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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. Oh my God! There IS someone (besides a cat molester) reading this thread!

    Seedorf81, hmm, English, I am an American and it can be argued I might not command the English Language! I personally and thruthfully can say this: "Years ago, in High School, I played this war game that was based on the naval battle portion of the Falklands War. It used hexes and dice and little cardboard squares and all that stuff."

    Or you could say "..this fascinating war game focused at squad level tactical combat in the jungles during the Vietnam War..." I don't know!

    Maybe everybody else is looking at Arnhem??

    Or they do not understand what the Pzc/CM combo means. I have to confess that at first, despite having played this hexes-game, I didn't realize what you were doing. People who never played probably don't have a clue..

    Language-wise: probably one of the most common mistakes in translating is trying to change words for words, so to speak. "If I replace the Dutch words with the correct English words, then it must be alright." Not realizing that the translation might end up in a grammatical mess. That was my mistake, I think. Thanks for your options.

    And please continue with this thread, I'm very curious how the battle will develop.

  2. It's not only in urban surroundings that AT-teams do not always function properly.

    Very recently I played the "Johannahoeve" scenario. I put up one of the best placed smokescreens in (my game playing) history, and a British Para AT team with satchels came up precisely behind a stationary German Stug. No more than 12 feet away from it, facing the vulnerable rear. And what did they do with their satchel charges?

    Nothing at all!! They dilly-dallied around on their tummies like blind A-holes until the (obviously psychic) Stug crew had turned their vehicle around and blew them to smithereens.

    Similar experiences with Shrek teams placed on a street perpendicular to a road. Sherman tank crawls along, Shrekteam should have an easy-peasy kill, but rotates like crazy and finally gets killed.

    I do hope that in Market Garden those AT teams don't do that no more..

  3. Boys, boys, boys, I'm in awe.

    This is really nice. Two beautiful games merged into a very exciting one..

    Years and years ago I had this fascinating "hexed" game on/at/regarding the (? Don't know the correct English word to use here. Please inform me what is the correct phrase) Vietnam war. Lost it, couldn't remember the name.

    Seeing your very interesting thread made me realize that it must have been an (early?) version of this Panzer Campaign thingy. Makes me wonder how and where to obtain this game. (Saw on the internet that I can buy the game for $49,95, but that is quite a price for a pretty old game, isn't it? Certainly with Market Garden finally in sight.)

    Am very interested in how the battle in CM will develop, though I have to confess that I think that it has to be a very easy victory for the Gerries. But I bet that is what the Germans believed in 1944, too.

  4. Tip: when playing as German attackers, just forget about using your Sdkfz's, because their gunners get shot within seconds, their replacements too, and the drivers seem to back up as soon they even hear a bullet.

    This behavior has been mentioned/discussed/tested in a previous thread, but in this scenario it annoyed me to the extreme, so be warned.

    O, if the British para's in the upcoming MG defend as tenacious as they do in this scenario, the Germans have their work cut out for them.

  5. Just finished, played as British, victory. Must confess that it was a surprise, because the Germans had one undamaged jagdpanzerIV left. But only 24 men ok, rest dead or wounded. Brits 54 still ok.

    Beautiful scenario; this is the engagement-size I really like. Map very nice with multiple tactical possibilities through accessibility. When you move the small units quick enough in a clever way, and be careful with AT, the Brits can repel the AI-attack, but when playing a human opponent I think the German side should win.

    Had the most fun in a long time after those big bocage slugging matches.

    Close Combat was fantastic game, couldn't believe my luck when I played it for the first time. Don't remember name or number, but I played Normandy and Easternfront versions for endless happy hours.

    Looking forward to more of this..

  6. When there's an infantry battalion, with ammo replenish possibilities because of the presence of trucks, carriers, jeeps, sdkfz's, I want to distribute the ammo before the battle starts.

    In order to do that, I will have to split nearly all units, fit 'm into the carrier/jeep/truck with the appropriate ammo and put 'm back on the right place again. That business alone can be an irritating click-fest, that doesn't have to do with tactical planning or being a great commander but takes up a lot of time.

    When I want to play CM, I usually want to get some fight going and not being busy for ages with splitting units, and positioning them in good positions while being sure they are in C2 (which in huge battles can be an headache in itself). Not to mention the time it can consume to be sure that every unit has the right line of sight/field of fire and has enough cover possibilities.

    I'm no Bill Hardenberger, I'm an impatient person that wants to get going and maybe this is the same with Rocketman?

    To state that one wonders why I play CM because I for instance would like smaller battles and/or a swifter way to get into a fight, baffles me.

    IMHO it's the combat that counts (What's the game called again?)

  7. Hi Steve:

    First, I want to say that I have been playing your games for a long time, and have paid for CMBO, CMBB, CMAK, CMBN, Commonwealth Mod, CMBN 2.0, and most recently just bought the CMFI+Gustov line bundle. I think you guys do a great job overall.

    However, I have to agree that the Market Garden Mod sounds a bit "light" compared to the other Mods. Commonwealth had a ton of new units on both sides. Gustov line had lots of units and also featured winter landscapes. I think the problem is that there really aren't a whole lot of new units for people that already own the CM mod. (I for one just can't get too excited about Naval forces), and it only covers one month (September, so no really new weather. Therefore most of the mod's value is going to be based on new terrain elements (sounds like mostly bridges and windmills), and scenarios. I will wait to see what people say, but based on the description of the module, I think it should be priced a bit lower ($19.99 to be precise). My guess is you will sell 2x the number, so you won't make anymore money, but you customer base will be happier :).

    Just my 2 cents as a long time customer.

    Ehm, how do you know that MG covers just one month?

    And suppose battlefront surprises us with a huge improvement in urban combat, for instance? Would that make you prepared to pay the original price?

    It is not as if you have to buy MG without the possibility to see how it turns out. Be a little patient, and on this Forum and on YouTube there will be an enormous amount of information on MG, through people like me who are buying it anyway. So there you can find out if your expectations/fears were right. Now you just don't know.

    But maybe it's better to describe to Battlefront what you per se want in MG so you pay the 35$ willingly? Send them a list with your demands and if they do not comply you save yourself the money.

    I'm terribly sorry if I sound a little irritated, but I really do not understand why people want a discount IF THEY JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE GONNA GET! Wait and see, d*#n it!

    Think how cheap MG could have been if the boys from Battlefront didn't have to participate in this useless discussions time and time again.

  8. Could it be that age has something to do with the "money-view"?

    I mean, I still remember one of the first war games for PC I ever saw (1987?):

    A straight line across the monochrome (with eerie green or orange glow) screen represented the surface of the sea. On it a very simple little "warship" that would move from left to right and vice versa by use of the left/right keyboard arrows.

    Below the "surface of the sea" randomly appeared a sketchy made U-boat at different depths and that traveled in the oppositional way of the "warship".

    Upon touching the spacebar a little depth charge (the digit "o") fell off the stern off the '"warship", and if you were smart enough to drop that on to the sub, you scored a point.

    That was it, and we played it for times on end during our breaks.

    Because of that memory I realize how unimaginable beautiful and very advanced the current CM games are, COMPARED TO WHAT WE HAD NOT SO LONG AGO! But of course, if I was about twenty years old now, my reference framework would be a whole lot different and I would probably expect much more, much faster, much cheaper.

    Maybe a little poll?

    I'm an old fart, in a few days 51, and I think we don't pay to much.

    Please state age and money-view in replies, so we can discover if we, the old people, are getting senile :confused: and are paying too much!

  9. About money..

    A year ago (or two maybe??) I bought one of those Call of Duty or Medal of Honor first person shooters. Same price range as CMBN, if not more expensive. Nice and exiting game, but after playing the full game once or twice I knew it all..

    Running here, hiding there.

    Sniping like this, shooting like that.

    Car moves, helicopter crashes, end of game.

    Compare that (price-wise, for instance) to the nearly unlimited possibilities and variations of/in the Combat Mission games (yes, at a much slower pace, that's true.)

    It's quite stupid to say as a client, but I don't think the Battlefront games are too expensive for what they offer.

  10. I've been managing these Forums since before Battlefront existed (back when it was Big Time Software). There's many, many patterns of behavior that are repeated over and over again. My "favorite" is this one:

    Person A behaves like a royal arse. Deliberately abusive, disrespectful of others, not the least bit interested in rational discourse, and very often (almost always, in fact) factually incorrect.

    Person B challenges Person A on tone and substance.

    Person C comes out of nowhere to say "typical. Try to criticize Battlefront or CM and you get slammed for telling the truth or having an opinion".

    Then you get the pile on effect of people either defending the original abusive poster as a martyr of truth, and the many more pointing out that the person is getting exactly what he deserves. And all the while we keep working on making Combat Mission and Battlefront better. Because that's what we have always done and will always do.

    Rinse and repeat :D

    All of us want CM to be better. Nobody wants it to be stagnant. The list of things which have been changed/improved over the years, many due to direct involvement with customers, is massive. Our track record, therefore, is clearly established fact. Anybody disagreeing with that has discredited himself as being out of touch with reality. Being rude about it, on top, is just more indication that the person's opinions have no relevance or value.

    Psychologists could write some pretty thick multi-book works about some of the things that go on here :D


    It seems to me that BF fights an unwinnable battle.

    The more, faster and better they produce, the higher the expectations for the next game/module/patch. And what follows are ever more demanding demands.

    When I'm perfectly honest, I have to admit that BF is nearly always prepared to listen to their customers. And if they cannot deliver what is asked of them, they will explain why in most of the times.

    In my fifty-plus years I cannot recall any commercial company that has such an open and direct communication channel for/with it's clients.

    Maybe we should think about that just a little more often.

    (BTW: come on with that schwimmwagen, da#n it!:D)

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