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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Very nice indeed, thank you @Kevin2kTo share it !
  2. sometimes yes, but this time only fresh healthy normal water, ...understand if I do for you, I will have to do it for everybodys that want it !
  3. i have already the mod, so is for peoples like you, that want it, just saying ! but staying calm and drinking fresh is the better solution ! JM
  4. whaoow all is welcome good to know, a good atmosphere of the reallity.
  5. waitpls couples of days again and i will do it I am busy wiht a project for the time Bootie will probably answer soon !
  6. yes all is right but the place to have infos to put mods yourself in cmmods is for now close and probably this function will stay close to put mods... and mail stay without answer so...tell me you !
  7. thank you for this new infos and yes of course nobodys knows exactly the content of CMCW, but to have an idea of what people will want to do with scenarios, or in my case try to make a little mod representing with pictures and 3d models east and west germany typical things from littles towns close to the border, I would like to know only the opinion of the players on the forum ! voili voilou! JM
  8. yes, I know fascist or communist... we can showing a lot of pictures and this nice to have it, but this dont answer or give your opinion to my question about the game! So...! ! Do we will have or have to be represented some scenes like this, some place with minefield or holes or broken walls towers... already prepared by the WP soldiers ? added questions if YES WHY If NO WHY I dont have to remember that the fighting place were close to the wall ! so I would like your(s) opinions thanks to yours comments. JM
  9. Thanks to yours infos I know this also and this is sad, but I mean representing in the game. Do we will have or have to be represented some scenes like this, some place with minefield or holes or broken walls towers... already prepared by the WP soldiers ?
  10. Yes me too and this is anoying I don t know what are doing Bootie but I saw the site is "for the time on construction" I send him a second mail So I am thinking to put myself on a place to download on the forum and put in the cmmods when ready !
  11. Hi there Everybody's talk about CMCW, but nobody talk about the already existing wall in the 80' or minimum the holes in the wall !! Everybody's know that The cold war was representing with a wall between 2 German states but also along more countries borders, this wall could be an handicap or benefic for some army close to Fulda, do you think this "obstacle" have to be or will be, representing in the game, the Eastern border is not far from this region? For the little story, I was making some exercices and shooting manovers in the past, with my unit, in a military exercices baracks, by Wildflecken close to Fulda, where Elvis Presley were making his military service in the US army years ago before, where some history and pictures of him and his comrades are to see, like a little museum close to the Fulda town ! JM
  12. Playing in team is interresting but also stressful I did also in the past one have to the take the head and be respected the others one have to accept to be under command is not always easy... Modding is something very beautiful you can added your own things let express your imagination and share with some partners ideas and wishes you say Merkava, you know that one day will will have one in CM(I will try to added,... under the smile of forum peoples) Yes the gameplay is very nice by A3 I saw some videos, but for the time I don't need and dont want to buy the vers 3, I am focussed to try to make some Mods for CM and waiting impatiently CMRT FR and CMCW... JM
  13. ...same feeling for CMRT FR for everybodys ! Be quiet and drink fresh let doing the time !
  14. before with the cmmods ii, was the case, you could upload your mods yourself, but it was also a headache for Bootie to keep all and was probably submerged untill He decide,to take the head of the webside and organaze this page for us ! so added with his personal stuff in his webside this take time to upload the mods and put it on cmmods iii so I guess this is the reason ! JM
  15. thanks you for this infos but I didnt do it for this time, I am voll busy with something else,... and let the members doing themself a modtag or what they want, there is enough infos to know how to do it on the forum ! When Bootie will change the old version with the update that I send to him will be available, I was trying to put myself on cmmods but doesnt work so peoples have to wait sorry ! JM
  16. Yes this is what I tell me more every years I m old (joking), I was slowdown with game online for a couples of time, also in this time I dont have the capacty to buy others pc graphic card... and had others priority...but now I am interrested to Arma 3...will see...! thanks to yours added comments !
  17. ...a little light shines in my forget minds CMRT FR where are you ...! ??
  18. Yes for the Bunnies and with this track for sure...English Beat don t know !
  19. Yes I know also Arma but only the vers 2 nothing about vers 3 and I am very surprise to see this. Of course we cannot compare the two games in same way and the level cos they don't have the same goal for players, and are not created for the same things, but I would like have a little from this game play, and perhaps also more news animations in the awaiting CM vers, and this is what I want to share.
  20. Also before taking a short weekend time with the smooth family ! GERMAN TEXT ONLY !
  21. Mentaly we need agressivity in our life, more or less depending who we are, we have to see the medias everydays, this is a part of us deeper in our mind and this is a part if we want or not to be the over class of "Human" that we are, where feeling and friendships deseaper year by year, and where the agressivity take the power of us !
  22. I feel and admire your compassion for soldiers British and CW and their courage like all other nations I was surprise also because this reflecting reality ...we know there is no clean war!
  23. Thanks, nice to see around @mjkerner, can you imagine that we could have something similar, with some added news animations for CM3, only probably the game will be too slowdown !
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