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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Yes, some people should get a life, so much envy, grudge and frustration out there,...
  2. Merry Christmas to you all too, and thanks to take your time to post a thank you from time to time...I really appreciate it. For those interested: first, Sherman V, next Sexton II. Then a Pak or 2, then , some LONG rest. I' ll let you enjoy a supermodded CMBN before I come back, unless Battlefront comes with an Eastern Module, in that case, everything could change in my mind,..
  3. Oh Lord,...lovely work TaL,...pure genius,...
  4. Thanks to you Rambler! Glad you like them.
  5. I am rushing to have as most vehicles modded as possible before you see Aris appear progressively less and less in the modding scene due to RL issues. 2 weeks left actually.
  6. Base textures, and 3D mappings, as simple as that. Some vehicles are a joy to mod, like Churchills, Cromwells, Lloyd carriers, even Stuarts, summing up,...all pure british (not Lend Lease, not ported form CMBN v.1.0 and colorized ) vehicles are to my taste the best made textures along with some german vehicles (specially in CMFI), but ALL Sherman based textures (shermans, sextons, etc) are NOT nice to mod,...It happens with other vehicles too,..but I found that overall, german vehicles and pure CW vehicles are much enjoyable,...Shermans, even in CMFI they are still not enjoyable projects. SO I tackle them with lazyness,...still, they have so many decal options,...If I was to choose one vehicle for modding starters I would say,...pick up the Cromwell. Trucks and jeeps are not vey enjoyable either,...Vehicles with rounded shapes are harder than vehicles who have square surfaces (M4 Early against a M4A1 as textures stretch,..), so if you want to to start modding pick a vehicle with many horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  7. Yes, they are, except uniforms, and interfaces,...version 1.0 in the Repository doesn't mean they are for CMBN v1.0, but they are mod version 1....
  8. Uploaded to CMMODs. 4 Decal Options. THANKS to Darknight Canuck again and again.
  9. Modding Sherman III,...Shermans, sigh,... possibly the most ingrate vehicles to mod,... Darknight Canuck' s references make it more enjoyable,...but still,...You now know why there are so many still left unmodded.
  10. German infantry was sure dangerous for tanks in urban environments,...Thanks for sharing
  11. Should work as they are, no renaming needed...¿?
  12. Haven't you considered it? It would a great addition to have a more 3D effect on terrain, as it seems to happen on other games nowadays,...Not that I dislike the terrain anyway,...it's a great work for sure,..
  13. No worries, I like this mod myself, so It's great to improve it thanks to feedback,...
  14. First, I won't be uploading to the Rep anymore, all my mods can be found in CMMODs. Two, sorry to umlaut if he feels I stepped on his great work. I checked your mod, and can provide some textures that will make you an even better modder if you want, you have talent and gave me some ideas for my mod...I am getting old...PM me anytime... Three, isn't it great to have different vehicle modders in the community?
  15. You are right, ...I will fix it asap, and include what you commented,...sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. I was making the Lynx, but umlaut did a great job, so my mod came to a halt, and this modder took a deserved rest .
  17. All vehicle mods work except: -KingTiger Version 1 -Lynx Version 1 Both have got updated versions now. So,... all vehicle mods work, . Bump mapping makes older mods to shine even more, so no worries. All other vehicles might be updated but work perfectly well now.
  18. Are you sure that this method works??, tried it with terrain textures but to no avail...
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