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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Hey Mark, you did already wonderfull things, yours mods are on the limit of the perfections, you know that we are never happy 100pc when we do something, but pls head up for your job untill now and the future, and keep moving for the next with a smile, everybodys have a black moment ! a friend
  2. Hey ! Mark you give me already a big help with all the link...an commenting my posts for me is more as enough !
  3. iS BEAUSE YOU SAID >>>>For the curious the command that does the work is: THIS IS WHY i SAID I am curious an I took a view of yours explanations.....
  4. Dont tell me you are also a fan from YES, I am also a great fan and pricipaly this one , Tormato Drama Fragile... ,this is a part of my sad moment ,cos I had almot all from them in vinyls, taking place in my cupboard like my clothes to dress me now ! Now available, in mp3 in a little place on a forgotten HD, I had also buy on a free market in gemany, the full 4 quarted 4 vinyls, one was in bad condition but for a good price, I think yes show, or yessong dont remember !
  5. yes nowadays all that is allowed,... is not to try...! What kind of music band do you like in the past, and today ?
  6. Ha ha Mr ripper @Jabblewhat you have to say to your defense ? (Just joking) don't move the knife in the wound, people is already sad enough that I dont keep it !
  7. Yes Erwin it is all true all that and it is very sad, one does not think (I) do not think enough about the future at this time and follow the course of the life, with the being saying better qualities, and tidying up. I like your words, "cos we never know" this is what I say to my wife when I see the garage and the garden !
  8. From about 10 years ago I sell all my vinyl to replace it by mp3, a sad moment, I win place, but loose some nice moments in memory, but also money cos now the vinyls are a rarity and very expensive !
  9. https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=camel+Snow+Goose&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 last vers on youtube 2018 this can help you ?
  10. I will check for a link eventually !
  11. Already a SMALL way, is a devotion and we appreciate it !
  12. Never see them also, but I like it very much, like I told you, but principaly this track, and only this version nice to know a fan of Camel !
  13. No no I don t I forget it, I like it also very much is a good choice, my favourit is A live record but cd 1 With never let go !
  14. Some guys with theirs strong's horses !
  15. This guy make a good choice with pictures appropriated for the module.
  16. You know Mark when we like to do something, we will give to "our last blood drop", you in your beautiful garden me only in the chinstraps and together we are free in mind or almost ...!
  17. You did something with quality normaly a gif is something very quick and with low quality. I have also ffmpeg but I never use it in details, in fact I downloaded it only, because I needed to open a certain file, but it was interresting so I keep it since now and now that you give me some commands I will check it in details. I am curious an I took a view of yours explanations, I dont understand,but with a little practice this will be better, my next learn program will be probably how work a script, I discover that the modern games working a lot with scripts, so is my next step, only to be more awake about new generation of games, I guess Python is a good base for this ... Thank you @IanL for your time to explain how work the program !
  18. Nice infos, If we have so much infos sometimes with old movies and documentary around Hitler and privates live is because, of her, she was making lot of movies, around him her family and herself where the sensure for her was not so strong as another photographer. So Mr Goebbels couldn't do nothing about her.
  19. Will be happy if can release it correctly
  20. We learn everydays nobody waste a time to learn..., is a good solution when we want showing little actions with superposition of pictures, but perhaps this give more work to prepare it as a vid ? !
  21. Very nice to see some movies and not only pictures ! Did you a gif format or something else ?
  22. Thanks I do my best believe me this hat have really strange forms ! Perhaps also used a non appropriated helmet form ??
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