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Posts posted by AlexUK

  1. Yes, looks really nice - I particularly like the mall and the fuel station. Other things that are cool are the railcard and fishing area on the river. Only a couple of thoughts:

    The woods for some reason don't look very woody, I can't put my finger on why.

    Some of the buildings on the village are unusually close together.

  2. Yes, would be good to look at ambient sound - birdsong isn't right for CMBN either - there are definitely some birds on there that wouldn't be found in Normandy. What would be really cool would be modelling how bird song changes through the day too (two peaks at dawn-ish and dusk-ish), but I'm probably getting carried away. I did a sound recording of ambient sound in Normandy in June a few years ago if anyone is interested.



    Wow, just finished this one - first time play through quit early on due to bathing issues that put my sermons back the road after the AT gun had been spotted - cue destruction of tank force :( 

    Second play through almost quit several times, due to number of casualties. A real slog, mostly infantry as I managed to get only one sherman through, having lost several either to the Pz IIIs or AT gun (smoke screen blew away at wrong moment and slow pathing around crossroads - maybe due to burning shermans?). Great interlocking defence - seemed to get pinned down from all directions. Only once I had dealt with the Pz IIIs could I move my 75 sherman into open ground and start taking apart the defences. Got too cocky and Sherman taken out by an IG gun I had thought I had eliminated with mortars - turned out there were two...

    Attacking the 200 VP location was a slaughter. The HQ by the crossroads accounted for 20 dead, with two still alive at end of game. The MG pinned any other troops. All my shermans had immobilised by this time (tried to move them though the dikes....) 

    Thought I had finally broken through when the surprise at the edge of the map opened up - cue more slaughter. (oh, and a german mortar wiping out a whole squad in a building). 

    Managed to sneak 2 HQ units into VL with one minute to go - then extra time - aarrghh! Both taken out, game ended - Allied Tactical Victory - I think 580 to 150 or something like that - would have been 780 with the crossroads VL...

    Really great game - was cheering and holding my head in my hands in equal measure - it went right down to the wire, with hardly any combat force remaining. Really challenging map.

    At the start I was thinking - this should be a cakewalk - didn't really cotton on to the growing visibility until my shermans started exploding and the mortars wiped out half a platoon - pretty much simultaneously. 

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