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Everything posted by Strategiclayabout

  1. Hello Hubert , - Was looking at the AoD german AAR and saw Japan on the map. I think the town called "Metasuyama" should be "Matsuyama": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsuyama,_Ehime - I also think there should be a port between Tokyo and Nagoya (Yokohama + Yokosuka) but maybe there are gameplay reasons.
  2. Hi bob. , - To be blunt, Entente can just invade Belgium . A short pic is better than a long explanation about what can happen in the West against an human player while you're busy in the East (see pic below). - And while it's quite easy to capture Warsaw and western Poland with an Ostaufmarsch start, Russians have MANY corps and you can quickly face a double defensive line all along the polish front with trenches and rivers bonuses working against you as well as winter coming. - Germans wanted to avoid a two-front war then decided which opponent would be easier to take down quickly. They believed Paris was closer than St Petersbourg to reach in a quick campaign (like in 1870), putting France out of war before it can fully mobilize ressources and industry. - Gamewise, invading Belgium/northern France extends the front but you gain: * "Easy" National Morale by killing belgium units and capturing some french NM locations * Space/tiles to defend Ruhr industrial region * Ports close to England to shelter/repair subs * Loads of MPPs (2 mines, 2 cities, 1 capital, Belgium surrender plunder)
  3. Hi AshesFall , - If a prussian corps is destroyed by a russian corps I think it's: * Prussia will take a NM hit for each prussian step lost in the attack. * Russia will take a NM hit for each russian step lost in the attack. * Russia will gain a NM bonus if the prussian corps was in low supply (below 5). (bonus is the unit base buying value in MPPs) - Rail Guns are mainly used to kill supply/MPPs on a tile but they have several interesting stats: * 12 action points (only on rail) ! That means you can move all along one front easily * 3 strike range meaning infantry can't spot them from the front line * 5 max shells, only half heavy arty but it's still far more strikes than a bomber * 2 strategic attack, x5 shells you have good chances to get a 0 supply tile in one turn (shells can't be intercepted by fighters or attacked by anti-air units) * 5% demoralization, x5 shells just before using heavy arty can hit a unit hard Hope it's more clear now ^^ .
  4. I'm aboard too, the year summary is a great idea so keep it going ! Your hard work putting all those numbers together is appreciated . 1916 will be great for us readers: who will collapse first ? In the East or the West ?
  5. Hi Aryaman , You can use the "P" key on your keyboard to display partisan tiles on the map: (there are some in France, Russia, Lybia, Arabia...) EDIT: xwormwood won the race
  6. - I agree Evert should have retreated to make a stand further east. Now Russians will soon have lost 3 HQs and that is a huge blow to them (by the way units destroyed in Carpathia can be rebuilt but only at full cost ). Strange move in Turkey, not sure what they're trying to do down there. - Seems Austrians managed to survive the worst (minus their now skeleton navy) and will be able to slowly reinforce italian and polish fronts. With the fall of Warsaw, pressure on fortresses should decrease. Getting infantry tech lvl 2 before the end of 1915 will certainly help a lot. - I see your subs are doing their jobs sinking 45 MPPs worth of convoys, that should hurt UK a bit but you were unlucky to send the Lusiatania to the bottom that quickly (for NM effect there are some tricks to maximize the unrestricted naval warfare explained in another thread, don't remember where at the moment).
  7. - Good timing for liberating Strasbourg ! We'll see if the Kaiser has some reserves at hand or if forces will be diverted from the Metz assault ! - Maybe Russian Carpathian adventures will prove a decisive move years after when analyzing the conflict ^^ : saving Serbians long enough to have Italy join and stretching Austria very thin. - Nice to have infantry lvl 1 coming so close after the german one, you won't have to suffer the tech gap for long. That will also help a lot with those pinned austrian corps around the fortresses . - To sink ships in ports: attacking them by land (amphibious moves or port capture) or by air (not very effective without tech upgrades but it can help). Teched subs can also do the job or even regular ships if enemy units are very weak (but you'll take more casualties with no certain result).
  8. Hello there , I'd add AA is interesting to defend MPPs tiles close together (Cities/Mines) if your opponent starts a bombing campaign. Or when your advanced forces/HQs depend on a single tile/town in the rear for supply (difficult terrain, ports after landing).
  9. - Seems like you'll have to be veeery cautious against Germans in the East from now on, but perhaps you'll get infantry tech quickly thanks to some spies or prisoners ^^ . - At least you're heavy enough on the back of Austrians to keep the southern part of the front quiet on the opposite side . And now with italian navy on your side, austrian ships will keep a low profile in Adriatic ! - Germans look stretched thin in the West, maybe enough forces to take a shot at Metz but I wonder if there are any reserves behind the lines... - If possible can you put a screenshot of the units table to see relative numbers for all armies now that most Majors have joined the brawl ? Thanks .
  10. - With infantry tech lvl 1 Prussians can begin to breath. Entente won't be able to go far against your superior technology. The question is: do CP use this advantage while it lasts to launch a surprise offensive or will it be used to block any enemy gain and reorganize armies and industry ? - Those pesky Italians bark loud but arn't very dangerous though they come with more ships for Entente (as if they needed them) and add several hundred kilometers of front. - Serbian front CP units seem to waver a bit after fighting so much but having those treacherous pasta-eaters trying to stab them in the back should motivate you troops to finish the job quickly .
  11. @ Big Al: Well, we can't call the game: "assault on (bureaucratic) totalitarian regime" can we ? For USA I thought it was an Obamacracy lately ? @ Ghost: Thanks for the statue pics (the one with children is great, past and future ) and the Tambow update. Herr Goebbels is probably already all over the poor guys to shoot some propagan... truth documentary about communist evil doings.
  12. Noooo I want my pictures ! - Sorry for the long silence but since I follow the other AAR too I was afraid to say something that would ruin the austrian plan. I had to watch the ongoing tragedy quietly. Now another exciting adventure begins: escape the jaws of death ! - Taking Metz at the end of 1914 is a big move for Western Allies, it endangers german supply lines in all of Belgium and northern France while threatening to advance into the heart of german industrial lands. In my mind it balances your carpathian "difficulties". - Still Serbians seem close to collapse, how long will they manage to survive ? Will a brutal offensive in the West with "75" guns save them or will relief come from the polish front ? Stay tuned for the next episode of "Guns of Thrones" . - Taking Koenisgberg while threatening Berlin will undoubtedly shake the Kaiser, especially if you manage to attack in the West at the same time, will look forward to it ! Naval battles in the Baltic seem deadly, I wonder what's the plan behind it... - The OE fronts can be interesting, there will probably be some unexpected moves there since you're not familiar with the area...
  13. - For drawing arrows I use the base "Paint" software (I think I have the 5.1 one), can make curved ones, color them and add text with in some clicks but everyone has its preferences: * - Congratulations for your first army encirclement . Nice plan well executed under pressure. I don't think Russians can escape and if that HQ is the one I believe it is... Add to that a near collapse of Serbia a very possible Bulgaria entry and the Baltic Sea battle, it's the spring of disasters for the Tsar ! - Infantry level tech 1 for Austria that early is a big hit ! Actually it means they stole some equipment from the Germans but who cares , their corps will soon be as effective as german ones, at least for a time. If the eastern hordes arn't cautious they will be decimated ! It also seems Russians are spreading their effort all over instead of concentrating on 1 or 2 objectives, good for you ! - Truly, the West seems sleepy, Nivelle or some other great military genius must be planning a decisive frontal assault somewhere... on the front !
  14. Quick answer about charts : - Papafourtwo is right about spent MPPs I think but maybe there's also what you spend with some events (and it's quite a lot for UK). - If I remember well MPPs losses count EVERY STEP killed on your side not only units. (so if you lose 9 steps out of 10 for any unit, I let you guess the result ^^ ) * You also have to consider some steps cost more (elite steps, upgraded steps, steps destroyed at low supply). * From your AAR several of your corps took heavy beating in Poland and France but wern't destroyed.
  15. - Hoho, nice strike at the russian BB in the Baltic, good for Germany NM . New defense line around Danzig will be very hard to break but East prussia is lost, von Below should be sacked, shame on him ! - Serbian front looks like a race to death with Russians lurking in carpathian mountains, even Romanians cheer for them from the sidelines. Kudos for buying those reserve detachments "just in case". - The West: looks like your HQs got their hands on some decent supply, is the Marne party over for Entente ? - OE fronts can be whatever you do of them, utterly quiet or very entertaining. However, given how wild things are on the other battlefields, I expect some fun moves there .
  16. PSSST, HEY YOU KIDS WANNA BUILD COMMUNISM ? YOU'LL GET A FREE (US) COOKIE ! Communism truly is a scary thing . * - Was VonBombke fast enough to prevent german Pow transfer from Tambov ? What a pleasant surprise for guys captured in 1941 who were fed communist lies about soviet tanks approaching Berlin after their winter offensive ! - Front almost looks like a straight line, Moscow southern flank seems very vulnerable, makes you wonder where are Stavka's reserves... I see a lot of iron crosses in the north, are they coming from the air ? Is it italian 8th army I see as a spearhead towards Stalingrad ? The Duce must be waving victory flags all over the place in Rome !
  17. - Entente discovers the joy of counter-attack on the Marne, sorry the Seine ^^ . As for income, I think I won't spoil the game by saying events' costs can kill your MPPs if you let them piling up without paying attention . - Seems Russians have averted the Hindenburg crisis in Poland. Losing that HQ has hurt the Tsar's pride and the troops are pushed forward for vengeance ! Curious to see how that giant encirclement plan in Galicia will work out...
  18. Happy the map was corrected so fast, thanks . - Nice propaganda drawing, Ivanov ! Situation seems critical in the south with panzers ready to fall on your rear but you have quite some tanks around too. - Leningrad gained some time but with that artillery around you won't be able to sleep at all, too noisy .
  19. One stupid question ^^ : - Germany has nothing to do (but wait) to get Hungary/Romania/Bulgaria joining. Shouldn't Hitler have to pay at least a little something to pressure those countries ? (maybe 75 MPPs per country, price of 1 diplomatic chit) - Can be interesting for Yugoslavia too: Germany has the option to put 75 MPPs to bring them in: YES: Yugoslavia will join Axis if Brits don't finance the "coup" Yugoslavia will lean towards Allies if Brits finance the "coup" NO: Yugoslavia will remain neutral/as it is if Brits don't finance the "coup" Yugoslavia will lean towards Allies if Brits finance the "coup" (but financing the coup would be harder/cost double since Germany isn't involved)
  20. Glad to be of help Bill , One other small thing: - I think Tartu had supply reduced by partisan attack before one of my axis turn but don't have a partisan supply tile (pic 1)? - I confirmed paratroops can drop on rain tile if starting turn on clear weather tile (pic 2). They can also fly over neutral territory to drop on that rain tile, here Belgium (pic 2). And they can even be intercepted by UK fighters starting on clear weather tile, losing 2 steps (pic 3).
  21. - Given your AAR pics, I think your situation is mostly due to bad supply (I see most source near advanced HQ at 1...) after quick advance . - There is also probably bad HQ attachments (AI not the best for that when left alone) and units not being at full strength). - And last enemy units begin to dig in.
  22. - Before/after pics: both are fine, maybe after pics give a better view of the final positions for turn. - Good progress in France, actually you're closer to Paris than in most games I saw. Usually Entente lines form at Amiens or Arras so enjoy the ride ! Curious to see how that early Jutland will unfold... - Hoho, bold maneuver in Poland, whatever the result, it should disrupt Russians plans and force them to deal with the threat. Will Samsonov (not sure who that HQ is but well...) commit suicide in infamy ^^ ? Add to that the Belgrade disaster in Serbia and the Tsar won't be happy any time soon. - Limitation to 1 chit in infantry research was decided to balance the game otherwise Germany got a quick tech lead (by investing 3 chits) and just murdered Russians. (base german corps 5-4 + 2 infantry tech = 7-6 against 4-3 or 5-4 russian corps...)
  23. Hi AshesFall , Weather: - See p-52-55 of base game manual, should be in your install folder (pic 1): ...\Battlefront\Strategic Command WWI Breakthrough\Manuals - As a general rule: 1) clear weather has no effect so better for attack 2) rain/fog/mud penalizes attacker, mostly because of reduced movement/range 3) winter/snow/frozen reduce combat results/losses on both sides because attack values are halved * Terrain: - Defending bonuses and other data for terrain are specified in each tile "properties" window (right click on a tile: pic 2-3). - Exception is river bonuses as they are no tiles (attack -35%: pic 4) but they are displayed in combat screen odds on attacker's side (pic 4). - Defense bonuses (+xDB: pic 4) are indicated on combat odds panel (defender's side: pic 4) when selecting one of your units and hovering the mouse over enemy troops.
  24. A very small something: in HQ production list "Kesselring" is wrongly named "Kesslering" .
  25. - Thanks for the answers both of you ^^ . So the panzers followed the Don, this time hehe. * - Something I spotted about the map: Tsimlyanskoye lake shouldn't exist. The lake-reservoir was filled between 1952-1955 after the construction of the dam there. - In 1942 the Don there was a "regular" river with two main crossing points: Kalach-na-Don and Nizhne-Chirskaya further south where the Chir joined the Don. Stalingrad was encircled when the two soviet pincers met at Kalach and it's where Soviets expected the german counter-attack (that actually came from Kotelnikovo ). So I think it's a pretty important location to have on the map .
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