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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. If buying this game is the only "jolly" thing you're going to spend your precious money on, you can do that. The amount isn't large enough to go bankrupt over, and your financial survival doesn't depend on a single manageable spending.

    However, if you decide to buy the CMFI bundle, you will have to ask yourself whether this indulgence towards your (not so needy) needs is a one time and survivable thingy, or if it is a sign of an uncontrollable and reoccurring urge to comfort yourself by spending money that you cannot afford to spend. The latter wouldn't be so good.

    I haven't bought CMFI/GL (because I'm still waiting for this never coming MARKET GARDEN game), but I can assure you that you won't regret buying a Combat Mission game. IMHO it's always worth the price.

  2. Bill,

    As always very nice screenshots with efficient markings and to the point explanations.

    Me like.

    Three questions:

    1. Would you please be so kind as to inform me which grid-mod you are using?

    2. Can you provide us with an overall-picture?

    3. What's your opinion on the uncanny PzkwIV loss-ratio? Bad luck, maybe? Or bad positioning (sorry, no offence intended ;)), or are the IV's already obsolete at this stage in the war?

    And if you succeed in not losing more then another two Tigers, then I'm in awe. (I'm playing Wittmann now and it feels like I'm gonna loose everything.)

  3. There's a documentary somewhere (The Historychannel mavbe? it's somewhere on Youtube..))about an US WW2 officer who was in charge of a unit that recovered and repaired damaged and destroyed US-tanks.

    He describes how they had to remove the remains of dead tankers..

    I cannot imagine how the people that had to bury the mangled bodies of battlefield-victims ever could have a reasonable emotional life again..

  4. Sometimes after a battle I want to identify the enemy son-of-a-youknowwhat that stalled my advance by killing so many of my men. Offcourse, I can cycle through the all the units, but that can take a while if it's a large battle.

    So after the battles I would like to see the killed as clearly identified as the living. Please..?

  5. Don't know if anyone mentioned this already, but the possibility to position troops a little better. For instance, at (some?) rectangular corners in bocage or in a hedge you cannot position troops. You have to choose an actionspot to the left or the right of that corner.

    That sometimes sucks because when troops were positioned in the corner, they can cover two sides (front and side), while when away from the corner they cover just their front.

    Solution would be smaller action spots? Would make positioning and waypoints and cover more accurate.

  6. I don't know about doing this in the game, but in real life an AT gun might not be able to track a moving target that close. Depends on how close and how fast the target is moving. Also how alert the gun crew is. In a case of extreme keyholing like this where the target might only be in LOS for a few seconds, the crew might not have time to acquire the target before it passes out of sight.


    Like I said, dire straits..

    The way ATguns get mauled when in "normal" positioning, (see Bill "The Butcher" against GAj in recent Gustav Line AAR), my option may give the crew a chance of at least gettin' some.


    Jon thinks he is ready for the editor?

    Perhaps he just needs some "Dutch courage" hardy har har.

    Anybody up for a quick survey? OMG related...

    10 posts +/- if you are interested in sharing.

    Q1. What part of OMG are you most looking forward to playing?

    a. 1st British Airborne up in Arnhem.

    b. The US Airborne divisions

    c. Hell's Highway battles

    d. other, please expound

    Q2. If you've seen the movie "A Bridge Too Far", what was your favorite scene?

    Q1. b

    The 82nd airborne battles. They did a helluva job.

    Q2. The taking off of the air fleet with that optimistic martial music. How magnificent must that sight in Sept '44 have been.. probably as impressive as the D-day fleet.

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