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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Got crazy trying to find the default "face" for german soldiers. There are 13 skins for random soldiers, but I can't find the most used one, the default one I'd say...any uniform modder out there may shed some light on this?
  2. One of the officer uniforms, LW, weathering in progress,..
  3. Very true, and something I plan to tone down by adding dust , Give 5 minutes, I'll show you the progress,...
  4. Ok, uniform tweaking tests,...I am trying to improve sharpness( improves detail more than it seems...), contrast, etc, adding dirt will come later,...I feel like a complete newbie on this,...I guess even if I tried the result won't be too noticeable,¿?...BTW, the face of the soldier on the right is been slighlty modded too, poor soldiers,...
  5. An artistic shot of the finished mod of the 223:
  6. Uploaded to the Repository, available soon.
  7. Nice, a scenario with good critics eventually, so GLAD you enjoy a simple , small battle like this. I hope it may help others to make scenarios, made simple and easy but fun to play even if they are not heavily researched.
  8. Back to modding after a short incursion in Scenario designing...M2 and M3 HTs uploaded and pending approval , 2 decal sets. Sd Kfz 250/1 almost ready: ...and once again, almost impossible to find good photographical evidence of these vehicles in Sicily,...
  9. Sure, there are lots of destruction I have a harder version but decided to keep iy for myself since I got feedback from some occasional players who find it hard enough as it is now.
  10. 4 hours,...you never cease to amaze me, how the hell could anyone create AI plans for a 4h scenario? Just betatesting that would tage ages!!!
  11. That's because I decided to post the easy version,...I didn't want to be cruel with occasional players, so grogs out there...sorry if you find it too easy...I feel happy if I improved your egos...
  12. If you manage to do what you plan, and everything works as intended, that will be something worth seeing, keep the good work.
  13. For any comments in the Repository: take into account, I can´t post but once there,...so ask and complain here...
  14. I have plans for a harder scenario setting. (In fact I have 2 or 3 more scenario settings). But I didn't want to make this a frustrating battle from start,. I like scenarios where, if carefully played, you can destroy the enemy and enjoy replaying the turn, seeing enemy assets exploding and fleeing. Not everyone here is a grog Cm player, well, actually, quite possibly , but not outside here, if you know what I mean, so, let's have fun, and that's all about it.
  15. But beware,....Russia can´t be understood with the mind, XD
  16. Umm,...would be good if you said you used Aris Bark textures in this one,...in fact, these pack is just textures, no 3D models at all, they are, simply put, my work rezipped,...did something go wrong at the time of making the ZIP file?
  17. I understand you, but in my opinion, you should do it for yourself then share if you feel like it, don't expect anything beforehand, specially these days. Good luck with the scenario , I know the huge amount of effort it takes to make a good one. Thanks.
  18. Check here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2209 Thanks togi, this battle is not intended to be hard, or an exercise in frustration, but enjoyable in some way. But your comments are very welcomed. I will try to update this scenario within some weeks,as I have found that beta testing takes much longer than comments from people playing a final version.
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