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Everything posted by Strategiclayabout

  1. Hi david12345 , - Obviously if Germans are in the Urals in 1943, Allies have lost the game. I don't know how both sides played allied countries but the cause of the problem might lay in Allies strategy during early years. - Did any of you ever attempted a Sea Lion with Axis ? Given how you describe the Reich rolling over Spain/Turkey I suppose not. Then I guess playing Axis you just maximize their MPPs for land (Barbarossa for Germany, China/India for Japan) then as you say going full defense. - Actually it's possible to defend China/India USSR by giving ground and rotating units but Allies also have to be agressive and distract Axis ressources by spotting and attacking weak spots (I didn't say Italians ). - I admit playing Allies in early years is a pain but I never found it as one-sided as you describe it (well it was on 1.02, didn't play much with 1.03). So I'm not sure what's going wrong, maybe penalties for invading neutral countries (Spain/Turkey) arn't high enough ? - Have you ever tried to push USSR (or USA) in the war early with diplomacy ? It costs a lot but if Stalin joins only 1 turn before Barbarossa or forces Germany to attack earlier than scheduled it can make a big difference (with only 1 chit you can hit big, at worst Germans will have to invest in diplomacy too and not the way they want). - Also, ever tried some landings in Europe before 1944, in 1941 or 1942 ? Killing undefended german MPPs wherever you can (Norway/Spain) ? Occupying Pacific islands with commonwealth forces before Pearl Harbor ? Attacking DEI as Allies before Japs does (delays USA entry but MANY MPPs)? - You have to keep Axis under pressure and it usually begins in France where those lvl 1 tanks can do some damage and might delay the whole german timetable... Many things can go wrong for Axis in 1940-41 but Allies have to take risks and assess what Axis plans areto make surprise moves. - On a more tactical plan, fight wherever you can gain bonuses to negate Axis tech advantage (high supply, best HQs, fortifications, cities, mountains...), keep the enemy pinned in bad terrain/low supply), play defense to minimize losses, don't attack on your turn unless you can get something big out of it (killing experienced steps/units, HQs, planes, cutting supply of several units...). Above all, watch your HQs attachments EACH turn, AI usually makes a mess of it even when you have HQs on "Manual". * - A hard earned experience in China: since you only have few MPPs, don't burn your fighters again IJAF early, they won't help and cost you an arm, keep them for later or set traps by activating them only over crucial objectives or where they'll have a chance to damage unescorted bombers. - Replace your armies by corps (far cheaper to maintain) under good HQs as quickly as you can and rotate them on the defense line when morale/readiness is too low and enemy as unentrenched them. Prepare a defensive line with fortifications in the back (Lanchow or beyond) on narrow terrain/low supply, you can lose western China but keeping it alive even only to protect USSR's back has no price ! * - I know I know, easier said than done . Just wanted to suggest some things to better enjoy the game on Allies' side, I hope I was of help . EDIT: ouch, sorry for the wall of text, didn't see the length of it while writing...
  2. You're welcome , - If it's about the new extensions, since they arn't out yet I can't actually tell but most probably. - If it's about differences between SCGC WWI 1939 SoE and SCGC WWI 1914 CtW (and other WWI starts), base game mechanisms are the same but techs have differences for most fields/units (artillery, tanks, planes, carriers...) so it never hurts to say which extension/patch you have or which campaign you play. - In your case "playing SoE B1.02" (Storm over Europe start for WWI + Breakthrough extension + last extension patch) or "playing 1939 B1.02" should be enough if you post in SCGC WWI forum ^^ .
  3. - Thanks for the new pic, looks like Austrians' rear is pretty empty in Poland, well they can't be everywhere (France, Italy...) ! - Central Powers will get NM bonus for all units destroyed at supply 4 or below. HQs provide their own supply so they'll have to isolate/reduce them first (to put them in low supply) to get NM bonus . - About supply in the pocket, you have one main source with Brest-Litovsk at 8. When isolated from capital/primary supply source, it falls to 5 meaning your HQs can only have max supply of 8 (if they are in supply range of Brest = 5 tiles for 5 supply). - The trick is that 8 supply only works for the tile HQs are in, adjacent tiles will only have 7 and two tiles away it will only be 6. Meaning once your HQs lose more than two steps, supply collapses very quickly and your ability to reinforce units go down (vicious circle).
  4. - With Russia and Italy now at 30 NM and sinking you'll have a short window to win the West, will USA get there in time to save the day for Entente ^^ ? - Between Germany and Austria (even OE) you'll have masses of artillery to send there, not sure Allies will be able to match that... - Where will the parade detachment go next, Russia ?
  5. - Are things so bad in the East that your mind refused to put the good screen in ? - More seriously, nice move to prey on Lemberg in your situation, Russians still ave some cunning officers it seems. Otherwise we are nearing the decisive point in France, who will break first ? - Taking back all northern France will help sustain NM and add some needed MPPs while taking them away from Prussia and Lille will soon be a great supply base ! If USA can make it quickly...
  6. Hi Bill , I think stormbringer3 is talking about the thread with new supply model for WWII Gold extensions: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=109391
  7. Ah that's it ! Thanks for the answer Bill ^^ . It didn't show in the charts because not seeing any results I called back the Bombers in Germany the turn after .
  8. - Only two supply sources left in the Brest pocket (and no railway in or out so forces there are on their own), if Russians don't do something big quickly you'll bag around 20 enemy units. That should be a death blow for the Tsar. By the way, is your cavalry doing well in Ukraine ^^ ? - Question is, can you finish the job in Poland soon enough for 1918 Ludendorff offensives ? Italy seems all but toast however Brits are gaining more ground each turn... EDIT: oops just a bit late ^^ . Nice idea this emergency staff meeting !
  9. - Seems austro-german right flank will crumble soon in France (is it an amphibious unit I see in the Channel near the picture's border ?). The thing is Russians will too and soon enough, so it's a race to death now ! You said US unit sailing in the Channel ? But they arn't at war yet ^^ ! - Maybe you shouldn't have let all those troops be encircled in Poland... The gap between your southern and northern wings looks very wide adn you havn't that much supply sources left. Where is the relief army (are screaming trapped russian generals ) ? Is attacking north the only way out ?
  10. Hahaha , Thanks for the answers Ivanov ! It's true that Soviets seem to have infinite manpower with double unit lines everywhere. Maybe GoW could have concentrated more troops in the south but then he probably would have lost (more) ground in the center. Germans clearly can't attack all along the front in 1942.
  11. Hi ^^ , I'd add: cannot be adjacent to an enemy unit to start fortifying (but can have enemy units adjacent to finish fortifying once started). Maybe it's that ?
  12. Hello , - Playing Gold 1.03 1943 Allies turn the corner start by PBEM. As Axis Japan I have an UK sub raiding the burmese convoy displaying the same yellow as jap units when it should be more "brown": EDIT: - Oh and also how is the "Raider mode" for bombers supposed to work ? I tried to attack the UK-USSR convoy with the german bomber located near Narvik at start but nothing happened (just recon it seems).
  13. - Hehe, thanks for the AAR Hyazinth von Strachwitz, I'm only following pics but it's good enough for me (and the Cortex and Minus ones are hilarious ). - China seems HUGE, I don't even want to know how many partisan tiles there are to cover after Japs conquests...
  14. I suppose it will magically appear after the game release .
  15. - The "mother of all battles" was surprisingly short, I expected Germans to stick around till february 43 . - Leningrad still holding but it seems a strong push by Germans can take it if they can commit enough forces... - I see many unts on both sides with greyish strength display, seems supply is even more a pain than what I believed till now... - Oh one question: are there any mechanism/event simulating the drain on axis power due to other fronts or is it included in the MPPs base ? Like: "Do you want to reinforce Rommel/the Med front ?".
  16. - As it is I think unit stats only count in full. One of the WWII mod/campaign included in gold has some 0.25 stats per level for several research fields (like deentrench for stukas if I remember well). So they are great against units in the open but suck against entrenched units (better use artillery) unless you have very advanced units. - Maybe that can be changed with the editor or within the game code, not sure at all...
  17. You're welcome , It's a big part of the fun in this game and even after quite some games you'll have an epic WTF moment and discover you've got something wrong (or only half-right) all along. That's why we all refrained from giving advices or such unless you asked for it .
  18. - Yep it was introduced to avoid Germany rampaging in the East with level 2 infantry units. You can have an idea in this AAR where Austria has lvl 2 and Italy 0, just imagine German units there with their base stat advantage and it becomes UGLY . - If I remember, the other point was also to have a more progressive/historical line for infantry equipment, if people were able to put 2 or 3 chits, flamethrowers, new machine guns, rifles, von Hutier tactics (and shiny new unit icons ) whould appear years before they actually have. - It also "forced" players to redirect the MPPs/chits everyone invested there at start (no brainer) to other usually neglected research fields. With 125 MPPs you have one more chit in industry or arty, but you can also combine a 75 chit with a 50 one to vary your tech strategy in cheaper areas .
  19. - You can only invest 1 chit in infantry at any time, otherwise I agree again with Sapare, italian front has good defense positions with rivers and mountains: at the narrowest point north of Venice, you only need two units to hold the front. - I think sending some Brits and their better stats there to slow down Austrians would have been worth it, letting italian forces grow enough (infantry tech 1, better entrenchments, arty, more units) to stand by themselves. - Well, you made a strategic choice to keep pounding in the West so it can't be helped but at some point you'll have to divert some troops down there to guard the Alps (or try something bold ) anyway.
  20. HQs - First, I don't think HQs can have elite steps. They gain experience stars but can't be reinforced above 10 (never seen one at 11). When HQs lose steps they lose experience and the fact they can't go above 10 makes them very tempting targets. - In your newbies AAR I often see your HQs dangerously exposed, they're not supposed to be on the frontline. And with infantry and other units gaining more power with tech they become even more vulnerable so keep them out trenches ! - Another point is that you can sack/replace a general level 5 with a level 8 without losing experience because it's the HQ/staff that is experienced (I'd prefer losing at least half an experience star when sacking/replacing to show the change of command routines but that's only me). ARTY - Sapare is right, elite steps (limited to 3 in this game) for artillery are very important because they have more chance to gain experience than to lose it since they arn't usually involved in close combat so they can pile up elite steps quicker than most of other units. - Each elite step will also increase their chance to destroy enemy steps with each shell giving more experience and elite steps and so on (an arty level 2 with 3 elite steps/10 shells is DEADLY). - In your AAR I see many arty units staying at 5 steps indeed. That makes them more vulnerable but also less efficient (lower readiness/morale, less chances to destroy enemy steps, less chances to gain experience/elite steps, nearly no readiness/morale recovery after operating...). It's a kind of a waste to attach a 5 step arty to an HQ even more high level ones.
  21. Hi Sapare , - When an unit is in low supply it usually means it is more or less encircled or far behind enemy lines/inside enemy territory. Then most of the men and equipment can't be retrieved when unit cohesion/command structure collapses (lack of transport/way out). So the NM bonus pictures some kind of propaganda showing prisoners and equipment captured/destroyed. - On the other hand, when an unit is destroyed in high supply, it means most of wounded can be/have been evacuated, only few prisoners were taken and most surviving men were able to get back to friendly lines, often as working units (regiments, companies...) able to fight again after a short time of rest/reorganization.
  22. Hi, stormbringer3 - I agree with Sapare, unless you are willing to take a big NM hit for Austria by giving Italy Trieste & co. - In that case you can prevent italian entry and spend some chits to make sure Entente won't push them again but it's very costly either way. It is usually better to save your diplo chits/MPPs/NM for other purposes.
  23. - I think the whole point (of not having artillery range 3 counter-battery) is to develop the air side of the war as a counter-measure against artillery, otherwise, most players tend to ignore it unless they have free MPPs sitting around. - It also makes it easier to spot artillery concentrations and organize defense accordingly while having a chance to attack them with infantry sicne they're just behind the frontline. - Heavy Arty level 2 is still interesting because you got a full +1 (instead of 0,5) to soft attack, increasing your chances to kill steps with each shell. Combined with gas/shell prod it's powerful enough for my taste .
  24. Hi there , - Turn by turn is better when there is a lot happening but I'm perfectly fine with the "consolidated" thing when everyone's just sitting in their trenches. - Anyway it's some work to keep an AAR going while playing so just do it as you can, nobody will hate you for that . - About your Italy questions, I don't know. I've never been in a position were I had that choice (game already decided on another front moslty). - The Metz-Strasbourg line became a giant graveyard indeed, I see you discovered the "no man's land" as a game concept huhu. And there are many other things to find . - Entente choices in Italy, Egypt and Russia startled me a bit but I suppose that's bound to happen for a first game. I think CP are in a very good position now even if it seems a bit hard in France.
  25. No problem with you stopping here Abukede, thanks for the preview and tips .
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