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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. The big thing for me - and maybe in this I'm fooling myself with how important I think it is - was putting the whole battle in context, so that, for example, if you see the Chaffee, you know why it is important for it to remain on the west side of Liefrange. You'd see it and other units and the enemy and understand Blanchard's decision for its placement. Maybe that's not as important to readers as I thought? Or maybe the narrative itself answers those questions and make it somewhat superfluous.
  2. Good gracious, don't feel the need to apologize. I asked for feedback and I got it. It's all good, and if you find this handy to have, and like them in the comics, I'm delighted to make them because I know they are appreciate. No worries, no worries at all.
  3. Michael, thank you for your honesty, tactfully expressed. I initially experimented with an overhead view of the actual 3D battlefield, and ran into something I thought was a problem: the white snow made it almost completely impossible to see any relief to the terrain. For the reader, it would appear a flat plain. The maps I made and traced the contours onto were to give some conception of irregularity of the land, and how it would affect LOS. Having said that, showing a view of the map with labels and unit icons displayed might be something I should do. Your points are interesting to me, because they spark ideas. I'll have to percolate on that but I think I'll be able to put this to use in the future. Thank you again for writing.
  4. Wow, long shifts, man! I hope you've got a few days off to relax! I'm glad the to hear the slow-mo graphic worked for you. Might be best used sparingly, to emphasize something very dramatic. In this case, the utter destruction of the German PanzerGrenadier assault on the Farmstead. Reminds me a bit of Graebner's death in A Bridge too Far. I don't mind doing the work, if it works and of people get excited to see it. Time permitting. But as @@sburke said earlier, it's a CAAR so it's not thematically as fitting here as in an AAR. I had to try. My concern only was that readers are not disoriented and wondering what was going on. I think Apache is an exception, where I am showing less of the whole battle and more of what is happening to Apache and her crew. Maps there might be less crucial, as most things are from that one perspective. I have to refine all this. Thank you, I really appreciate your enthusiasm and comments. Yes, my guys are supposed to be more than pawns to be sent to their deaths - glorious though it might be!
  5. I want to thank each of you for replying. I wasn't planning on cutting out the tactical map, but I did wonder if anyone used them for the purpose intended: orientation, and know I know they do!
  6. Ok, another question for you gents: Making those maps showing where everything is can be painstaking. I was wondering if you find them useful, meh, essential to follow the action? Some feedback on that would be helpful. I'm trying to post one every now and then, because I don't know how easily you can visualize where everything is taking place, but maybe the locations and action is very clear from the narrative and screenshots. I don't know if anyone is sitting wondering "what halftrack did he just shoot now?" Etc.. I really don't mind making the maps, but if they are not useful I won't bother.
  7. Hey, John, Yeah, the SturmTigers being de-fanged, so to speak, is a huge relief. I'll let Lt. Blanchard tell you about what he intends now that it's pretty much certain. My armour handling is something I had a fair practice in my last game with Ian, which was a desperate affair!
  8. I'm really happy the thing has tons of ammo! It will go through hundreds of rounds in a fraction of a minute with those four 50s!
  9. haha! Yeah, I hope @SLIM see it. He really needed some Brakka! I'm delighted you're enjoying the comic! My wife continues treatment and is doing well, thank you.
  10. Welcome to the forums; nice first post! It is especially rewarding to get a comment from someone like you - if someone can be bothered to register just to say "thanks" it's really a big deal, so thank you very much! Unfortunately this comic will end, but there are two completed others, and Apache has a second half to it that I will be posting once this one is done.
  11. I hope you had a nice cup of java as I just posted 6 panels! I can't be totally certain of course but there is no logical reason for IanL not to be using their main weapons. I can't imagine it's a trap because he is so concerned about tricking my armor into exposing itself. However, I think it might be unkind to call this a piecemeal assault - storming into town with his units too prematurely would have been risky - the closer he is to me the more powerful my weapons and the more numerous as bazookas can finally get in the show. I probably would also have bombarded the heck out of the town were I in his shoes. The real rub here is that I didn't have a clue he had two of these until the late middle of the game, 2/3 in. And so had no notion that I disabled one. FOW in this game is just such a great experience enhancer...and a bi**h.
  12. Thanks, Rocketman! It was a discovery how to make it work, but the point was indeed a bit of drama.
  13. Thank you, I'm delighted the CAAR appeals to so many. Wow! It's exciting to hear someone looking at the panels in more detail, because there are often a lot of small things in each frame that are easily overlooked, like men or vehicles in the distance, etc. That's great to hear! Each of these CAARs is an attempt to make it more and more like a story - and less like a conventional AAR. I wanted to get readers at least a little interested in the selected characters I feature, rather than only the outcome of the battle. The effort you make to do so make it all the more appreciated. Thank you.
  14. Great! Haha! Well sometimes one isn't sure if an idea is an improvement or simply self-delusion, so believe me your comments are welcome.
  15. Thank you, that's my thought as well, though I might do them primarily in a conventional AAR. No worries, I tried to be subtle and not overdo it, so I can see how it might be missed.
  16. The size was a problem, I agree. In his Cool AAR Bil made a Gif that is much larger than mine. When I made something that size it was about 43 Mb. I think he cut things in such a way that you get the action but not nearly as long a run-time as mine, and the image quality is not as high, but because he is up close you get all the detail anyway. I need to make more to refine my technique.
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