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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. New trenches, sandbags and foxholes in the works,....
  2. After three special effects mods (with a different modding approach), my vehicle modding is rusted again, even a small stop in vehicle modding makes it harder to achieve the results I used to get! Well, enough blablabla, Sherman M4A1 Early will be my next Mod. Available this weekend...and now, an early Beta shot:
  3. I have no mods in mind for tracers at the moment Hister. I am working on a Sherman M4A1 and fixing cloud shadows...Too many battlefronts already,...
  4. Aris Trees Mods (had it almost ready since the CMBN 1.0 times): http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4783/details
  5. "Aris HD Explosion" folder(with all bitmaps inside) must be copied to Z. The JPGs and the Readme can be left aside. So, unzip just "Aris HD explosion "folder to Z.
  6. If you like fighting in the forests, then you may like this one...new bark textures and fix for leaves coloration (I can´t change the leaves textures as they are hardcoded, so color balance, sharpness, and saturation is all I can do, barks are defenseless to Photoshop though ): In this pic, there are 2 tree barks modded (some repeated), that yellowish one in the middle and second from the right are stock...
  7. No worries, I am working on a small fix and improvement for tree leaves and barks,...though,...Sad that trees are SO UNMODDABLE anyway....
  8. Available here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4782/details
  9. Done, will be available late tonight. What a headache of a mod! Hope to see you pausing the game to take screenshots,... Use the pause function in Youtube too, to clearly see individual Explosion bitmaps.
  10. Couldn`t have said better myself. The whole explosion sequence lasts 0.2 seconds. You might see something flying on the air, but human eye can`t detect any forms. The main difference from stock explosion is that you might notice sparks, and other artifacts. Hard for me to test this one, as I have to be VERY precise to stop the sequence in the bitmap I want to check. I have seen the same poor Stuart explode 250+times already,...
  11. Conflicts? Well, in short, you will have to choose one or the other, both can´t work at the same time, since they affect the same textures,....
  12. There is, sadly, (and oddly) just one explosion for the whole game,...
  13. After a dozen or headaches, final version is almost ready (Sunday at CMMODS). Less "plasma"fire, more smoke and a lot of artifacts, metal debris, and simulation of torn hull fragments flying,...two frames of the sequence (there are 19 in total): No Photoshop (in the screenshots, of course ):
  14. "Cojonudo" means "fantastic, great" but much more ...colloquial...
  15. Still working on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhI9owu0zqs
  16. First time i read "cojonudo" in this forum!! I sure like it
  17. Uploaded to CMMODS: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4781/details
  18. Two flame speeds to choose from, this video shows the slow one, as I think flames are way to fast in mods I have seen,...
  19. I couldn't avoid it, flames mod to go with the explosion mod,...Still beta.
  20. Not commenting on the matter, but amazing how much we know in Europe bout your elections, Childress, ...It seems as if Obama would take Europe out of the HUGE economic debacle. Well, I guess nobody could, specially polticians,...
  21. Possibly, but..I don´t care by now, after SO MANY trials
  22. This mod is gettin quite a discussion, so I as I finish my explosion mod, I will upload some alternates,...hope you like them (cause they are going to be the last ). I like the mod as it is ( I made it for myself), but I can understand you...so, only this time, you will get your prayers answered ( unlike it happens in real life ).
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