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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Where do we put these things for easy access download? Maybe each forum has a thread for QB Hybrids or whatever is the term voted on. "A former QB map with rough AI plans that was opened in the editor and tweaked to make it better and then has to go in the scenario folder." Or can somehow the filename give the clue or whatever?
  2. I played a CMFI Tiny Agricultural QB Battle that Heirloom Tomato had reprocessed and have beefed it up a tad. Renamed as V1 at the end. Beefed up = adjusted AI plan and such. Here she is and load in scenario folder and play either side. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vi60xni71briyqb/Meet Tiny Ag (water) 273 battle 003V1.btt?dl=0
  3. I also played the CMFI Tiny Agricultural Battle and have beefed it up a tad. Renamed as V1 at the end. Beefed up = adjusted AI plan and such. Here she is and load in scenario folder and play either side. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vi60xni71briyqb/Meet Tiny Ag (water) 273 battle 003V1.btt?dl=0
  4. I remember using JSGME a few years back and I think the "stash of available mods" folder was working when I kept it one folder UP from the actual z folder... But I am at work on a stinking Sunday and can't check my home PC til later.
  5. QB's are very, very limited by the current programming. Mark Ezra did his very best job and some of the QB's did have triggers in the AI plans. Like Heirloom Tomato and Kevinkin, I think the best option vs the AI is to go with "hybrid rewritten QB's" which you stash in your scenario folder and import your side's units as a campaign force import. In case you've never seen these.....Proambulator's Youtube series on AI Here are some of my old notes just for $hits and grins.... A tiny battle I have been having fun on while learning a bit more about the AI triggers. 208m x 208m. An evening axis probe by the human player against the US Army AI. Axis set-up zone is right there on the road at map's west edge, 1 tile wide. 1. "Tripwire" AI Trigger (enemy). 2. AI Trigger (enemy armor) 3. These are US Army listening posts surrounded by AI Trigger (Friendly). 4. Another "Tripwire" AI trigger (enemy). But they are half-way to the farmhouse... 5. AI Trigger (Friendly). 6. AI Trigger (Friendly). You can only have one set of triggers per scenario so the 3 boxes for #3 are for different AI plans where you can vary the location of the US Army soldiers on OP duty. Anyway, here is how it went in I thought a somewhat comical manner when I watched it unfold on scenario author mode. AI Group A5 is the trooper on OP duty. His AI orders are to hide until the tripwire is triggered. Then he can do a variety of things, like go ambush 75m or max assault or dash to the rear. edit: Triggers for each unit are linear. So for this Group A5, usually an "OR" sequence will only occur in numbered order, and the next order will not take place until the previous trigger is invoked. either by time or action. But here the "OR" meant that for various AI plans A5 can be Rambo and press forward or turn yellow and immediately head to the rear or stay in place and take a few shots. Well, he is the one who will/might trip the friendly trigger around his post. AI Group A1 is LT Lovejoy the platoon leader. He is on hide (asleep!) and gets an order triggered by the OP soldier. LT Lovejoy then gets his a$$ up and runs off to wake up some of the dogfaces. He trips 2 other friendly triggers at 5 and 6 to send off a bazooka team and to wake up the 3rd squad who were grabbing some shuteye. He then gets on the phone to the company CP to report in... The private with the bazooka goes out to his ambush position along the road and if the enemy armor trigger is eventually tripped, he goes on Ambush armor 75m. The 3rd squad dashes off south to behind a rock wall and if the Germans trip the 2nd tripwire, they will assault forward. ---so far I tend to only use the terrain triggers versus the order style triggers. It is easy to get the order style all messed up. Maybe in the future I will start to use them. Edit: But here is a wise caveat from George MC: "I use the KISS principle myself. Like your example above I use a core set of AI triggers that can be used across various plans. By keeping plans simple and broad based you can hope to account for the myriad ways a player may choose to attack/defend. Trying to get too clever wit AI plans (as I've found out to my cost) just leads to all sorts of unintended consequences! I occasional use friendly AI triggers to spring friendly movement but you have to be careful with this. If a friendly unit is wiped out early it can totally FUBAR the AI Plan. In this case having a slightly earlier default move order helps alleviate the worse outcome." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also maybe you already know or discovered the below about programming fire support for the AI.... AI Mortar success! I had 2 different FO's on map from start and placed them in good spots with LOS. Then made the actual mortars show at R1=5, R2=10, R3=15. I deployed them to make sure that the FO had them in contact. And a platoon HQ as well. Responsible adult types with radios. The mortars do spend a turn deploying upon arrival. But then pretty soon the board lights up with pretty green lines. If someone carelessly is spotted. This one FO had 2 different missions going. They appear to take the normal long times to get the mission set-up. 5 minutes, 7 minutes, 9 minutes. They do fire spotting rounds and adjust. A round too far left, a bit later a round too far right, a bit later one more or less on target, then a bit later, 4 rounds. bam bam bam bam. It wasn't on the area of the AI plans Support Targets Axis. The platoon HQ also set-up a mission. Unfortunately, it can't happen at night or when viz is very low due to fog or smoke. So, this could be part of an AI defense plan for a scenario or also for AI on the attack. You don't need to get the initial preplanned barrage style from turn 1. It could come later on... Actually, I now recall I did use an off-map mortar team that came in at R2. So, you could sprinkle low supply off-map mortar teams in with your R groups. They don't take up an AI slot either. A prolonged defensive mortaring to make every round count. Just trying to add to the collective knowledge.
  6. I admit to having several unfinished projects (scenarios, campaigns, mods) that met some obstacle or I flat out lost interest or enthusiasm. But I think posting unfinished work is ok if just by offering a dropbox download link in a post with a description/disclaimer. NOT to the scenario depot/repository. Right? Aragorn (Jakob, right? ) How about we try my scenario factory idea and you pass me that scenario and I try and finish the AI?
  7. "Iron SLIM" mode? (all the other realism tweaks plus sleep deprivation!)
  8. @Bootie Thanks Shane. I also added some advertisement to my signature so your Latest Community Content videos get more views hopefully.
  9. So, these are now scenarios and should go in the scenario folder. Correct? Which if yes, is cool because then modtags can be added in the editor.
  10. Platoon vs Platoon? Cool! I will definitely give it a go. Thanks Matt.
  11. I had my coffee and now I see why you want the double blind so the battle can be played from either side. Got it.
  12. Hi Matt, This is sort of like that "Quick Battle Bistro Bar" we both tried in December 2014! http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117277-is-this-a-good-idea-kohlenklaus-quick-battle-bistro-bar/#comment-1565854: Here are my thoughts and some new ideas to offer you. 1. Is the double-blind really good? Once the player opens and sees his forces then the blind is over for his side and he either likes what he has or goes, WTF? 2. Use qb system as a start but save over to scenario folder like kevinkin does with his "hybrid QB's" 3. As per #1, set up a campaign core unit file for player side so it can be quickly imported in when you make the battle. 4. QB system can be used as a guide for points of typical forces on each side. 5. Open the hybrid QB in the editor, examine AI plans for the computer's side and make notes to guide purchases based on that and the assigning of AI groups to the purchased units. You could use the above process to create a dummy battle and then import various player side core forces and save each one w a new name using your naming system. No strat map, no op map, no tac map, no briefing. I can help make some if you want. This could be great. If my ideas are hosed, no worry. Best wishes!
  13. The "Kasserine Rearguard" scenario should be available soon at The Scenario Depot. It is allies vs axis AI. Likewise, the "Kasserine Rearguard" mods folder that goes with the scenario is now available at CMMODSIII. I am also working on a scenario which turns the tables but alters things a bit and you play as axis vs allied AI. It will be called "Unternehmen Sturmflut"....
  14. I wonder when we will see the new CMFI module...early 2017 is my bet. Ernest and Julio Gallo: Sell no wine before its time.
  15. PM me if anyone would like to playtest the new "Kasserine Rearguard" scenario. ~30 minutes tiny battle. Map is slightly growing beyond 208x208. I think it ate some snacks last night and is plumped up to 256x256... Draft Briefing for "Kasserine Rearguard" ^ It is 0910 on Saturday 20 February 1943. It is a miserable day with sheets of rain being blown by a cold wind from the mountains. The ground is soaking wet and movement is difficult. You wear the shiny gold bars of a brand new 2nd Lieutenant, but many of the men accidentally still call you "Sergeant" or maybe an NCO will still call you "Hart-" if they knew you before the events that gained you the battlefield commission. You command a platoon in the 1st Battalion of the 26th Infantry Regiment of the US 1st Infantry Division, "the Big Red One". The CO, Colonel Stark, hand-picked you to lead this rearguard at this date and time. The location: astride a muddy road in the foothills of Djebel Foussana, the eastern shoulder of the Kasserine Pass. The Colonel had said, "Lieutenant Hartmann, I need you to give me some time...time to pull back and regroup further north toward Thala. Hold them back Gary!" ^ Your platoon is the finest group of soldiers you've ever served with. They know their jobs and are ready for what is coming up that muddy road. Sergeant Apone scrounged a 37mm anti-tank gun during the retreat up from Sidi Bou Zid. Vasquez has been polishing it for hours and can hardly wait to nail his first enemy tank. Drake is on the 30 cal. Hicks is scouting down the road and should be back any minute. Hudson is one of the best shots in the battalion. Bishop has rigged several demo charges from a crate of AT mines since the Battalion S-3 LT Burke didn't bring enough fuses for more than 1 to be emplaced. Burke just shrugged his shoulders and said sorry and he'd try to send us "something" as soon as he got a chance. Spunkmeyer is on the 60mm mortar and the FO LT Gorman is trying to get a French 75mm battery on the radio. ^ The Germans tried all yesterday to force their way through the pass down in the floor of the valley. It didn't work. Now they have been seen headed up toward our location. Infantry on foot and vehicles. ^ The area is dense with brush and light scrub. You had time to dig only a few fighting positions. ^ There are occupy objectives for your main position (400 pts) and several hidden touch objectives to reward the Germans for advancing into your lines. Up to 1000 points can be racked up for destroying the enemy. A 500 point bonus is given for keeping friendly losses below 20%.
  16. Hi Erwin, Good point. I am -trying- to now always use CMMODS and TSD vs my previous use of dropbox so I just changed my signature to remove those links. But of course I will still send dropbox links via PM for playtesters and such... Speaking of...! PM me when your new PC is up and ready for the Sidi Bou Zid battle! **** **** ***** I also need playtesters for the new tiny "Kasserine Rearguard" battle. PM me if anyone is interested.
  17. Map making can be a grueling chore for anyone so I have honked the horn of the "scenario factory" idea many times to rather limited results. A few guys mustered in and we did create some stuff together or some folks had an interest but my schedule or some other issue killed the deal. But using premade maps to create a new scenario is good enough! Focus your energy on the units and AI. The end result is a new scenario for the community. @Blazing 88's You or anyone for that matter can please feel free to take any of the humble maps I have made or ever make in the future and chop, slice, julienne, modify, edit as desired/needed to squeeze out a new scenario. Please do it! Note: Always delete out all and every single objectives for both sides first. I know you want to play as axis and lay waste to the allies! Luckily for you the desert maps really do seem to be the easiest to rapidly make & probably edit for that matter.
  18. @Blazing 88's It says you've been here a long time on BFC forums. 12 or 13 years. Wow. Have you ever released any CMX1 or CMX2 scenarios? I have no idea the answer. Maybe you've done a lot but long ago? Come on and get back into it and stop that trend you fear!
  19. The big battle was a bear to make but playing it actually is not so different from a "small" battle as due to the way I slowly add in the assets. The scenario is 1500-1620 but you slowly get more units arriving over the wadi 1505, 1510, 1515, 1520 & 1530 and don't get all your stuff until 1545. @Badger73 Please reconsider to give it a try once released and see those long range vistas.
  20. The big "First Blood" battle is out to several testers and then I will release it in a few weeks... ..so sitting around bored last night I downshifted gears and dialed back to a nice 208m x 208m small unit action called "Kasserine Rearguard". I love these tiny battles as they are so much easier to create and finish. I feel almost MORE energetic doing them versus the big maps where I honestly start to feel pretty dang drained during the process. I wonder why? 4km x 4km map = 250,000 action spots! if you had to click on each spot for any reason that is 70 hours of map making and it still feels unfinished. Uggggh. 208m x 208m = only 676 action spots. You could spend just a relaxed evening of a few hours babying the map with love and goodness. ...anyway, you will play as Lieutenant Hartmann who is in command of a composite 1st platoon rearguard at a mountainous position astride a road on the shoulders of the Kasserine Pass on 19 February 1943 ordered to delay the advancing German-Italian Forces.
  21. I haven't played CMRT in quite a while. Can I still help playtest it for you?
  22. No. Just planned as allied human vs axis AI.
  23. @Erwin OK, PM me when your machine is ready for a thorough burn-in of the CPU! Here is the Rev B briefing. ^ It is 1500 on Monday 15 February 1943. The day is clear with only a light wind from the west. The ground is dry but the last several weeks of rainy weather have left some low areas soft and muddy. You are Lieutenant Colonel "Gentleman Jim" Alger, CO of 2nd Battalion, 1st Armored Regiment of "Old Ironsides": the United States Army's 1st Armored Division. Yesterday the 3rd Battalion was destroyed in combat with German Panzer forces. As part of Combat Command C, you and your troops have been on the road since late last night. Your mission: "Seek the enemy armor and destroy it." ^ On the battlefield at this moment only some of your forces are on map. Dog Company is on map with orders to secure Sidi Salem, Fox Company will arrive at 1530 sharp and is assigned to swing out on the right flank towards Sidi Bou Zid. Easy Company is following in reserve and will arrive by 1545. Love Company from 3rd Bn, 6th Armored Infantry Regiment is following Dog Company and will arrive by platoon at 1505, 1510 & 1515. On call fire support is provided by the off-map 68th Armored Field Artillery Battalion's Baker Battery. Additional assets include your Battalion reconnaissance section (on map) and various HQ Company units (arriving at 1520). ^ The location of the enemy is unknown. About 30 to 40 tanks were reportedly seen coming out of the Faid Pass headed towards Sbeitla. After wiping out Hightower's battalion, they bypassed several of our infantry positions on the surrounding hills and apparently settled back somewhere near Sidi Bou Zid possibly awaiting orders or supply. While *their* Luftwaffe has been providing significant support, sadly our own air force is seldom seen. Hightower made it out on foot and warned of hidden anti-tank guns. Expect combined arms. Be alert for any "reports" that are radioed in.... ^ This area is crisscrossed with several steep wadi's. Watch out for muddy areas and salt marsh bogs! Find a good crossing point and then get your tanks deployed back into a tactical formation. Use the terrain to your advantage. Probe forward carefully to locate the enemy, then strike boldly to overwhelm them. ^ There are occupy objectives for Sidi Salem (250 pts), Wadi Al Juju (150 pts) and Sidi Bou Zid (500 pts). Up to 1000 points can be racked up for destroying the enemy. A 500 point bonus is given for keeping friendly losses below 30%. A long strip of exit objectives is located at the west edge of the map to allow a withdrawal if you deem prudent. Good luck Jim.
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