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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I think your stuff is great and I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm. I just thought maybe I hadn't told you the date yet. WHERE TO POST STUFF: I think we all will not look where we are not supposed to...so I think you can keep it simpler for yourself and post most everything here. Plus like you said, we can have the fans out there root and cheer you onward! The forumites. And you can point our FGM buddies here to see as well. But I do recommend that detailed prebattle CM stuff can and should be taken to a BFC PM. It allows the in depth focused discussion in private versus here in public. Like I am doing with Mirek and you will always be included in on that. I don't have all the e-mails but if you did want them, we can ask.
  2. As background, here is the online user manual for the Panzer Campaign game. http://www.johntillersoftware.com/PanzerCampaigns/user/index.html
  3. FYI, local DTG is 230400SEPT1944 Turn 1 will officially start at 0600. Consider this a slight prequel.
  4. I like to tweak it as things arise. You are the Germans and your units can break down into smaller components due to excellent leadership. Also, you have support requests pending up at 6th Armee HQ. They are staffing the requests for reinforcements (air support, Flak Guns, infantry and Pioneers). Standby! Take your time. If I didn't already say: Allies get to go first on this campaign. Allied CO will advise his moves and any assaults and then afterwards you get to move while you man the fire brigade in the finest tradition of the panzer waffe.
  5. Hmmmm. Corps Intel has an idea. One of those blasted railroad guns. The troops will call it "Ortona Annie" no doubt!
  6. I was still working the art but will finish it tonight. I would call the Hungarian unit "Hungarian Infantry Stragglers" and "Hungarian Hetzer unit".... That Wespe unit is part of 23PD.
  7. Cutting with the pen tool? Sounds like hammering with a wrench or scissors can be screwdrivers! I will try it next time. Thanks.
  8. Thanks MikeyD. I will go and give her a try....
  9. Hey Doug, Thanks for the schooling. Sorry for the flood of info. Did those screenshots in the one dropbox folder help at all? Oh, an important thing. North ended up having to be to the right. I know I know. It is a long story and I apologize. The map makers found an awesome 1940's topo of the area and started using it to depict this area with CM maps and long story short, I didn't want to turn their world so I turned mine.
  10. That video was snake_eye driving in the Ardennes? OK, check out Ver 3. I relocated the 12th Century Church and am trying to get the main square area a bit more accurate per a book hot off the presses. The bio of the K/110 XO (then) LT Tom Flynn. Also at this link are my modtagged mods in progress so IF YOU WANT put them in the CMFI z folder and they are already tagged and map is tagged [hosingen] so you will START to see the new roads develop as I work the mod this week. Also a few signs in there that are not yet tagged but I will later tag them so they only appear for [hosingen] tagged maps.... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e64o6r1o25uiidz/AAAdFKSDiJUYxoFgOqmTHioka?dl=0
  11. Wow. You could say he is a "Brieth" of fresh air! <<OK, it is a sunday and it is late, my humor is dragging a$$>> I know PL = phaseline but please explain AA and EA. I think I know them but want to double-check. Thanks.
  12. I am on the path to doing these snowy roads, pun intended. [/u The straight ones are easy, it is the curves that give you difficulty!
  13. OK, dropbox invites are out to both of the players and both the CO's to examine the map. Briefings and intel are being sent by PM. I will roll in any feedback from those 4 guys and we can start in a few days I figure. Looking great! Then as they fight the appetizer we can iron out the operational side, some of my art for the units and other tiny details. The next wave of battles I will have several to hand out. fabishdFGM should make an appearance around here sometime soon. I really appreciate that he volunteered to be the axis CO. It is so much better with an actual separate person as CO. Thanks Doug!
  14. OK, dropbox invites are out to both of the players and both the CO's to examine the map. Briefings and intel are being sent by PM. I will roll in any feedback from those 4 guys and we can start in a few days I figure. Looking great! Then as they fight the appetizer we can iron out the operational side, some of my art for the units and other tiny details. The next wave of battles I will have several to hand out.
  15. I know this is a simple thing but I always screw it up. I have done some searches for tips and tutorials but still it seems to not come out correctly. I find a nice image of some soldier, like from Ron Volstad art for models or books. Then I want to magic wand it I guess and delete off the unwanted part and then resize it then slap it on a pink background so that the PzC game can make it onto a unit counter. But I do something wrong and unwanted half pixels travel along and let the pink bleed through. What is the trick to scrub those off during the process or somehow go back and find them and trim them away automatically. So many other guys stuff looks so great. Mine sucks and I need some help. THANKS!
  16. I am setting up the Migojo kickoff battle for mirekm61 to defend Migojo with the 46th Fusilier Battalion. It is 0400 and all is quiet on the eastern front.
  17. Thanks Snols. OK, I will send the invites for a dropbox folder. Standby. EDIT: Invite sent for Snols to examine the map. 0400 night battle for his sapper unit to penetrate into Migojo on a hit and run mission.
  18. Hi Erwin, It is 5th in line with 4 other projects so the best I can guess is the fall timeframe. And my new paradigm is to create it as a H2H CMPzC Operation versus the traditional campaign of scenarios against the AI. I honestly enjoy that much more than writing AI plans. However, I have followed up on a few of the CMPzC Battles by writing them as scenarios and uploading them. Not every battle but some of the smaller ones. With that all said, would you be interested in playing on a team and fighting out Operation Hercules?
  19. Come on guys! Who wants this first battle? I want a volunteer for this suicide mission in 5 minutes or I am picking names from a hat.
  20. Watch the action and thenh QUIT OUT. go in and grab any odd numbered file and load it to watch the action and when done seeing the action QUIT OUT down at the menu. DO NOT HIT THE RED BUTTON!
  21. Any German speakers out there? Poesel? "Molkerei Hosingen" is that good for a sign on a building for a dairy? For Luxembourg 1940's, what should I use for pharmacy? Apotheke? Thanks!
  22. Hi Greg, I actually have that same book right here next to me as I make the CMPzC Operation! What color is your car and what is your license plate numbers? Maybe I can mod a jeep for you...uh oh, you are axis! I better mod you a kubelwagen instead! If we can get this started in a few weeks we can have some Bulge action to hold us happy til the real deal comes out! Who knows when???!!!
  23. I am adding multiple tire tracks and maybe some tank tracks.... Here is a sign to Hosingen! Just some flavor...I will also add a building front with "Hotel Schmitz" which was K/110's CP during the battle and the CP of B/103 a dairy. "Molkerei Hosingen"
  24. Work in progress to make a snowy asphalt road with subtle tire tracks...
  25. Here is a link to a dropbox folder called "Hosingen Latest Version" so as Dave makes a new version he can change the filename but always put them in the same place and anybody who wants to follow along with the map creation can download and make comments. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e64o6r1o25uiidz/AAAdFKSDiJUYxoFgOqmTHioka?dl=0 Note: we will modtag the map/scenario [hosingen] and I will make some various modtagged [hosingen] mods and am working on a road mod. Coming along nicely... ...other mods should be loaded by those who decide to play the battles. we'll make some links here soon.
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