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Everything posted by FroBodine

  1. I think it is hilarious, and enjoy reading it. Maybe someday I will brave the sharks, and see where it leads me.
  2. It's pretty funny. When I first read the Peng thread on the CMRT forum (my first introduction to Peng), I thought, hey cool, a sort of official way for people to challenge newbies to a game and help them learn the system. Maybe it's sort of a ladder system to track wins and losses. The OP was a bit rude in his description of it, but that's ok. Boy, was I wrong.
  3. That is what I suspected. I don't use headphones, so I will just turn it down a bit. No big deal. I was just curious if this is just how it is.
  4. When tanks are moving at the end of the minute playback, the engine sound continues to play during the planning phase. I don't know if it always does this, as I'm new and don't have enough play time in yet. But, it is very annoying. Is there a way to stop this, other than turning my sound down during the planning phase?
  5. Oh, believe me, I know how insane and endless the last days, weeks, even months of crunch time finalizing a product are. I worked at Electronic Arts for 14 years, many of those working on the Jane's product line. I completely respect what BFC are going through. I should have not jumped to that conclusion. But, my lack of patience says otherwise. Ship the pig!
  6. Yikes! They are still not done with the art? It is starting to sound more and more like they are way behind schedule. I hope that's not true. I'm such a pessimist.
  7. Thanks for the positive waves, womble! I sure hope so. All I heard from folks when I inquired about release dates was almost always 4-6 weeks after they opened pre-orders. Well, we are past 6 weeks now. Let slip the dogs of war, for Pete's sake! And by slip, I don't mean slip the date. Cry havoc, and ship the dogs of war!!
  8. For voice, you could use the same head a bit smaller, but use a speech bubble instead of three arc lines. Or, simply use the word "Voice" instead of any graphic.
  9. I have not played it yet, but I got quite a few recommendations for the Devil's Descent campaign. Supposedly it is one of the best there is. I am still learning the game, but will give it a try soon enough.
  10. Isn't BFC on the East Coast of USA? It's only 11:20am there. Plenty of time! Ship it!
  11. The guy was prone, and his arm went around like he was throwing a grenade, but I did not see any actual grenade. I was close up, but it is possible I just did not see the grenade flying through the air. It could have been a satchel charge. I did not check their inventory beforehand. Either way, it was very cool!
  12. Thank you, guys. That makes complete sense. I'm not complaining about the developers at all. You're right, though, there are some devs that are constantly on their own forums, responding to all issues and fixing things right then and there, even during crunch time. Chris at Arcen Games, for instance, is on his forums daily, all throughout his game development. And, he is the lead programmer. But, that is his way. Personally, I think he is a robot, the amount of stuff he gets done in a day. Anyway, I got in a nice long play session of CMBN yesterday, and I have fallen completely in love with this game. I assaulted an AT position that was hammering my Shermans. When my guys threw a grenade (with no grenade animation!) and blew up the crew, it was a thing of beauty to me. I immediately pre-ordered CMRT. Ok - back on topic, sorry for the detour.
  13. Again, I am new to this game and forum, but it does not seem like the developers respond to these forums. We now have 3+ pages of discussion on this bug, and not a one of them from the developers. Do they just not respond, or rarely? In my mind, this is a bug, and a fairly annoying bug, so it should get fixed. Hey, they are working on a new version of the game. Fix it there. It does not seem like a major issue to fix that would unbalance life, the universe, and everything.
  14. So, once I started moving the platoon and mortar team and tanks, the chain of command formed up and everyone could talk to their chain. All is well once I ran the first minute turn.
  15. What I am seeing in this scenario when the first reinforcements arrive is ALL the reinforcements have red dots next to their chain of command list. None of the reinforcements have any connection to anything, not even the squads to their platoon leaders.
  16. I just started the first Task Force Raff mission myself. When the first reinforcements arrive, the platoon, two Shermans, and a Mortar group, none of them are in communication with each other. They are all standing right next to each other, yet all their C2 lines in their details have a red circle next to them. What is going on here? Why are they immediately out of communication with each other when they arrive, please?
  17. I heard their standard is 6-8 weeks once they open preorders, which was January 30. So, let's hope it is out by the end of March, or very soon after.
  18. Got it. Endgame is an excellent boardgaming/miniature/wargaming store in Oakland. Every 1st and 3rd Sundays they have wargames day. A club full of grognards gather and play face-to-face military boardgames. Mostly GMT games, Combat Commander:Europe and its expansions is one of the favorites. You should definitely check it out.
  19. Yeah, silly me. I could have just clicked on them. However, I was just reading the manual without having the game open. The manual still does not explain what the flags mean.
  20. I just calls them as I sees them, and I saw a "buy now" button that took me to a page that did not say pre-order. I'm not usually one for giving out false hope, so from now on I will be my usual skeptical self and think all doom and gloom.
  21. What do the flags mean above the sections below. There is a single flag above the Unit column, and three flags above the Formation column. Also - what do the three damage icons mean - it looks like three bullets, a wrench, and a shield.
  22. <edit> never mind. I see sburke's post now. It came through while I was typing my question. I will have to read this about five times to really absorb it. Lots going on here. I had no idea about the colors on the C2 links and what they meant. What do you mean by this statement: F Co. HQ could be sitting right next to the mortar and it would have no bearing on those links or whether F Co. could call fire from the mortar. If the mortar can communicate to F Co. HQ , the HQ can call in direct fire. If F Co. HQ is sitting right next to the mortar team, then it should be able to communicate with it, and be able to call in fire, no? By the way, is this the same sburke that frequents Endgame in Oakland? If so, I go there too, I go to 3rd Sundays too, I just haven't been in a while. -=Jeff
  23. Now the link on the left column is gone. They must be testing the website. Hopefully it's a 'comin!
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