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Everything posted by Strategiclayabout

  1. When you do I'll point out various things/moves helping both sides to keep some kind of balance in 41/43 .
  2. See ? No worries at all, this game is just wayyyyyyy too easy for Allies. Axis has a lot of juice early but once it is pressed hard...
  3. Hi , Case Blue and Citadel Frontline campaigns launched as Axis (MP/email). The first turn is ended after deployment phase (manual or auto). Then the game asks to save the turn file. When loading the saved (aborted) turn, the same happens for Soviets. Their turn ends after deployment phase and the game asks to save the file. EDIT: Stupid me ! Seems both players have to exchange their deployment phase before starting to play. Was just thinking WWI Break mode where only Germans deploy on first turn. Sorry for that. You can delete this post.
  4. - Ah forgot to aswer this one , actually, most people say train lines as "railway stations" or "railway crossroads" meaning supply sources (town and cities) where railways pass. Bombing a rail tile alone won't bring you anything. - By lowering supply on those tiles you also cut operating abilities for armies. The side who can operate while the other can't has a clear advantage on any front :cool: .
  5. - What Bill101 says is that if any side holds all the objectives counting for decisive victory level at anytime it's an insta win. Logical because at that point any comeback is considered impossible for the opposite side. - It's different from knocking out one major: even if you collapse England and have Cairo, London and Moscow, you'll have to take Stalingrad before Allies captures Paris or Rome (more likely than Berlin or Warsaw early), or London , to seize decisive victory. That put pressure on Allies to land in Europe/open a second front quickly if Germans are only 1 or 2 objectives away from total victory .
  6. - Thanks for the stat screen . Indeed I see that USSR + UK = Germany + Italy more or less, USA tipping the scales in Allies' favor. Now, shall we bet how long you'll need to get Benito out of the picture ? - Your moves in USSR show clearly that once the front grows larger with Germany advancing, you have more space to maneuver and german elite units can't strike north, center and south (only happens in 1941 for Barbarossa).
  7. 1942 was easy wins for Germany, 1943 seems to be a bit more complicated already. And by the way, where the hell have all those Italians vanished ? Will Allies turn the corner this year ? Or just hit the wall ?
  8. - That's an alternative history matter . Maybe USA would have reached an agreement with Japan at some point and put all efforts against Germany hoping to establish dominion over old Europe... - And don't forget there were US presidential elections on 5th November of 1940. Balance between isolationists and interventionists could have changed depending on events in Europe. Losing England also means losing a lot of trade for USA.
  9. - Great counter-offensive move in Ukraine, you'll have some interesting strategic choices to make very soon.My advice: take the time to think, 1943 is a decisive year ! - Formidable US armada to lay eyes on, early reports from North Africa seem to tall GI's are ready but are Italians a worthy battle testing subject, one can wonder . - Any particular plan for those paratroopers after all those horrible things they did to you earlier ? Any chance you can post the unit numbers stat screen to see where each side stands ^^ ?
  10. - If I'm not mistaken, you have until the end of the campaign to play so there is no insta win. In the victory conditions window you have the end date which is 7th May 1947 . - Looking at the manual, Majors can be liberated after being "eliminated", it's not limited to France: After surrendering, a major will automatically have its National Morale reset to 50%. On liberation, this may be boosted up to 100% so that the liberated country can play a full part in the war. Any Major that surrenders and is then liberated will not surrender a second time if their National Morale were to once again reach zero. This is because their morale would only be likely to be a factor the first time. For example in France in 1940 this was an issue, but in 1944 France wasn’t likely to surrender again unless the US and British forces had been driven from her shores. - And it would be no fun to just end the game after France and USSR collapse if/when USA/UK are ready to invade the Reich in 1943 or 1944. There is enough incentive to go full force against Stalin as it .
  11. Ah sorry I meant "England" as the lands north of the Channel, not the Major country . Striking Canada is very hard for axis and all of USA's forces will be nearby. Going for Canada when transfering UK capital is the safe choice but limit Brits options. Attacking both Egypt and Canada after pulling a Sealion is very close to impossible.
  12. - I'm of the same opinion: Sealion isn't very tempting especially when you know Stalin will come after you just behind. And if you fail it's even worse ! Taking London allows to reach higher victory levels though... - Sure if you get it to work, Spain is in the bag and you get a flow of MPPs but the timetable for Barbarossa let only a very small window to do it right and if weather is bad (some rain turn in summer) you're done. - One thing in your game is Axis probably overdid it while UK spent many MPPs in France that were missed later. - Losing England complicates things for Allies (Overlord and co) but it is in no way an insta win. Axis can't possibly guard all the coastlines from Scotland to Gibraltar and beyond. Any MPP invested in Kriegsmarine won't face USSR and in the long run that makes quite a difference. - Once in Egypt, UK has various options to recover and usually weak Italians just came closer to the Lion's den .
  13. Sealion - For England that's fairly simple: if Brits decide to make a stand in Scotland whatever the reason, that would kill their supply. It would also complicate a lot any evacuation of UK units or reinforcements coming in and that wouldn't be realistic at all. - Furthermore, there is no way all of England (and especially Scotland) would submit to Nazis just because some unimportant city in the south has fallen . More seriously, just consider there are many military bases and some like Scapa Flow wouldn't just surrender without even seeing a single german soldier around. You wanted UK ? You have to take it ! Diplomacy - Only my opinion there but you can consider taht Stalin was happy as long as Hitler was busy far away but begins to worry big time when UK falls because where could panzers go if not East after that ? - For USA, they're already busy in China with agressive Japan, so the fall of England can be seen as an incentive to matter their own business and leave Europe alone as any sane isolationist would do . Wouldn't it be better to support Hitler in a nice anti-communist crusade hmmm ? And after all, it wasn't even 150 years ago that Brits were at war with USA ! Patch - Anyway, there's a patch coming for SoE it seems so things may change for Sealion and other points.
  14. - Very fun campaign with unusual situations (looking at the map it looks like 1944 ), keep it going ! - Despite the Hungary debacle, superior german tactical and strategical mobility keep Russians on their heels. - What's the unit count for each side ? Any plans for more paradrops ?
  15. Hehehe, nice move in Hungary ! Germans can't be everywhere and despite the losses in center and north they havn't advanced far. Fighters level 3 will also help to keep panzers more cautious. Waiting to see what those GIs are capable of .
  16. - Moving amphibious transports by hand across the Atlantic wouldn't be practical, I agree but they can use red arrows for naval movements so why bother ? - I don't think I help you too much by saying that gives you several interesting options. There are various possibilities for USA/UK (and even USSR) but you'll have to put those staff officers to work to find them !
  17. - I want to say but I can't, don't want to risk ruining your game but Italy isn't the only choice though the more logical. ALso, Kriegsmarine can't defend all the coastlines and the Atlantic is big (well intelligence can help sometimes ^^). - And you don't need total control of the sea if you're willing to take some risks. Let's say Allies land in several places, it'll be hard to tell where is the main offensive .
  18. Mmmmh... Not sure who is winning the propaganda picture war but there surely were many casualties to laughter . Waiting for the opening of 1943 hunting season !
  19. - Wow... I second Big Al on that one. Seems already hopeless for Germans, looks like Soviets have between 2/3 to 1 advantage in numbers (at least around hot spots). - There are fortifications everywhere and even with any tech advances I don't see how Jörg can make a hole in the south . Well done Hyazinth !
  20. - One major thing about those terrible combat results is german forces have level 10 supply sources just in their back, that alone can explain the morale/readiness difference. - However I also think the fact Axis units are more experienced (especially HQs) from all the previous battles makes them harder to kill. - You also had nearly no defensive bonus (AA, terrain or entrenchment) as you were caught while attacking. - So don't worry, it can't be worse ^^ ! You still have lots of ground to give if needed and MPPs will keep flowing. Just avoid losing too many units in low supply . USA have many cards to play to help Stalin and Churchill.
  21. - That's not entirely true for Western Europe but having England sure makes it harder for Allies. You'll begin to feel US breath on your neck soon enough . - Well done in USSR, stukas level 3 against poor AA was a decisive factor and empty Brest was a nice gift ! P.S.: I think you wanted to say Bulgarian capital ? If it's Hungary you're in trouble .
  22. The USN relief trip(ping) was quite epic I'll admit . - On the good side, it seems clear the tide of Atlantic Battle is turning, axis subs can't roam free anymore. - For the german corps 1 step loss it can be entrenchments + high level HQ/morale/readiness.
  23. You can see victory conditions anytime by going in the "options" (1/2/3 button) of your ongoing game menu then "victory" . You've already secured a minor victory for Axis with London but you need Moscow for the next level.
  24. - Bucharest + Ploesti is worth around 50 MPPs, with Axis losing them and USSR taking them that's a nearly 100 MPPs difference (+ plunder) made in income for a small cost, well done ! - Axis will have a hard time holding and pushing you back will be even more difficult. Finland seems also out of the picture so Allies will have it good from now on.
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