. The experience may be different though if you play user-generated scenarios.
  22. I thnk what you want can be done with the tools available in CMBS. In the scenario editor, make an infantry unit with Fanatic motivation and Elite training. They spot faster, shoot more accuratly and are less likely break under heavy fire than Regular infantry. They are the best of the best. And there you have your SOF soldiers. Go try it out, take a small MOUT QB map and match a russian infantry only platoon with Regular/Normal stats vs. a US Elite/Fanatic infantry only platoon. You will be surprised by the results. For even more extreme results, set the Russians to Conscript/Low/Unfit. The Americans will masaccre them.
  23. Well they will of course never ever be able to conquer all the lands they marked as targets on that map, but they would if they could. I posted that pic to show that ISIS' expansionist ideas are similar to Hitlers, only that Hitler had the power to actually conquer most of Europe and large parts of Russia.
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