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Posts posted by AlexUK

  1. Great, thanks Bil. In my experience use of small forces tend to result in them getting pinned and destroyed by weight of enemy fire - your approach has got me thinking about how I can do this better keyholing/using terrain to isolate units. I only play WW2 really, but I guess the same principles apply more or less.

  2. On 7/4/2018 at 5:21 PM, Bil Hardenberger said:

    Thanks Vin.  No air in this game, decided against it at the beginning to make it more about maneuver and tactical finesse.  Air has a way of skewing the results... much like Javs.  ;)  

    A properly commanded platoon with Javelins could indeed stop an enemy formation in its tracks.  It is important to take away the most obvious firing positions with smoke, artillery fire, or better, by quickly closing and disgorging dismounted infantry to clear them (which is why I am so concerned with the missing Warrior platoon that was last seen quickly closing on my ridge). 

    Also using some finesse with your armor to minimize their exposure and reduce any spotting chances a unit armed with a Javelin has is ideal.  The Challenger that was taken out this turn had not moved far from where my Abrams put a round into its turret.  And it definitely was not hulldown.  Can't put that loss for Baneman down solely to me using a "super weapon".

    Also in this last turn six vehicles were destroyed, and only two of those lost were from Javs.  So they are hardly dominating the battlefield at this point..  of course I only have two teams in action at the moment... I have MANY more in reserve.  So they may dominate the battlefield eventually. 

    Hi Bil

    I was wondering why you did not have more of your Javelin teams online? Are you concerned that an artillery strike may take them out, or are you not wanting to waste Javelins on low-priority targets? In general you seem to currently be using only a relatively small amount of your combat force.

    Also, you gave some examples above about how you would deal with Javelins. At this stage, what is your preferred option? I guess even a couple of concealed Javelin positions could wreak havoc on a charge of IFVs.

  3. 46 minutes ago, sburke said:

    Or pick another side that also has them say... oh... maybe the Brits?  :D 

     I was wondering about that! 

    I now understand even better why Bil seems to be staying in cover and only advancing briefly to take a shot - a great tactic to defeat Javelin I guess (in addition to being effective in any case).



  4. 2 hours ago, kinophile said:

    God as RUS it's just an Agony of relentless killing. I'm firmly convinced a well stocked Bradley platoon can stop/viciously degrade a RUS armor Co anytime. 

    Javelin teams seem absolutely lethal. I guess the only way to stop the US wiping the opposition out in a QB is via the pricing mechanism?

  5. 16 hours ago, benpark said:

    This is the internet equivalent to hearing "Are we there yet?" from the backseat. Even though we have taken a lot of trips together that turned out fine, even if we had to take the scenic route (ie. longer) a few times.

    The drivers are all currently driving like maniacs, and need to concentrate completely on the road right now if we want to get to (insert desirable destination here).

    We can pull off at a rest station when Steve gets to one. It's his car (along with a guy named Charles that seems to be in a cooler in the trunk) - he knows best (really) when its time to stop for a look at the roadmap.

    As far as I know, the wheels are still on my car, and on those ahead. No fires either, only the road flying by under the wheels, like always.

    ...And another 15 minutes gone, since I got lost in this cul-de-sac.

    From my perspective, updates are being provided, apart from the regular beta tester posters, eg sburke, the above is a good example - benpark is heavily involved in at least the CMRT module, and, within the limits of what he can say, has said:

    Several people are working very hard on the new stuff. There are no major issues with BFC or the planned projects. Progress is being made.

    For me, that is good enough (and benpark has also posted elsewhere recently to the same effect).

    P.S. I am hugely impressed by the time and effort the beta testers are putting in to support BFC, and help out with problems on the boards.

  6. 3 hours ago, sburke said:

    That would decrease it for me.  Hearing the snap of a sniper round when I don’t know where he is? Way cool.  Rounds hitting with no sound? Weird.  I don’t go searching for audio sources to pinpoint my targets but I do like hearing the rounds   

    some folks don’t get all in on the immersion thing, true of any game. I wouldn’t let their behavior drive game development for the rest of us though.

    Actually I think this might happen at the moment. I think in certain situations where you haven’t spotted the shooter (small calibre rounds only), you do not hear the sound of rounds hitting. I often see troops with suppression indicators showing but with no sound of rounds hitting nearby (could be other reasons though - again I haven’t tested). For me this is a bit of an immersion killer.

  7. 6 hours ago, Bozowans said:

    I remember that in CM1, the game would fool you about the location of distant shooters. At very long range, you might get a "?" mystery contact that is several tiles away from their true location. Then after you've blasted that spot with area fire, you discover later on that their real location is 50m off to the right or whatever. That was a pretty cool way to handle the problem. Whatever happened to that? I've always felt that CM2 gives you way too much info about the enemy. Not just with the sound exploits, but with other things as well, like being able to tell who is an enemy HQ team and who isn't at 1000+ meters or whatever. Or the game telling you the exact moment that an enemy MG or AT gun position is destroyed or abandoned. Or always being able to tell the exact type of enemy tank. I liked how in CM1, your troops could mis-identify enemy tanks, thinking one is a Tiger when it really isn't or whatever.

    Yes, I miss the non-exact icons too, I think there is too much information given on location at the moment.

  8. Wow, I would never have thought to do something like that. Presumably a risk is for the attacking force to get cut off and destroyed - but in this terrain your support could presumably interdict any attempt to do this, given the dip between your forces and his support location. 

    You presumably also needed to decide between fast movement - before he can react, and while his forces are hunkering down, vs slow, with less chance of detection. How did you approach this?

  9. I have a question about your setup Bil (having just played through the scenario as attacker so I could better follow the AAR). I was wondering whether you considered setting up higher up the hill near the objectives, where there is less/no LOS from likely enemy support fire locations (could you call it reverse slope defence?). Where you are now seems in sight, and therefore vulnerable, once you open fire and reveal your location.

  10. 13 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Correct.  The magazine fed LMGs somehow got accidentally whacked at some point.  Which would be the Bren, BAR, and Breda.  For all I know the DP might also have taken a hit.  The good news is that the problem was isolated and fixed, so any LMG type weapon currently using single shot instead of bursts should be all better with the patch.


    Great! This had stopped me playing the Commonwealth forces.

  11. Finally back at my mac - sorry about the delay!!


    Here are the settings I was running on, and another screenshot (furthest faces black, rest ok):





    Then I changed to:



    And got this (black face far left soldier):


    Perhaps happening at slight further distance now, but still an issue.

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