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Posts posted by AlexUK

  1. Alex. See Shmi's March campaign recently released. Whole campaign surrounding Pegasus Bridge and it's relief. ;)


    Oh.... my...god...... a 10 scenario campaign!! Pegasus Bridge!! Lord Lovat!! Heaven!

    Now all we need is the piper special unit!* I read an interview with Bill Millin, the piper for Lord Lovat, and he listed some of the tunes he played. I have learnt the tunes - every time I play them I think of Bill and the commandos marching through Normandy to relieve the paras!


    *Oh yes, and the commandos!

  2. Thanks guys, but still no progress on an overhaul. Too busy with Black Sea and other stuff. I have, at least, updated my sound mod to be all inclusive of WWII titles and upcoming Black Sea. I might go ahead an put this out as a "beta," but the only thing new would be a few sounds for CMRT (and some of those might be shared files).

    Any clues on the other stuff?

  3. A really interesting discussion! I too recall so many people asking for flame weapons, well now we have them. BFC must make profits (or at least break even) to survive. they must therefore set a price based on expected demand. They expect lower demand than for the base game (not everyone wants the new units), therefore they set the price accordingly (expectation of games sold x price per game=revenue) to match costs actually incurred. As the assumption is that the demand is fairly inelastic (i.e. only a certain amount of players will want the units, so if the price is lowered they are not going to get many more people buying, and will therefore end up in a loss making position), they have to set the price relatively high to breakeven on costs. It seems fairly straightforward to me, and reasonable (particularly with the amount of free time all the beta testers have put in, from love of the game and a desire to keep it going, as c3K has pointed out).

    The talk of pure supply/demand is also a bit problematic here, as it is not as if another company will come along and fill the BFC shaped void that will form if they go under - I don't think there is a replacement in the market place, so it is in everyone's interest who loves the game to keep supporting them.

    From my point of view, BFC have taken a risk in order to satisfy the wish of some players for flame units (i.e. responding to priorities per the forum), as they are trying to deliver what people want. I do therefore find it difficult that there are so many complaints once they have delivered what many people have been asking for for so long. I can imagine it can be pretty demoralising at times!

    I am happy to continue to support a company that has given me so many hours of enjoyment, and want to encourage them to continue developing CMBN into the future.

    PS are the bug fixes from 3.0 fixed in the new pack so I can upgrade? Is it worth waiting till the new bugs are fixed too?

    PPS - from an enjoyably point of view, I also would love at least a couple of scenarios with a future vehicle pack (and compensate with fewer units).

    PPPS - Commandos, pretty please?

  4. My personal preference is to release some scenarios with a pack that use the new units - it would make it much more interesting from my point of view (perhaps could reduce number of units if need to maintain the same amount of development time). I was holding off on getting the v3 upgrade as some bugs had been reported, not sure if they are confirmed or not? Once fixed I'll more than likely upgrade and get the pack, but more for giving funding to BF than for something I'll actually use at this stage...

  5. Then why defend? I love turning it around on the attacker with a well setup /planned counterattack. Sometimes attacking before the "attacker" attacks. :D

    Of course force composition sometimes can limit this, however this is also when you can catch the "attacker" off guard by hitting him on the nose when not expecting it. :D

    Hmmm, I did try a local counter-attack at the end of the scenario to push the allied troops out of a Victory Location - I thought with all the artillery I had dropped on them they wouldn't put up much resistance.... I think I took half of my total casualties in two turns. You must be a better counter-attacker than me!

  6. I think there is a pre-planned mission at the start, that varies with different AI plans. Otherwise, he is spotting your tanks and calling in a mission. Unlikely that there will be TRPs that far back, so you should have some warning before it comes down. Shouldn't damage the tanks too much though, and may be taking some of the pressure off your infantry;)

    With the map design, he can also see much of your area - as a general rule I tend to keep my armour out of sight until I know what I am up against....

    'Having your clock cleaned' - that's a new one on me - sounds a lot less unpleasant than having your ass handed to you!

  7. Thanks Womble. Part of my problem seems to be that I've switched to We-go and so can't immediately react when a tank takes fire. In RT I can usually spot the shot and immediately react rather than have the target tank just blindly keep on track.

    Keeping the observers hidden or relatively hidden does help. I had not been using target arcs so my observers would take pot shots and so attract very unwanted attention.

    I won another game yesterday - didn't cheat & cease fire to see where the enemy was then re-start. Glad I'm learning - having fun more, frustration less.

    Split squads, scout teams (wish they had Binoculars). I'll go back to that %*#! campaign after I get more training.

    Here are a few pointers if you want some help:

    Firstly, I am a believer (perhaps wrongly) that some scenarios are designed to be won first time through as long as good tactics are used. Others are more a puzzle that can only be solved through repeated playthroughs, i.e. they are not designed to be won first time through. In my opinion, this Scenario in Courage and Fortitude falls well and truly into the latter. I would struggle to believe that many people could win this one first play through, so don't feel too hard on yourself. I had to play through several times before getting there. You will learn as much (if not more) from failing as you will succeeding. Don't be afraid to experiment.

    What are your advantages in this battle? Have a think about your strengths vs the enemy's.

    For me, one of your biggest strengths is time - the amount of time you have. Don't rush into this battle, there is no need to.

    Another big advantage is that you can see pretty much all of the enemy's territory. There are very few hidden areas - his entire defensive scheme is laid out for you....

    ...but you may not be able to see all of this at the outset - consider time of day at the start, and how this will evolve over time....

    ....and could also be used to your advantage.

  8. I'm enjoying your DAR - it's interesting to hear your thought process in terms of orders. I'm really impressed by the map too, especially when you go in to infantry LOS level - the terrain in the woods, while seemingly flat and un-interesting when zoomed out becomes a realistic dry/ sandy wooded area with lots of variation, somewhere I'd like to go for a walk! I'm sure part is down to the quality of your graphics card but in general the maps in RT seem more (realistic/natural?) than in CMBN.

    Is the map a QB?

    I can also see why it is important to go down to infantry eyeline from a tactical point of view - something I definitely need to do more of.

    Looking forward to the next instalment.

  9. In other words instead of managing the clickfest of a) through e) allow all the units near the truck to execute a acquire command and have them wait for an appropriate amount of time before they get going again.

    It should probably be a variable time based on how much ammo was requested and it should be cancel able so if you asked for a lot of ammo for a full squad and it is taking minutes you can say OK they have enough now get going and forget the rest I asked for.

    Yes, like this a lot - happy to take a time penalty to reduce the hassle.

  10. I see some scenarios as being designed to be challenging but achievable first time through. Others are designed as being something you have to play over and over to win. The second lot I have alone/hate relationship with - frustrated that I am getting slaughtered each time - motivated to find a way to beat it. I couldn't count the number of times I failed on the second Troina mission, which I think clearly falls into the second category (I think it's the second anyway - the one with the three bunkers on the hill). I was really pleased to finally complete it


    (but slightly put off by the 'gamely?' solution of using far right flank, although I am sure this type of slaughter happened all too often in real life).

    END SPOILERS******

    I was so traumatised by that mission though that, having had a look at the map on the next mission, I haven't even attempted it.....

    So don't feel too hard on yourself! load it up again and try a different approach. I think you learn a lot more through failure than you do through easy wins.

  11. 1) Flame weapons/vehicles

    2) Free French

    3) Captured French tanks in German service for early D-Day and Market-Garden scenarios

    4) Commandos/Rangers

    5) New campaigns and scenarios for the above.

    From the above it sounds like BF will be offering new scenarios/campaigns as either DLC or as part of the CMBN/CMFI packs. There have been other clues: Paper Tiger recently hinting that he's working on a new campaign and the Monte Casino map project mentioned by ChrisND also seem indicate that new scenarios and campaigns will be offered for sale.

    Yes, this is what I picked up on too. Not sure PT is working on another campaign though? Would be great to see campaigns from other scenario makers (benpark, for example) but clearly a major investment in their time, but perhaps Battle Packs may be a way for them to get a small share in the proceeds? Not sure whether this is a major motivating factor for campaign/scenario designers though, and could put some off (e.g. From customer criticism as they are aware that some of their money is going towards the designers) I think I read some comments along those lines from designers in a thread a while back.

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