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Everything posted by FroBodine

  1. Won't we get an e-mail before the front page is updated, though?
  2. I like the interface, and have no problems with it. I just wish there were tooltips for all the icons in the info boxes.
  3. Yes! Tooltips is probably the biggest UI standard that is absent from the CM games. I don't understand why they haven't added them after so long.
  4. Oh, gotcha. Yeah, that would be very cool and useful.
  5. Can't we just copy this .pdf manual to our iPad or whatever tablet you have, and read it?
  6. If I was in charge . . . 5 minutes! Alas.
  7. You keep using this word "soon". What does it mean?
  8. The growner we get, the closer we get to the end. There is no time like the present, that's my motto!
  9. I think tomorrow, April 3, would be a good day to release the game. Some historical events on April 3 (compliments of Google): 1865 - Union forces occupy Confederate capital of Richmond Va & Petersberg 1882 - Jesse James is killed by Robert Ford 1922 - Stalin appointed General Secretary of Communist Party 1941 - Churchill warns Stalin of German invasion 1964 - Beatles hold top 6 spots on Sydney Australia record charts 2014 - Battlefront.com releases Combat Mission: Red Thunder?
  10. Thursday, huh? I realize this is the Mother Beautiful Thread, but truths can still abound within, can't they? Here's to hope, no matter how high I have to roll my pants up to avoid the sludge and muck.
  11. It's not the East Front specifically that is so great. Really, it's the hit decals they used while fighting over there. I'm surprised Eisenhower never made them standard issue.
  12. Very good point, BLSTK. And we know who the whiners are, too! With me as one of the flag bearers! I will now sit patiently, and play CMBN and the newly released Age of Wonders 3, until I receive a happy e-mail from BFC in my inbox.
  13. Goats! If you need more goats, then this game is releasing today! http://store.steampowered.com/app/265930/ Just watch that video! Surely there are enough goats in there to keep us happy until Red Thunder gets finished.
  14. I know they don't owe me anything, and I don't want to come across like I should be entitled to anything. But, tell us something. I'm sure it doesn't suck now. We've seen the Twitch streams. It looks awesome. Quick patches to fix late scenario tweaks is a common thing nowadays. BFC will do what they want, but I wish they would give their fans just a bit. The way some are talking, it could be weeks, and to me that sucks much more than getting the game with a few small scenario tweaks that can be patched up with a teeny zip file. That is all. -=Jeff
  15. My feelings exactly, Colllingwood. I know I probably get the scorn from long-timers on this forum, but BFC specifically said they always ship within 4-8 weeks, they had an excellent track record, and if there is a delay they will tell us about it. Well, they have done neither, and I based my preorder on those comments. And there is absolutely no information to go on. I don't want them to take our impatience the wrong way, and button up and stop telling us anything at all. But, come on. They told us it would ship in March. It did not. Throw us a bone, here, please. We are paying customers, those who pre-ordered, and it would be nice to know what's going on. I'm a nice guy, really, not an a-hole, I just am not a fan of this developer silence and disinterest in telling their customers what to expect.
  16. Tiltowait!!!! Oh my gosh, that was the best spell name! Cymru - yeah, I had a book called "The Big Book of BASIC Computer Games". It had the BASIC code for 100 games. I typed in Star Trek, the grid based tactical game, all 20 or so pages of straight code, in very small print. Talk about syntax errors galore. Debugging was half the fun. And when I finally got it to run, it was like so damn satisfying. What a game that was.
  17. Well, yeah that too. We had ColecoVision. I was deprived, never had Atari 800. All my friends did, but we had ColecoVision.
  18. Me! I bought Wizardry 1 for My Apple II (I didn't even have a IIe) at a computer software convention in San Francisco. Back then, software conventions were 75% games. That was the best game ever, for its time. Age of Empires? Silent Service? So, what, you guys are like 40? You think that's old? Pfah! What about SSI's 50 Mission Crush? Or Baltic 1985? Those were the earliest wargames around. Who remembers playing games on their Commodore PET? Warlords anyone? Will CMRT ever get released? The March deadline has come and gone. I'm so sad.
  19. Yep. Very sad. Working with Dan/Dani was one of the geek highlights of my career at EA. That, and working with Bill Budge on the remake of Pinball Construction Set for the Sega Genesis. I spent a week at Bill's house in the Oakland, California hills during final testing and tuning. It was a blast!
  20. Wow! Seven Cities of Gold. That brings back many, many memories. I actually worked on the 1993 remake, when I was at Electronic Arts . . . See . . . there I am as Assistant Producer around 20 seconds in. Actually, I never liked that remake. It was fairly boring and repetitive, but I worked on it nonstop for months, regardless. Dan Bunten was still "Dan" back then. Shortly thereafter, she became Dani Bunten. Yep, look her up. We worked on the remake of Mule for a while together, but I can't remember if that remake actually ever shipped. Kind of like CMRT. Bazinga! <crickets> <chirp chirp>
  21. Ok, that's it! If Agnes says to release the damn game, BFC must comply immediately!
  22. Extremely soon does not mean 20 days, in any language. Well, I guess if you're talking about the coming of the zombie apocalypse . . . :eek:
  23. Extremely soon. However, in the immortal words of Inigo Montoya, "I do not think that word means what BFC thinks it means."
  24. Emrys thinks the world is his MBT!
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