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Posts posted by AlexUK

  1. 1)   Bring back the CM1 system of being able to click on ANY waypoint or line and that action instantly selects that unit.  I still play some CM1, and it is such a useful and efficient feature - especially when you are playing large scenarios.

    2)  Bring back the instant 180 degree arc of CM1 - if you move many turreted vehicles around one is constantly having to change the direction of the arc - and the CM2 system is far less efficient and quite irritating after a while.

    3)  Allow ACQUIRE between adjacent units - with a time delay to simulate the time it takes.


    I may have got the wrong end of the stick but you can already click any section of a movement path and it selects that unit?

  2. Good looking website! Do you want scenarios that are not yet on the BFC repository (ie completely new ones)? I could upload the existing stuff I made for CMRT (CMRT Firebrigade von Saucken, CMRT Fester Platz Polozk, etc. ) I may also have something residing on my harddrive that is as of yet unreleased, yet already playtested (CMRT Gates of Warsaw Redux) that may be eligible for uploading and branded as semi new. A bit pressed for time right now, because I am knee deep in making bulge stuff :D


    But again, looking good.

    Gates of Warsaw is definitely worth uploading - I check from time to time to see if you've uploaded. I had great fun with it.

  3. Just had a go - first time playing as Germans but have played the US a few times. 


    A few thoughts: 


    I would generally leave your men to aim for themselves rather than target places/troops. Particularly at night time - you don't want them to get surprised.


    Try to place your men at angles to the likely assault - this should mean not too many enemy troops can target you when you open fire. 


    Keep a reserve back behind the front line to be able to redeploy quickly.


    Have your FO use a cover arc - they are good spotters, and hopefully should not get spotted.


    Don't be afraid to close-assault tanks if necessary - they won't be able to spot well as it is getting dark.


    Good luck - hope you do better next time!

  4. It seems like a simple solution to this whole mess is to give a new valid "non-Mac Store" serial number to all owners of the Mac Store version. A simple proof of purchase would be required but that should be possible through the Mac Store or with an old email showing the purchase. It would be good PR for Battlefront plus the obvious possibility of selling more CMBN modules and the vehicle pack.


    Have you contacted BF through a support ticket?

    Yup, agree with that. I almost bought the Mac Store version myself.

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