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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This is survived part of OMON, which lost in the fog and instead Hostomel has driven to Kyiv and was ambushed on the bridge. After retreating they arrived to Hostomel and seized position near enetring to the town. For 6 hours they shot out more than dozen of civilian cars
  2. It's sad, that many of westrerners have rose glasses, considering only "system" responsible for this war. Russian Constitution (like and Ukrainian) says: "The nation is single source of state power". If so, they responsible for all, what this power did. Responsible with direct involvimg, responsible for any form of support, responsible for own indiferense "we are out of politic". The latter is the same sin. Because indifference of millions breeds the tyrany of one. And because this all Russian nation should carry collective guilt. And I can assure you - many of those Russians, which were against Putin's regime from the beginning and tried to struggle with it - they share this opinion and they feel a shame for their nation allowed it. Putin and other are not came from Mars. As I told recently, Russian political system and Russian society is symbiotic systems. One can't live without other. Russian power is a spawn of Russian nation aspirations. "Strong hand, all world must fear us, we are great, we must rule the world, restore USSR/Russian Empire". Russians supported this power in 2014, when they occupied Crimea - all streets in every Russian city and last asshole village were filled by jubilant people. About 90 % supported. Not a abstract system, but Russian Vanya, murdered people and looted goods now in 2022. And about 80 % of Russians supported SMO even in May, after blitzkrieg failing. I have (or had already?) some friends in Russia. Typical Russian middle class, which enjoys the life and almost completely apolitical. They weren't chavinists or snobs, who consider that only Russian culture, language and face of life and have many sympaties to Ukraine, they even suppotred our Maidan, but they anyway were adhered to the opinion "why do you so much want to join the West if we are culture&religious close nations and one people at all, though with some minor differences?" So if such moods had "liberals", what sh..t in the heads of more "deep nation" representatives? Typical picture in airports - this man is going to leave Russia, scaring mobilization, but he weared in Z-marked closes. Now on the border with Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russians are hastly deleting all war-support symbolic from own cars. I belive, 2/3 of theese "refugees" supported the war. But, of course, we shouldn't kill all Russians, I didn't see this in Kraze posts. They should by derashizied, like Germans were denazified after the WWII About "Kraze doesn't consider Russians as a nation". You just didn't understand his words. In English names of nation representatives "American, Ukrainain, Italian" (nouns) and mean "having feature", like "Ukrianian, American, Italian culture" (adjectives) sound the same. In Russian language the word "Russkiy" means "representative of Russian nation" is adjective, not the noun. It reflects not "who are you?" but "whose are you?". So, this ethnonim really more hystorical construct, including Slavs, Caucasians, ugro-finns, buriats, and many other nations, composing Russian state.
  3. Likely this either beginnng, or just coincidence of the strike on HQ and some small tactical advance of AFU in that area, which gave Russians thoughts about new offensive direction
  4. And now we probably will watch activatin of new UKR sector of offensive - Svitlodarsk bulge. Today HQ building of 7th LPR motor-rifle brigade in Brianka town was HIMARSed. All UKR offensives started with strikes on command centers. 7th MRB is one, who holds lines on Svitlodarsk bulge. Remains of HQ building. Local public: There is no more a building of 7th brigade HQ. Allegedly 9 missiles. Blockages are removing 7th brigade write In short: HQ of 7th brigade really was wiped out. I will not tell about losses. Breakthrough of AFU took place near Novoluhanske. Not far from of this place our battalion was deployed. They have to be throw prisoners [he means PMC detachment from fromer jailed] there as far as the day before yestarday, but I didn't hear any news. On our positions nothing changed. But can change soon. I advice to prepera to Kahrkiv oblast scenario. Beware encirclement. Answer: everybody are preparing to this, though our direction not the highes priorities for Ukies. But two our hospitals already moved closer to the rear. If they break into our defense, then we will be forced to withdraw our guys from Soledar/Artyomovsk [Russians still name Bakhmut on Soviet manner].
  5. SBU special force "Alfa" hit two tanks in Kherson oblast with drones - one likely T-90M with Switchbalde (result unknown), other T-72 series tank hit with RKG-1600 HEAT bomb from R18 octocopter
  6. @Grigb Update your map again ). Russians recognized UKR troops reacaptured Katerynivka in second time and seized Kolodiazi
  7. Near Davydiv Brid, Kherson oblast. Airstrike called by 61st infantry rifle brigade
  8. UKR troops drive through Koroviy Yar village. More interesting in this - BMD-1 still in service of 25th airborne brigade! Pontoon crossing likely in Oskil village And Yatskivka village on oppose side of Oskil
  9. Some people write an opinion that NS incident is not because Russian interference. Because with strange coincidense after incident, Russia has postponed question of joining occupied territories from 30th Sep to 4th October
  10. You should paint Novoselivka (near Drobysheve) in blue. Locals write in TG chat this village under UKR troops, they have been checking their IDs. 2-3 days ago comamnder of BARS-13 told this village controlled 50/50 by both sides.
  11. Butusov is wrong, 35th CAA to the time of UKR offensive already was redeployed to south. I heard a version he got lost afer HIMARS strike not far from Melitopol. Izium direction was under cover of 20th CAA and 1st TA
  12. Hmmm... I think better to ask about this Germany, France and Italy By the way somebody from Polish government has offered today next formula, how to prevent Russian nukes on Ukraine - to accept Ukrainian membership in NATO immediately and put Russia ultimatum to withdraw own troops from occupied territories - else article 5. But I doubt even USA will agree. I suppose our way is "New Commonwealth" (UKR, Poland, Baltia) + UK
  13. Because Russians brought up to fear and venerate authotities. The power in Russia always considered as sacral thing. Russians can grumble of kitchens about authorities and own hard life, but..."All powers from the God". But God is omniphutent, so power, which need to venerate must be with "strong hand". Beacuse of this I wrote about "steel hand in velvet glove". Initially new Russian powers must be like this. Else "deep Russian people" didn't accept anything
  14. Kryvyi Rih was attacked with Kh-59 Odesa repelled attack of Shaheds. Reportedly in this time they have been coming from SW, from Chornomorsk port direction. Five Shaheds were shot down, one hit target in the city.
  15. Missile strike on Kryvyi Rih airport. Runway and facilities destroyed or heavy damaged.
  16. Of course, we can find some active people, new leaders and administrators. But authority of middle class have to lean on this middle class, which would be socially active to transmit new ideas to other society. But Russian middle (or like Russian say "creative") class closed in own rose-unicorne world of Iphones, Instagram, IT, author coffee receips, night clubs and comfort restourants. Why bother themselves, suffer some inconveniences, to be involved in this, what they contemptously call "politota" (means "politic", as some boring, dirty and unclear thing, which normal person have to evade in any cost) if they can go out of Russia and get previous comfort life immediately?
  17. Odesa again under attack of Shaheds. AD is working, reportedly even fighter jets are scrambled
  18. This will not work. Russian middle class almost completely "out of politic". Their ideal - comfort life, without any social and political activity and responsibility... maybe except coala problems in Australia. Russian middle class just will pack own goods and relocate to Europe, Turkey, Emirates, Georgia...
  19. During active phase of offensive 9 Kraken fighters have fallen
  20. Future Russia under "external ruling" must be not only de-rashized, but also de-nuclearized
  21. This. And this regime have to rule by "stell hands in velvet gloves", providing de-rashization and growing new generation, new eites, which can posess reins of government through 20 years as minimum. Together with this money from Russian resourses selling have to be moved for such things, that even in deep Syberian ot Buriatian villages inhabitants could have all those, which Russian soldiers looted in Ukrianian villages. In order to Russians could feel that new ruling is better than old and to have toilet in the beuatifull house is better that to live in old rotten barrack with toilet on the street and smelly dump nearby, but to proud by "Russian special way", and think "we are living hard, but let all in the world fear us, because we are great invinsible state". But the question - how this "external ruled" government and leader to put in Moscow without direct intervention...
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